The chill of the evening had long made it’s way through the air as the weary Zoroark trudged back to his humble abode. Today had been another long and arduous day, but today he could cross off another of his projects. The local bathhouse had been completed and opened, not so much to great fanfare but to a very welcome relief from the Town’s residents. Oasis was a wonderful place, but it was every bit as sandy and dusty as his old home back when he was a human. When you came back from the paddocks or a worksite there was nothing that beat a cold drink and a warm bath or shower.
Zed’s coat glistened as the moon cast it’s light down on the entrance to the Guild Hall. Being the builder he had been first in line to test out the full works of the Bathhouse. The showers, the washroom and the spring, he sampled them all to their fullest. Now having been scrubbed, his mane washed and cared for by the Dewott’s and a luxurious soak in the springs he felt clean as a whistle and had one thing on his mind. A nice rest! The last component he needed to really complete a nice end to his day.
Entering his room with a yawn and stretch he walked over to the bench and began unloading his mane and removed the large jewel bangle from its end. Holding it in his claws he pondered it as he often did. It was for all intents and purposes an inanimate object like everything else on the bench before him. Except it wasn’t, it was a part of his body. He could feel some of his own life force within it as it shone in the light.
A knock at the door snapped him out of his navel gazing. Gently placing the bangle on the bench he opened the door with a yawn:
“Alright what is it n- OH!” he said with a surprise. It was Sanaa. He had almost forgotten about her.
“Hey!” she replied with a sheepish giggle as she nervously held the back of her head.
Stepping back and doing his best to keep his composure Zed gestured her inside.
“Come on in, it’s too cold out in these halls!~”
Inside his mind was filled with curses. “Zed you fucken’ slack IDIOT! You should have gone and gotten her earlier. Have some class!”
Sanaa walked in, her hands behind her back as she checked out the room. Leaning around she lightly skipped over to the trophy shelf.
“Wow, look at all these!” she marveled, her tail waving gently as she perused the shelves.
Zed watched as she toyed about with the various relics and oddities he’d seen fit to keep for himself as he reminisced about their encounter the other day. The two had volunteered to help Lilith test out a new contraceptive that would double as a source of nutrients. He could see that the concoction had already begun to bear fruit as a small bump was showing on her abdomen. Stray thoughts of doubt and worry wormed their way through his mind. What if something went wrong, what if it hadn’t worked at all, what then? And even if it did, would Sanaa be ok?
Bringing himself back to the moment he brushed them aside. “Lilith knows what she’s doing, she'll be right!” he quietly reassured himself. Right now he just wanted Sanaa to be comfortable.
Walking over to her Zed reached out and gently took her hand. A soft “eep” escaping from her mouth as she blushed a little at the gesture.
“We’ve had a long day, time for us to retire don’t you think?” said Zed as he lead her over to his bed.
Zed’s bed was slightly more opulent than the normal straw beds most pokemon tended to use. It was instead a fairly large circular cushioned mat adorned with some soft downy pillows. All of these had been pilfered from dungeons of course. Sitting himself down he pulled Sanaa with him.
The two sad together for a moment as Sanaa leaned against Zed, letting herself enjoy the warmth of his soft fresh coat as his billowy mane, freed from it’s binding draped around their bodies.
“You’re so snug” she giggled as the Zoroark reached his arm around and drew her close.
Leaning back the two adjusted themselves, Sanaa wrapped her arms around him as he continued to hold her. Gently he gave her a small pat and kissed her on the head as she began to drift off.
Zed savoured the moment as best he could before sleep came to overwhelm his senses too.
It was a long day and tomorrow would be another, but for now he was comfortable and content . “I could get used to this.” he whispered softly.

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Pub: 21 Aug 2024 13:04 UTC
Views: 129