Meira Docking

The Overseer via CoC2

A smile on your lips, you offer up an idea: you'd like to toy with her cock for a bit, have some fun. That sounds about right, doesn't it?

Meira smirks in reply, flopping onto the bed beside you with enough force that the mattress flumphs. "Well then, get to it!"

Gladly. Reaching over, you slap her cock hard, relishing in the wet smack that results; given how much she's already drooling from that slutty cockhole of hers, Meira's more than lubed-up enough for what you intend. Still, it'd probably be best to get her as stiff and hard as possible to prevent any mishaps while you're dealing with her.

Just as you're considering what to do, a creak from the door gets your attention and the familiar sight of pink cat ears pops into view, followed by bright blue eyes.

"Hey, Cailey." Cait begins. "I don't mean to intrude, but —"

Excellent timing. You don't know why she's here, but now that she is she might as well help you get Meira prepped, won't she? Wouldn't do to have a tried-and-true Mallachite standing around while there's loving going on, after all.

Cait looks a little uncertain at first, then brightens up and skips into the bedroom, setting down her staff by the door. "Okay! You know I'm always up to be your wingwoman, Cailey!"

You know you could count on her. Now, if she doesn't mind, you'd like to have her get Meira all nice and hard while you do the same for yourself. With skills like hers, you've no doubt the poor tanuki girl will be as solid as diamond when she's through with her.

Cait gives you a playful wink. "Just leave it to me!"

Seeing your pink kitten approach her, Meira moans lavasciously and thrusts out her bulging cock and balls, clearly not minding the additional help given how her melon-sized nuts are weighing her down. On her part, Cait already has her top off and tits out, her ample funbags wobbling dangerously as she draws close. With a purr of satisfaction, your pink kitten plants her big, beautiful chesticles smack on Meira's thick dog-cock, kneading and rolling the bountiful boobflesh all over its veiny, pulsing length.

Now this is a sight. Pained, needy sounds escaping from between her teeth, your 'nuki lover squeezes her eyes shut and clenches her hands into fists as Cait rubs her boobs back and forth along her slick cock. Fat kitten nipples sink into the twitching, turgid length, coaxing it to swell and bulge and strain until the veins are dark and popping out with how full they are. Purring as she moves the entire length of her body back and forth, Cait's hugs Meira's shaft as she applies her tongue to it, teasing its slick, salty surface with the tip of her tongue.

"Aaahaaan!" The risque raccoon shudders from head to toe, a spurt of cloudy pre bursting from her canine cock's tapered top and smacking Cait straight between the eyes. Your kitten's sure doing a number on her — eyes unfocused, tits heaving, sweat rolling down her forehead and arms, the once-feisty witch has been reduced to quite the sight for sore eyes.

And what a sight it is. All two feet of cock, practically begging to try and get even harder than it already is, thick enough for you to wrap your arms around. Sheesh, with that kind of girth, she'd be able to take plenty of things up that meat rod of hers — and that's exactly what you're going to do.

"Need me to finish up?" Cait asks you from astride the tanuki witch's cock. She's riding the damned thing like a pony, grinding the gargantuan girth up and down through her soaked panties. Always nice to let the pretty kitty have a spot of fun, eh?

Nah, you like her where she is. With all the effort she's been putting in lately, you think she ought to enjoy herself, blow off some steam. She's more than welcome to refrain from getting off until... well, she gets off.

"Okay, if you say so!"

Just the sight of that massive, dripping dong alone is enough to make you painfully erect; the heavy musk rising from that log-like girth is the cherry on the cake, priming you to burst before you've even started. Now that the tanuki-girl witch is all stiff and lubed up, there's nothing holding you back. Meira squeals and squirms atop the sheets, perhaps instinctively apprehensive at the idea, but she's come too far to turn back now and besides, she's got a pink kitten firmly attached to her dick. It's a simple matter for you to take hold of that tapered tip, align your stallion-prick with that leaky cumslit, and slam yourself straight into it.

Your 'nuki lover's eyes bulge wide as she feels you invade her urethra; she's clearly used to things coming out, not going in. The pulsing of her cockmeat surrounds yours as you sink deeper and deeper into her shaft, burning up with insatiable need.

"Oh, wow! This is...!"

She never manages to finish the sentence before it's broken by a moan escaping her lips. It's a bit of a snug fit considering the relative size of your cock to hers, but you manage to fit yourself inside of her to the balls. You give a few experimental thrusts, feeling your phallus scrape against the inner walls of Meira's shaft, and when you're more comfortable with it all, start picking up your pace.

