The Guild's Garden

For the first time since arriving at the guild, I find myself standing before the request board. Wooper was all too eager to finally start doing official missions, something the two of us had only ever done once in all the time I've been here. Scanning my eyes across the board, I mumble to myself. “Taken, taken, taken, deliver a Water Stone for a single Cheri Berry, cheapskate...This board's a complete bust, Wooper! Everybody else must have snapped up all the good jobs.”
Wooper's gills droop a little at the news. “Aww, lame! I was looking forward to beating up a bad guy or rescuing someone...Now what are we gonna do today?”
I shrug. “Beats me. Maybe we could just spend the rest of the day relaxing, or check out some new place in town?” I wave for Wooper to follow me as I head outside.

As I walk outside and feel the warm sunshine on my face, I think back to the field of flowers from a week or so ago. While the ones we brought back made our room more relaxing, it sure would be nice to have something even a little close to that field here at the guild. Wait a minute... “Wooper! I know what we can do today!”
“A garden! The guild needs a garden! We need some place to relax that isn't so far away!”
“Gardens ain't that great, Chesp-”
Eager to get a start on things, I end up cutting him off, saying, “Wait right there, I'll be back.”

I head back into the guild hall, scooping up my bag full of flowers from my room. On my way back out, I spot Booker and Sneasel leaving their own room. I give them a little wave, saying, “Hey guys, what are you up to today?”
“Nothin' at all, yet.” Sneasel points to the empty space next to me. “Where's the other guy? I've never seen you around without him. His unending cheerfulness finally get too annoying for you?”
I let out a little laugh. “Nah, but I got an idea for something. The guild needs a garden.”
I hear a tiny voice from up above. Looking upwards, I spot Booker looking down from atop Sneasel's head. “A garden? Like with a bunch of flowers? Can I come?”
“Sure! The more help I have, the better.” I hold open my bag, watching as Booker gently falls into it. He lets out a contented sigh as he sinks within the flowers. Looking back up, I say, “How about you, Sneasel?”
Sneasel shakes her head. “I can't picture myself playing around with a buncha flowers. You two can go have your fun, I'll go off and train instead.”
A little disappointed but understanding, I say, “Alright then, we'll be behind the guild if you need us then.”

Snagging a few berries from the kitchen, I meet back up with Wooper outside the guild. “Alright, I got everything we need, time to get that garden started!”
“This garden better have a pond when it's done.” I can tell Wooper doesn't look too thrilled.
“I'm sure we can get that going. Besides, where's that enthusiasm you usually have?”
“I thought we were gonna go on a rescue or stop a bad guy today! But we're just going to be gardening instead...”
“Having more places to relax and unwind is also important. Right, Booker?”
Booker pokes his head out of my bag. “Mhmm, flowers are nice.”
“Yeah, plus there's the extra little benefit of getting more of those cool seeds. Those things have saved me several times already, after all! Who knows, maybe you'll grow to like the garden once it's all done.”

The three of us make our way behind the guild. The area is lined with a bunch of tall trees, and I can spot a small patch of clovers growing nearby. Huh, how fitting. Apart from that, it's large and empty. It almost reminds me of the backyard I had back in the human world. Just as I set down the bag, I realize that there aren't many tools around for me to use! All I see are a few old watering cans leaning against a nearby wall, accompanied by a few buckets. “Man, the guild's missing lot of really basic tools, huh?
“No tools?” Wooper feigns disappointment, saying, “Oh man, guess there won't be any gardening today. So, darn it, I guess I just have to go to the beach today!”
“Not so fast, Wooper. Digging up the earth can't be that hard, can it? Don't Pokemon do this kind of thing all the time?” I ponder what to do for a moment. It isn't long before an idea comes to mind! “...You know that thing you do where you make the earth erupt underneath an enemy? Can you use that to till a patch for us to plant in?” I circle around a small area with one of my vines, marking it off.
Wooper lets out a sigh before stepping forward. “Alright, stand back.” He leaps up into the air, a red streak of light shooting across the ground from beneath him as he lands. The land I marked off erupts with energy, and just as I had hoped, the earth is turned over enough for us to plant in.
“Yeah, this is more like it! Keep it up, Wooper!”
After a few minutes of this, we have several plots of land to work with. I look over the area, saying, “Good, that's step one down. Hopefully the others didn't get too startled by all that noise. Booker, you want to begin planting?”
“Mhmm, it might take me awhile though, considering...” Booker looks down at the ground, mumbling something to himself.
“Oh, there's no rush! Any help you can provide is welcome!” Pointing to the watering cans, I say, “Wooper and I gotta go fetch some water, we'll be right back.”

