BoT: Balaur of Thought 5.11
A Silly Tavern script meant to force the square peg of common sense into the round hole of LLM-driven RP.
BoT is meant to manage dynamically-generated injects (analyses the LLM is meant to perform), static injects (guidelunes the user provides dirrctly), and chain-of-thought procscesses in a fairly convebient UI.
All this functionality aims to make the balaur of thought prompting technique, which involves creating a body of analyses, use them to generate a series of alternatives or headings and let the LLM generate a reply based on them.
There is a number of resources available:
- The friendly manual contains a mirror of the built-in help menu.
- Youtube playlist with tutorials and explainers. Be warned I am a programmer, not a youtuber and on top of that, I have a shitty accent.
⭐ Changes⭐
- RENAME: Batteries are now called "sequences", menu icon and automate menu emoji updated. I hope no one gets angry, lol.
- NEW BUTTON: Delete last message QoL button (eraser).
- Improvement: Quick guidelines can now send the text in the chatbox as user message before generating a (new) character reply.
- Improvement: Mindread now lets you regenerate failed/bad analyses.
- UI improvement: Reference for post-analysis behavior emojis is shown when viewing a sequence.
- Bugfix: Injecting manual analyses corrected.
- Bugfix: A /times command was wrong. I made that one while trying to fix the prior error. Yikes!
- Bugfix: Editting a guideline crashed the script.
- Bugfix: Nasty bug on the sequences menu that caused BoT to fail silently.
- Bugfix: Sequences menu got stuck at save/discard/add when adding an analysis to an existing sequence.
- Bugfix: Script crashed when trying to remove the last added analydis on a new sequence.
- Bugfix: The "Figure out user" analysis prompt was being put god knows where.
- Bugfix: All default dialogue analyses corrected.
- Bugfix: Quick guidelines not adding new swipes correctly.
- Bugfix: Notification procedure/thingy (global botBand) was being imported in the wrong part of BOTUSM QR.
- Bugfix: BOTINIT slightly optimized.
- Bugfix: Where in array (global botWhinar) erroneously reported non-existing values as the last value.
- Bugfix: Injects for the first drafted character on a group chat no works correctly.
- Bugfix: A typo on BOTCHD was keeping notifications from being displayed on group chats.
- Several harmless but ugly typos: here and there corrected.
- Default analysis: Branching analysis for group chats now focuses on non-muted chars.
Bot adds a bunch of buttons and menus:
- Analysis: The basic BoT feature. Takes a questionaire-like prompt, puts a prefix and a suffix around it, and has the LLM answer it; the answer is ephemerally injected into the context on next user message. New analyses can be added and existing ones modified or deleted; prefix and suffix can be enabled, disabled, and edited.
- Sequences of analyses: A battery is basically a bunch of analyses grouped together. When performed, they run one by one and are injected in the same order. Like analyses, these can also be added, modified, and deleted.
- Guidelines: A simple guided generation like. Guidelines can be stored and reused, modified or deleted. It also allows to input a one-time guideline, which is immediately injected and triggers a LLM reply.
- Databank: Manages character and chat DB files. It keeps track of topics, only allowing one file per topic. If an entry on an existing topic is detected (by simple string comparison), user can replace, merge or concatenate the old entry with the new one. Entrkes can be manually typed in or be generated by the LLM. Once an entry exists, it is added a series of customizable formatting strings and saved to databank.
- Rethink: Last character message can be regenerated in three ways: By using the same injects as tbe iriginak, using whatever new analyses were generated e er since, or by using a rethink prompt and user-input.
- Automation: An arbitrary number of analyses and sequences to be performed, each after an arbitrary interval.
- Tools: A couple of simple tools, namely rephrasing the last char message to a specific person, pov, and tense; and reverse prompt that has the LLM generate an analysis prompt for the user to answer.
- Configuration: A series of options can be set, including the strings used as wrappers, prefix and suffix for analyses and their fesults; as well as the ability to "mindread" stuff LLM generates behind the scenes and correct it.
- Help: Both a Friendly manual on rentry and a built-in mirror are available.
- Additional scripts: The thanks I hate it scripts, /run BOTKILL eliminates all global variables, such as analysis prompts and whatnot, optionally also "releases" DB files from control. The other script is /run BOTBANISH which removes all local variables from a chat, has the option to eliminate DB files.
Also, BoT bas less visible, but equally important functionalities:
- Translation: Although BoT UI is english-only (bad englisb at that, I admit) shen it comes to interacting with LLMs, BoT allows the user to use his/her language only.
- Mindread: The results of analyses and other prompts can be viewed and edited before proceeding or cancelled to interrupt execution. Mindread can also be disabled for RP inmersion.
- Prompt management: BoT bandles prompts and keeps batteries and automation list updated.
- Delayed generations: Disabled by default, a workaround for APIs that reject continuous generations. The delay can be set when enabling it.
- Custom wrappers: Analysis prompts, analysis results, and guidelines are added a prefix and a suffix. These strings can be customized.
Where to get
Old versions
For archeological reasons I guess:
- 5.10: Catbox • MF
- 5.00: Catbox • MF
- 4.02: Catbox • MF
- 4.01: Catbox • MF
- 4.00: Catbox • MF
- 3.41: Catbox • MF
- 3.40: Catbox • MF
- 3.30: Catbox • MF
- 3.20: Catbox
Install instructions
- Open the extensions menu (three stacked cubes icon).
- Open "Quick replies".
- Select import (paper sheet with an arrow from the left), and mark the downloaded .json file.
- Click/tap the plus sign aside "Global quick replies" and select the BoT version you downloaded.
- Reload the browser page or use the command