Histories have at least two chronology. There is an order in which events occurred, as well as the order in which you reveal them to your readers. These time do not necessarily have to coincide.

Can't find friends or relatives, fair enough to tell you that they actually think about your story? Think about to join the group of writers, where you can learn the advice and tricks of other authors and get (hopefully) high-quality critical comments. You can probably find a local club, but there is also online groups. (For example:

You can write about the past event or your fantasy. A truly good way to write about the past event is to think about the event that happened and make it more exciting and to your liking. Your main character may be adapting you yourself or someone from your friends. But be careful because real people are often not as dynamic as characters of stories.

Spend a study. Yes indeed. If you are trying to create a story in the 1950s, explore family dynamics, clothing, slang, etc. of that period. If you try to write, not knowing the prehistory of what they write about, the story is likely to seem dilettanic.

Perhaps you will not need or you do not want to pass through brainstorming and preparatory work; Many writers miss these steps, and you can read over the passage of all stages of writing the process. However, everyone should at some point to try a pre-recording, even if it is just once. In addition, without prior planning it is very unlikely that you will have a good story.

If you have a brainstorming problem, try to make a web or table, or use; Make up about five main proposals for your story. Can help "freeriting", which is to just write or print everything that comes to your head, for a certain period of time, usually from 5 to 30 minutes.

Develop your own style. Your unique voice will come only through the practice. You can start with the imitation of other writers or if you are trying to write for a specific genre, you can try to set up your thoughts on this "frequency." In the end, you just need to write volume to develop your voice.

Make sure you do not work too much over your mind. If you have any problems with ideas, just do something else. Return to your story in a few hours or after good night sleep, and you will be amazed by what you get!

Although sometimes you may want to abandon the story, make sure you have a good reason for this, and not just a reason. If you are just stuck on time, try to deal with this, for example, using Sometimes another idea comes to your mind, which is more concerned. Perhaps you want to work on a new idea, but if it happens often, it can turn into a problem: you will begin a lot of stories, but never finish any.

Develop format. This is not particularly needed if you do not show it to other people. For example: Leaves the history of the center? Is there chapters? Fonts differ? Is there paragraphs? Do you make an indent at the beginning of every paragraph? All of the above are just ideas that can help organize your letter to achieve the best results if you show it to others.

Is there a song or music that binds you with emotions and events that you want to convey to your essay? Try to play during or before you start writing.

Carefully think over all elements of history, for example, the main character, setting, period of time, genre, secondary characters, enemies and conflict, as well as the plot, it is very convenient to do with

If something happens in your head, be it home or your dog, write it down and expand. It works in almost 100% of cases. Short stories sometimes end with Cliffheger. And if you still finish it completely, make sure you could not finish earlier. Each reader hates a book, which is about to end, but will still be delayed on one or two paragraphs.

More useful resources:

Pub: 22 Aug 2021 09:37 UTC
Edit: 22 Aug 2021 09:50 UTC
Views: 247