danny's byi & dni dawg
me literally

wwww dni
(1) basic dni criteria (2) under 13 & over 22
(3) pro/comshippers (4) ex friends (5) hybristophiles
(6) ppl w mlm/wlw fetishes (7) engages in heavy discourse
(8) shedtwt (9) only talks abt nsfw shit (10) terfs

byi meow
(1) im autistic (2) i block freely (3) i have weird interests
(4) i get annoyed & upset easily (5) i ignore ppl w/o reason
(6) i make kys/kms jokes (7) i also make sexual jokes !!
(8) im bad w understanding tone (9) i hv attachment issues
(10) i get defensive abt certain things (11) i rant alot
(12) i cant read the room (13) i talk abt my friends alot
(14) im bad with talking to new ppl


Pub: 05 Jun 2024 21:09 UTC
Edit: 06 Jul 2024 17:25 UTC
Views: 189