best viewed in light mode! pls dni if you think introjects can be doubles, are anti-recovery, make cult "jokes", ableist (i dont care if you're autistic if you make fun of higher needs autistics i hope you GET EDUCATED) are lgbt exclus, or fakeclaim ppl thanksies! current main interest: .. playing idv byf (1) we post about weed, alcohol, and nicotine untagged and we post under the influence (2) most of the time when we use tone tags it is for ourselves, we like having them used with us but get too scared to ask (3) we live at a homeless shelter (for context to things we say) (4) if you want to know who's fronting, ask, or ask for our simply plural (5) we might softblock you if you frequently post about deltarune and do not have every single thing about it perfectly correct . sorry we have autism and will probably have a meltdown on you otherwise entrapta (🤖)nova (🍇)clara (🤍)anne (💌)juvia (🌧️)more tba...

Pub: 30 Jul 2023 20:22 UTC
Edit: 25 Sep 2023 12:39 UTC
Views: 1544