I chat with Wooper as we make our way to the river. “Why aren't you all that excited for a garden, anyways? You're always so full of enthusiasm, it's not like you.”
A slight frown crosses Wooper's face. “I really thought we would be fighting some outlaw today. That and I never really liked gardens. I'd rather relax in some mud or a pond instead.”
“The garden's gonna be for everybody! I'm sure it won't be that hard to dig one of those out for you.” Still feeling like I need to convince him some more, I say, “If you keep helping us today, I'll go on ANY mission with you next time it crops up, no question asked. Deal?”
As if flipping a switch, Wooper's normal enthusiasm returned in an instant. “You got it, Chespin!” I can't help but smile at his reaction. It's always so easy to cheer him up.

Returning to the 'garden', I notice only a small section of one plot has been planted. Booker walks as fast as he can to and from my bag, grabbing the berries and seeds one at a time. I watch as he scoops out a small hole by hand, dropping the berry into it before covering it back up.
“We're back with that water. By the way, you're doing a good job, Booker!”
“Thanks...!” I can tell he's getting worn out by now.
“It's not a race, don't be afraid to slow down or take a little break, okay?” Booker nods, walking over to the shade to take a seat.

We continue working through the rest of the day. Wooper helps dig out more plots while I plant some flowers all around the area, watering the plots along the way. Booker does his best to keep up, focusing on the berries and seeds. Before long, the sun begins to set and we're forced to call it quits for the day. I thank Booker for his help as I take him back to his room before turning in myself.
The following day the three of us meet back up, returning to the garden. I'm shocked to find that the berries and seeds Booker planted have already begun to sprout! “Wait, they're half-grown now? Do they always grow this fast?”
Wooper gives me a confused look. “Yes? Why would it take longer?”
“It ain't like this at all in the human world! Even a normal berry bush back there would take entire YEARS to grow enough to bear fruit!” I look back at the sprout, dumbfounded. Was it because Pokemon were doing the gardening? Are the berries and seeds just special like that? Or is it this world itself that helps accelerate their growth? “...Well, it'll certainly make working on this garden a whole lot easier.”
The three of us continue our work once more, Wooper clearing even more space. For whatever reason, I find myself really getting into my work! Back when I was human, I hated this kind of work more than anything. But now, for whatever reason, it makes me feel alive! Do I feel this way because of some kind of buried Chespin instinct? Between this and the way flowers and sunlight have made me feel in the past, I can't help but wonder if my mind is somehow adapting to my current form more and more as time passes. If I ever returned to the human world, would I have to readjust to my old body in the same way?

Before I can think on it any further, I hear a voice snap me out of it. “How's the garden comin'?” I turn my head to see Sneasel standing at the garden's entrance, twiddling a tiny Ice Shard in her hands.
The very sight of the shard strikes fear into my mind as I recall the icy cave from weeks ago. I quietly talk to myself, trying to calm myself down. “...relax, it's fine, she's just a fellow guild member...she isn't looking for a fight...” Clearing my throat, I speak up. “I-It's going fine! I didn't even know things grew this quickly. We'll be done in just a couple of days at this rate!”
Sneasel tosses the Ice Shard around in her hands, causing me to flinch in anticipation. “I still don't see the point. What about focusing on training?”
“U-uhh...relaxation's every bit as important! You gotta learn to unwind, right Wooper?” Wooper chimes in with a “Right!”
“Well, don't work Booker too hard, okay? He's still got a lot of training to do himself, you know?” With that, Sneasel leaves us.

I find myself letting out a nervous breath once she's far enough away. Booker notices my reaction, and asks, “What's wrong, Chespin? You look like you've seen a ghost.”
“I-it's nothing, honest!”
“Sneasel's really nice, she helps me with so many things! You don't have to be scared of her.”
“It's not her, it's that Ice Shard she had in her hand. It reminds me of...the first adventure I went on with Wooper. You see...”
I explain to Booker all that happened to Wooper and I on our mission to get cotton for the guild. I tell him about how we went into an icy cave for treasure, about how Wooper had gotten knocked out while I knew nothing about battling, and about how it was a miracle either of us made it out of there alive. I shudder as I tell the story of my first mission.
Booker holds a tiny hand up to his mouth, looking on in surprise. “Oh! Chespin, you're tearing up!”
I wipe my eyes dry in response. I had been so caught up in telling my awful tale that I hadn't realized. “Sorry about that. It's not that I have anything against your partner, but's the super sharp ice crystal in her hands that spooks me. It reminds me of how close I came know.”
Booker gasps at my reply. “Oh my, I never knew that you went through all of that for the guild's cotton! I'll try to tell her to keep those shards stored away next time she sees you.”
I look up at the sky, focusing on the sunlight to help calm myself down. As I focus my energy on it, a powerful sense of relief floods into me, not unlike wrapping myself in a warm blanket. “Phew...Alright, we're all good now. Sorry you had to see me like that, Booker.” Grabbing another bundle of flowers, I say, “Okay! This garden ain't gonna plant itself!”

