Unlimited download/upload from mega


  1. A proxy scraper tool. I'm going to be using aHR0cHM6Ly9yZW50cnkuY28vUjZCSmFEWTNqaVNiSHFjNDl5b28=, decode it with base64.
  2. Megabasterd

Step 0: Initial Setup

Grab the proxy scraper tool listed in the requirements and extract it using 7zip or winrar.
Download Megabasterd, i prefer using the portable version.

I'll be using https://www.blackhatworld.com/seo/proxie-scraping-links.464079/page-51 and downloading the latest .txt file that is in the comments which usually contains many scraping links.

After downloading the .txt, copy all of its content to the Data/Source.txt in the directory you extracted the uProxy Tool to and save the file.

Step 2: Using uProxy Tool to get proxies

Navigate to the folder you extracted the tool to and run the uProxy Tool.exe

Click on the scrape button and wait for the tool to finish scraping, you can see the progress in the bottom left.

When the tool is done scraping, click on the check button.

Now the tool will start checking each of the scraped proxies and show you the ping, country and etc.
You can either wait for the tool to finish checking ALL proxies or you can stop at whatever count you would like, I stopped mine cause didn't want to waste time waiting for it.

Now to to get them in a format that is valid for megabasterd, you can select all by using the hotkey CTRL + A, copy using CTRL + C and paste them in a .txt file to be able to use them in the future.

Step 3: Adding proxies to megabasterd

Run megabasterd and it will ask you to add API key, click No.

Navigate to the settings panel

Scroll down till you find SmartProxy, enable it and paste the proxies that you copied after running the checker in the tool.

Click save to save the settings and now megabasterd should be using the proxies to download and upload.

Pub: 21 Aug 2022 14:32 UTC
Edit: 28 Aug 2022 14:53 UTC
Views: 2700