star / sage ?!!

white polish and russian 13yr brit. complex did

physically disabled & mentally disabled.. autism depression and bpd affect interactions w/ me

about me im a comshipper (ship 'complex in reality' pairings), darkshipper (ship 'illegal in reality' pairings), profic (believes that anyone should be able to whatever they want with fiction), lolishonacon (only fictional + most of the time theyre older than me/ around the same age), im a paraphile of a few kinds but im anti-contact and will talk about it, im on edtwt and shtwt; i tag/add a warning for both

byf sometimes i talk about my system and alters, if your rt heavy i might not follow back, no stable host and wont put whos fronting unless the person chooses to, comshipper + darkshipper + profic STRICTLY FICTIONAL, I reclaim the slur retard and will refer to myself as one at times :3 i will post my intrustive thoughts in my twt circle and overall a lot of stuff on there

do not follow idc who or what u are but if ur a freak im blocking (zoos, pro-c paras, pedos, condone incest, abuse, etc irl) or if i just dont like u

Pub: 21 May 2022 13:28 UTC
Edit: 07 Aug 2023 22:34 UTC
Views: 234