Meat Bros Clarification

different chuubanite alignments can have multiple effects and that they can be combined together with differently aligned chuubanites of similar concept, if this is still applied then how would that look in action for a catalognaut
would this only be to the extent of what the catalognaut knew about their own chuubanite

The keyword is 'faith' or 'belief' in their oshii. Catalognauts are not born with a blank wildcard chuubanite, their natural affinity is based on the environment. Born somewhere near to Mt Mori, it's obvious which ones will be chosen. If a Catalognaut is presented with two chuubanites of similar concept, priority goes to which Chuuba or concept their faith lies. Present a KFP with a Kiara chuubanite and a Tomoshika chuubanite. Though both are fire-based, Kiara's will be activated.

would a catalognaut need to do certain rituals to refill their reserve of heavenly energy

No extensive rituals needed. As long as their belief in their chuuba is strong they receive energy from the Catalog like a rechargeable battery or a plant photosynthesizing.

they have a lot of chuubanite in or with them, in quantities big enough that it'd be harmful to most people
their bodies and weapons don't act like chuubanite

Recall Nasfaqronie's lecture on what constitutes as chuubanite. Now imagine the entire physical body hosting magic quanta. Tissue cells, blood cells, blood plasma, nail keratin, etc.

based on the assumption their powers come from chuubanite there would have to be some mechanism for it to be replenished. It would be plausible that the catalognaut can simply absorb chuubanite from the environment passively

Completely bypassed environment. Like a robot that's always connected to the cloud, these people are connected to the immaterial realm, the Catalog. Straight from the tap.

catalognaut would need to have knowledge of all of them

It depends on the individual. Multi-oshis (polytheistic/secular) people might be able to do it. But not recommended. Medieval physicians had a word for this; humor imbalance.

they have a lot of chuubanite in or with them, in quantities big enough that it'd be harmful to most people
their bodies and weapons don't act like chuubanite

Recall Nasfaqronie's lecture on what constitutes as chuubanite. Now imagine the entire physical body hosting magic quanta. Tissue cells, blood cells, blood plasma, nail keratin, etc.

based on the assumption their powers come from chuubanite there would have to be some mechanism for it to be replenished. It would be plausible that the catalognaut can simply absorb chuubanite from the environment passively

Completely bypassed environment. Like a robot that's always connected to the cloud, these people are connected to the immaterial realm, the Catalog. Straight from the tap.

catalognaut would need to have knowledge of all of them

It depends on the individual. Multi-oshis (polytheistic/secular) people might be able to do it. But not recommended. Medieval physicians had a word for this; humor imbalance.

I would have called that a "potential catalognaut", or a "catalognaut candidate"
I was looking at catalognaut as a profession
didn't have to do anything, but were often useful in a variety of fields such as spying and communication
i am pretty sure you said they could be anything multiple times, but if i am misinterpreting you please correct me

Yeah I said those. It depends on how the state views these people.

  • Some would give them freedom to be whatever they want like any regular people, just with a unique talent. They could find specific niches in the economy to employ their abilities. Healers, farmers, cooks, entertainers etc.
  • Some would provide benefits for them to employ in high risk jobs such as adventuring, military, intelligence, diplomacy, or esoteric involvement. Jobs such as being the /vt/ equivalent of Mentats or as blue collar living transmitters, operatives protecting diplomats, etc.
  • Some would go as far as implementing mandatory conscription and training, can't let such a gift go to waste.
    As for /meat/ I think our policy is affirmative action because of the reliance on magic and rituals.
    I am now accepting more questions.

Kronie Response

If a Catalognaut is presented with two chuubanites of similar concept, priority goes to which Chuuba or concept their faith lies. Present a KFP with a Kiara chuubanite and a Tomoshika chuubanite.

So, what this would mean is that a catalognaut is in a closer connection with a certain affinity of chuubanite, to the point where their body rejects other types and their magic.
I'm assuming that catalognauts can still use chuubanite of other types, but only externally. A catalognaut of numbers can activate an indie chuuba chuubanite glyph.

...Catalog like a rechargeable battery or a plant photosynthesising.
Completely bypassed environment. Like a robot that's always connected to the cloud, these people are connected to the immaterial realm, the Catalog. Straight from the tap.

You could think of Catalognauts as having presence in the Vitium field. This sort of naturally comes with

Now imagine the entire physical body hosting magic quanta.

due to magic quanta being in effect waves and ripples in the Vitium Field. These waves and ripples exist everywhere in the Vitium Field, the only adaptation a Catalognaut would need for storing them is for their body to be able to bond to them.
Interesting side effect of the catalognaut storing magic quanta in their bodies would be that the Catalognauts themselves radiate energy into their environment. If magical radiation has the ability to cause electrical interference, then this would also mean that by extension, the mere presence of a Catalognaut also causes electrical interference. The more powerful the Catalognaut, the more powerful the interference.
There are other implications. If a Catalognaut is in conenction with the Vitium Field, it would be reasonable for a Catalognaut to be able to sense things in the field. A Catalognaut would sense another Catalognaut nearby, and if they are sensitive enough, they may even be able to decipher their affinity before even seeing them.
A Catalognaut could feel the presence of a deity, or a Vitium Entity (like mechaffyna, i suppose), whereas a mundane normal person would not.
Here I'd like to re-introduce the concept of Bridge Entities, creatures that are not of the Physical World, are not exclusively of the Vitium Field, but have an active presence in both. Jannies fit the bill, as do Catalognauts. They could both be called "Bridge Entitites", referring to their ability to "Bridge the gap" between the Vitium Field and the physical world. See image. (embed)

catalognaut has to be the almost perfect physical and conceptual representation of a core concept associated with the chuubanite