Plunging and withdrawing, plunging and withdrawing, you gyrate your cock inside of your magical lover's, scraping at the inside of her cumslit and ingraining it into your shape. She pants and shivers, clearly feeling the pleasure but unsure how to react to it; you redouble your efforts, moving faster and faster until her pre is splattered all over your belly and thighs, droplets blasting into the air from each forceful impact against her cumslitt. In the split second in between each thrust when you're almost fully withdrawn, you can see that Meira's cockhole is fat and gaping, forcefully widened by your insistent intrusions. Wonder... if you stretch it far enough, will it get stuck that way?

While you've been stimulating the log-like girth of man-meat from the inside, Cait has been diligently working it from without. Hands planted firmly on that massive shaft as she straddles it, she continues to grind her cunt back and forth along Meira's length, squeezing her perverse mount with her knees and using her feet to toy with your 'nuki lover's melon-sized balls. While you're not sure if there're any peoples with such oversized assets in Jassira, she's certainly enough of an expert that she looks like she's been doing this all her life, improvisation or no.

Now this is what they call a full-body massage, isn't it? She really is the best... well, is she a wingwoman if she's joining in? Isn't that some kind of promotion?

Turning your attention back to Meira, you affirm your grip on her shaft as you cling on for dear life, fingers digging into her huge hunk of man-meat as events start coming to a head. Precum squirts out around the join where your cock meets hers, both hers and your own, as your breathing becomes heavier and more labored. You can't help but groan in delight, losing yourself in the pleasure you're sharing with this slut of a raccoon dog; at this point, Meira herself is soaked in sweat and cum, her baggy blouse clinging to her body as she bucks her hips over and over again, as if trying to throw Cait off. Over and over the two of you hammer your dicks together atop the sticky bedsheets, making all kinds of perverse love; with the witch's shaft swallowing up your own, it's almost as good as if would've been had you used her cunt.

S-shit. You're going to blow at any moment now — and with the way things are, there's nowhere for your spunk to go but up and into the slutty 'nuki's balls. Just the thought of Meira having your seed sloshing about in those balls of hers, churning and mixing with her own production to be released upon but the barest of twinges is enough for you to summon your strength in one last hurrah, drilling as deep as you can into your 'nuki lover's perverse cockhole.

"F-fuck!" Meira groans even as you feel her urethra tighten about you, the turgid warmth trying desperately to expel this irritating yet unimaginably arousing invader. "This is amazing!"

Seeing things come to a head, Cait wraps her arms about the girthy log of Meira's cock and squeezes tightly; even through all that cockflesh, you're able to feel her pressing hard on the witch's heated cum-tunnel, tits and all.With a shudder and groan, you empty your balls straight into hers, seed rushing out from you, up her cock and backing up inside of her sack. The mind-blowing outpour that explodes from your phallus would have been far better suited for a much larger shaft, but if you had a bigger dick you wouldn't be here pumping your load straight up Meira's cumvein, bursting through any resistance she might've put up and forcing your sperm straight into her cum tanks. Wailing with pleasure, your 'nuki loves rocks back and forth on her rapidly expanding balls, addled by the sheer sensation of her family jewels swelling to obscene sizes. Her sack is already stretched and taut over her balls, still inflating despite their ludicrous proportions as bulge upon bulge of your spunk travels up her cock, past her knot, and into her body. It's insane — eventually, they get to the point they've created a heavy depression on the mattress and she's leaning against them like some kind of pillow — it's a small wonder the bed hasn't broken under the weight of these balls, but no doubt 'nuki witches have some kind of guard against this sort of thing.

Damn... now that was something. Panting, you slowly withdraw from Meira's cumslit with a lewd squelch, wondering if what you just forcefully pumped into her is going to come rushing out the other way. Thankfully, it stays pent-up in her balls, and you're able to safely remove yourself, taking care to scrape against the insides of your 'nuki lover's cock on your way out. A thick strand of your shared cum joins the two of you as you part, thinning and falling away with painful slowness. Gasping as if to say something, Meira pants and shoots you a glance, but you've inflated her balls with so much of your seed that it's taken her breath away.

"Wow," she manages to choke out at last. "I..."

Pub: 27 Nov 2022 18:02 UTC
Views: 314