Mafuyu BPD truther
Basic rundown of symptoms she shows I'll elaborate more as time goes on
1. Frantic efforts to avoid real or imagined abandonment.
- In the What Lies Beyond Guiding a Lost Child event there is a flashback of Mafuyu (who is like 6 years old at the time) getting manipulated by her mother into believing she is a "bad girl" for getting lost. This moment is incredibly significant for Mafuyu as it is the first time she felt "cold" holding her mother's hand. I perceive this to be a lack of security in her mother's support (ie. a sign of feelings of rejection and abandonment).
- Everything Mafuyu has done throughout basically her whole life happens due to the amounts of pressure her mother puts on her. Mafuyu boths loves and is scared of her mother (more specifically, confronting her). She fears that she will get mad at her which implies she's afraid of losing her support (emotionally abandoning Mafuyu and straining their relationship).
2. A pattern of unstable and intense interpersonal relationships characterized by alternating between extremes of idealization and devaluation.
- Her relationship with her mother is insanely unstable. Despite it being clear that essentially all of Mafuyu's suffering comes from her mother, she is still unable to hate her let alone stand up to her until much later in the story.
- A much more obvious example, however, is her relationship with the members of 25ji. She goes from seeing them (especially Kanade) as her salvation to seemingly hating them (despite them being the people who are closest to her).
3. Identity disturbance: markedly and persistently unstable self-image or sense of self.
- Mafuyu's whole thing is that she doesn't know who she is. She doesn't know what she truly wants or what her "true feelings" are.
- She also latches onto intense feelings during and episode and calls them her true motives (ex. saying what she wanted all along was to disappear).
4. Recurrent suicidal behaviour, gestures or threats, or self-mutilating behaviour.
- As stated above, Mafuyu explicitly says she wants to disappear and she's felt like that for a long time. In the unit story, she says how she doesn't want to keep trying anymore and how "tired" she is of searching for her true self.
- It's implied that the OWN persona was her last cry for help before possibly deciding to kill herself.
5. Affective instability due to a marked reactivity of mood (e.g., intense episodic dysphoria, irritability or anxiety usually lasting a few hours and only rarely more than a few days).*
- Mafuyu has discouraged/quiet BPD in my opinion so she tends to not be very outwardly unstable. However, there are moments where she is clearly distressed and one can see all the emotions she hoards inside. Redundant but this happens when she is triggered into an episode (read note).
* The mood symptoms of patients with borderline personality disorder are triggered by external events and are particularly sensitive to perceived rejection, failure and abandonment.
7. Chronic feelings of emptiness.
- A feeling she often describes.
- She also has depression which tends to be comorbid to BPD.
- Mafuyu very obviously dissociates to some extent (OWN identity). This can be interpreted as Mafuyu being a system or Mafuyu dissociating due to C-PTSD or BPD.
- Kanade being Mafuyu's FP makes sense. Need for attention, splitting, dependency, easily effect on mood... I also suspect Mafuyu's mother was her favorite person at some point.