By the end of the second day, the garden's almost fully planted. Before heading off to bed, I take a look over the garden. All that's left now is Wooper's little pond, which we still have to dig out.
On the third day, Booker tags along once more, eager to see the progress the plants have made. To my surprise, a couple of the planted berries have fully grown already! I look on in awe at the scene. Where there had been nothing just a couple of days ago, bushes full of Oran, Pecha, and even Cheri Berries decorated the area! The planted flowers completed the scene, and that old peaceful sensation washed over me as I walked into the garden.“This is amazing, look at everything!” I pluck an Oran off a bush, popping it into my mouth. “They taste even better fresh off the bush, too!”
Booker sounds happy to see it as well, saying, “Wow! There's so much of it!”
Wooper, though less enthusiastic, says, “It actually does look a lot better now.”
Taking charge, I say, “We're on the home stretch now! Wooper, work on digging out your new pond. Booker, you've earned a rest, you can relax for today. Me, I'll go get some water for the pond.”

Leaving the two in the garden, I start down the road, buckets hanging off my vines. After filling them back up I walk back to the garden, but find Sneasel waiting for me at the garden entrance. “That garden's come a long way. Even if it ain't my thing, no doubt the other guildmates will enjoy it.”
Nervously setting down my buckets, I say “Oh, hey...Yeah, we're almost done here, just gotta get Wooper's pond filled, haha...”
“Booker tells me you're scared of ice, is that right?”
“I-It's not like that! I don't hate you, honest! It's's that shard of ice you had! It just reminds me of something...bad.”
“He told me that story you told him yesterday.” Sneasel places a hand on my head, her cold touch sending a chill down my spine. “So, you're afraid of ice. Question is, what're you gonna do about it?”
Looking up at Sneasel, I say, “Ahh...I'm gonna stay far away from any icy outlaws, that's for su-”
Sneasel shakes her head. “Wrong answer, Chespin. Tell me, how'd you feel when that icy enemy knocked your little buddy out? Hopeless? Desperate? Or determined to beat the one who did it?”
“Um...all three, I guess?” I answer, confused.
A smirk appears on Sneasel's face. “Now we're getting somewhere. Focus on that last part. You want to get stronger, right?”
“'d be nice, but it's really hard. Unlike everybody I fight, I wasn't born a Pokemon. I don't know the first thing about properly fighting! Wooper's the real powerhouse of my team.”
“What about when he gets knocked out? You gotta train so you can be ready when that happens again.” Thinking for a moment, Sneasel continues with, “Tell you what. You and me, outside the town. How about it?”
My eyes go wide at the challenge. “Y-you want to fight me?!”
“I prefer to think of it as a simple sparring session.” Sneasel must have seen the concern on my face, because she continues, saying, “Relax, it ain't like I'm gonna go all crazy on you. If you don't think you can handle any more during it, just say so. But you should at least put in the effort.”
“What if I get knocked out?”
“With that attitude, you will. But I'll carry you back and help out, don't worry. So, ready for a little practice? The garden can wait for now.”
“Umm...okay. I'll do my best.” Instantly I flinch at my own words. What am I doing, why did I agree to that?!
“Good. Now, follow me.”

With each step towards our destination, I grow more and more nervous. My stomach twists itself into a knot as I anticipate the coming battle Sneasel and I will have. I vividly remember the icy blast I had to endure in that cave, as well as how painful it was. Will it be as awful while fighting Sneasel? I feel my heart pounding in my chest, the anticipation killing me.
Sneasel comes to a stop, turning to face me. “This'll do. Ready, Chespin?”
“I-I...Can you not use ice when we fight?”
“It's my main attack.”
“Wha-?! B-but...” I look around nervously, the regret building by the second.
“Tell you what, I won't use it as much as I normally would. But I will use it at least once. We gotta get you to be less afraid of ice.” Sneasel steps back a few paces, turning around. “Ready?”
“R-R-...” This isn't working, I can't even get the words out! I need a pick-me-up! Looking up at the sun, I once again focus my entire being on the light, arms held out. As a soft glow envelops my body, I feel a little bit of the fear fade. I'm so nervous that not even the sun can fully relax me, but this is as good as I'll get! “...Ready.”
“That's the spirit! I'll let you make the first move.”

