mei any pronouns • indo ko-fi • dm for discord tag

byf not spoiler-free, rt heavy, sometimes NSFW (will tw/cw with “// nsfw”), goes ia randomly, fub free, mostly art and rambling

dfi basic dfi criteria

likes orv, genshin, kpop; got7, tbz, svt, lcf (i havent read the novel yet but idm spoilers)

ships joongdok, sangsoo, doksoo (platonic), xingyun, eimiko, beiguang, xiaoven.

comforts yjh, kdj, joongdok, biyoo, sys, ljh, zhongli, childe

will ignore any drama/fandom discourse

Pub: 23 Feb 2022 17:43 UTC
Edit: 23 Feb 2022 18:03 UTC
Views: 184