I personally see it going the other way. A Catalognaut will not be a perfect representaation of their concept, but the fact that they are a catalognaut will inevitably change them to become that. The process is not voluntary, you slowly /become/ whether you like it or not, at best you can slow the process down.


To use nasfaqronie terms, they'd partly exist in the Vitium Field?

EVERYTHING partially exists in the field, but some entities are more or less exclusive about it, and some entities exist in the field more than others. See pic above for how I think it would work.

Meat Bro Response to Kronie


I'm assuming that catalognauts can still use chuubanite of other types, but only externally

Yes. An X-affinity user can use tools that have Y and Z in its mechanism. They just cannot naturally activate and use them.

Interesting side effect of the catalognaut storing magic quanta in their bodies would be that the Catalognauts themselves radiate energy into their environment
If a Catalognaut is in conenction with the Vitium Field, it would be reasonable for a Catalognaut to be able to sense things in the field. A Catalognaut would sense another Catalognaut nearby

Exactly! It's how they are able to become organic transmitters and receivers to execute psychic communication. To travel into the Catalog. If your theory is right, Chuubanite weapons would also become more powerful in their vicinity.

their ability to "Bridge the gap" between the Vitium Field and the physical world

Interesting. In my mind I see them more as a tap or an outlet.

See image

Huh. Wouldnt Jannies be higher since they have limited spatial-relativity control (sending entire countries into a pocket dimension jail)

not all Nasfaqronies are Catalognauts

It's a thought experiment

The process is not voluntary, you slowly /become/ whether you like it or not


I think it's best to give the users agency at controlling the process. What use is becoming powerful if you have to sacrifice your ego and personality to behave like your oshi.


Yes. No hereditary.
The dumbest, and arguably easiest with tons of handwaving, way of doing it is like Protodermis from Bionicle. Will you become a powerful hero or die? It's up to fate

**Proposals of how a catalognaut is created/additional catalognaut lore


Maybe have it like the "origin" from Kara no Kyoukai? Every soul is born from a concept in the first place, which doesn't have much of an effect unless it is awakened or interacts with Chuubanite. An awakened origin imposes impulses on the individual, so someone with awakened "Solitude" would be driven away from society by their own actions. For someone to become a Catalognaut, they'd need to have the right (random) conceptual origin of their soul, awaken it through their life or external occurences and survive the awakening, have the Chuubanite in their bodies be compatible with that concept, and then notice and train it. It makes it seem as if the Catalognauts are random, while it all makes sense.


I HAVE AN IDEA NANORA, so instead of something like genetics or random chance causing someone to become a catalognaut , I'd like to propose that they are chosen both as partial embodiments of a chuuba but also as an embodiment of a moment in a chuubas life, in the form of a clip. Maybe the clip is represented only by a few short minutes of the catalognauts life or maybe its the entirety of their life playing out as a clip, either way, they are chosen to recreate the emotions and feelings of a chuuba in that moment (possibly by a bridge entity known as a Clipfag). In this way, you can have a catalognaut vary in personality between each other but also with distinct differences, so if one is representative of a clip where your oshi was pissed off, they thenselves find strength from similar emotions and can change depending on it. This is still keeping with the idea that they have to have a binding concept related to their oshi but this proposal allows for a variety of catalognauts without making them too seperated from their core concept.

Maybe it doesn't have to be limited to just clips, but big happenings? I'd say the stapler incident caused enough of a wave in the catalog to allow a catalognaut to be formed, for example. Or maybe something more thread-intimate, like when a /wg/ story is read by the chuuba on-stream.

Yea yea! Screenshots, clips, perhaps even random tweets. Instead of calling the bridge entity a clipfag, we could call them harvesters.

Schizos In the Walls

So schizo events!
Every bait, be it clips, yabs, tweet link, discord photos, doxxes, etc
Those are triggerer!
We now have a functional esoteric magic ecosystem!
Schizos does bait
Throws catalog out of balance
Heavenly realm RNGs catalognauts to be born
Catalognauts are not dependent on the population of regular sentient beings
They are dependent on the population of schizos

What if schizos were just a variant of catalognauts?

They repel away connections and replace them with theirs according to the schizo proposal
So with enough schizos, a catalognaut can be cut off from the catalog

If thats the case then at least we have some sort of balanced ecosystem

Schizo rrats trigger wave of Catalognaut creations
Catalognauts empowers everyone who believed in their oshis to fight back
A horde of schizos can overpower catalognauts

Schizos are kept alive and buried in the walls as Catalognaut deterrants


Pub: 10 Aug 2022 01:44 UTC
Views: 482