After all this time, I still don't know how to really fight. All I know is vines, and that's what I'm gonna do! I let out a cry as I shoot my vines towards Sneasel, trying to lift her off the ground. “Ugh, too heavy...” I push all my energy into the vines as I shove her backwards, making her tumble a little!
Sneasel stands back up, brushing herself off. “Not bad!” Without another word, she runs towards me! Before I can react, she takes a few swipes at me, scratching me across the chest!
I bring a hand to where she struck me, letting out a cry of pain. Trying to keep it together, I send my vines after her once more. Sneasel darts around the area trying to dodge them, but finally I manage to catch her. She struggles against my grip as I run forward, leaping head-first into her!
Sneasel lets out a yell as she falls backwards, bringing a claw to her chest as she stands back up. “Agh, those quills are sharp...” Wait, sharp? Did I do something new?

Before I can feel happy with myself, that's when I see it. The Ice Shards in her hands. I feel my heart stop as I watch her fling it directly at me! I fall to the ground in a panic, curling up in a desperate effort to protect myself. A frightened scream escapes my mouth as I feel the sharp, icy projectiles jab into my back. Wincing in pain, I find myself wondering something unusual. Even though that hurt a lot, that...didn't hurt anywhere near as badly as what happened to me back in that icy cave! Have I somehow gotten more durable since then, or is it...wait, that's it, my back! My back is armored! So is my head, too! I've gone all this time without realizing that!
I stand back up, the newfound knowledge of my true defensive capabilities filling me with confidence. “I'll show you what I can really do!”
“Now THAT'S more like i-”
I cut Sneasel off with my vines, swiping at her with them. The force is enough to knock her off balance, and I can't help but let out a little cheer at my success.

Sneasel stands back up, nodding. “Good job, Chespin. See, ice isn't that scary.”
“That's easy for you to say, considering what you fight with.” Recalling the headbutt I gave her, I say “What did you mean by my quills being sharp?” I reach for the top of my head, the leafy quills feeling soft.
“You didn't know?” Sneasel holds one of them in her claws, saying, “When you did that little headbutt, these things grew pointy. Pretty neat trick, I'd say.”
I shake my head. “...No, I didn't know about that at all.”
“Curling up before my Ice Shards could hit you was smart, too. If you can't dodge, go on the defensive.”
“About that...I didn't even know my back was armored until just a minute ago. I did it more out of fear than anything.”
“Fear or not, it definitely helped you out.” She nods, continuing. “Sounds like you've made some good progress just from that little match.” Sneasel holds out a claw. “What do you say we call it there?”
I reach up, shaking her claw. “Agreed.” I let out a sigh of relief, glad that the fight is over.

The two of us make the walk back to town, Sneasel and I splitting up. I head back to the garden to check on the progress made since I've been gone. Walking through, I spot Booker sitting atop a bush, enjoying a Pecha Berry. The two of us wave to each other as I check everything out. To my surprise, at the far end of the garden, I spot a brand new pond, completely full of water! Wooper pops out of the pond as I approach, a big smile on his face. “Check it out! New pond!”
“Hey, nice job Wooper! Must have taken you an awful long time to spit enough water into it, though.”
Wooper gives me a confused look. “...No? That's not how the water I shoot works. Or any Water Pokemon. It's more like water energy than anything.”
“I...huh, really? Then how'd you fill this thing? There's no way you carried a bunch of buckets here.”
“Oh, that's easy. There was a Combusken that offered to help out. I didn't catch his name, but he helped run over a bunch of water buckets for us!” Wooper swims in a few circles, clearly enjoying his new pond. “So, wanna hop in?”
I take a look around the garden. Flowers surround the area, berry bushes were growing, and the whole area looked a lot livelier than ever before. There's no doubt, our work is done! Pointing to a small clearing surrounded by green and blue flowers, I say “Maybe another time. Right now, there's a sunny patch of grass with my name on it!”

Pub: 08 Apr 2023 07:33 UTC
Edit: 08 Apr 2023 16:44 UTC
Views: 670