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Bonjour et merci pour toute la bienveillance de ce sous sur lequel je traîne souvent ! Je suis avec ma copine depuis 7ans. Je pense qu’elle n’a quasiment jamais vu de film ou vidéo pornographiques, et en discutant récemment elle m’a dit qu’elle serait intéressée par le fait d’en regarder un ensemble. Je ne suis pas un inconnus des sites X, donc j’ai mes petites idées pour trouver des vidéos qui pourraient convenir à une novice mais : auriez vous des conseils de films ou vidéos softs / réalistes qui pourraient nous émoustiller tous les deux ?
submitted by Careful_Response477 to SexualiteFR [link] [comments]
2023.09.09 15:37 mattstasoff Your First TIFF Film (Ever)
I know there’s a mix of new and veteran TIFF goers in here, interested in what your first TIFF Film was. Mine was, randomly, Zack and Miri Make a Porno back in 2008.
submitted by mattstasoff to TIFF [link] [comments]
2023.09.09 12:48 RegularParticular295 porno films
2023.09.09 10:00 SK33LA [27 Twentyseven HD - 09/09/2023] IL GRANDE LEBOWSKI - con Jeff Bridges
featured image Trasmesso il 09/09/2023 alle 21:10 su 27 Twentyseven HD FILM COMMEDIA (117') USA, 1998. Titolo originale: "The Big Lebowski". Regia di Joel Coen. Con: Jeff Bridges, John Goodman, Julianne Moore, Steve Buscemi - Due sicari, inviati dal pornografo Treehorn, irrompono nell'appartamento di Jeff Lebowski, detto Drugo, disoccupato giocatore di bowling, rimasto legato agli anni Settanta. Ma hanno sbagliato, perché il loro obiettivo è un altro Jeff Lebowski, un miliardario di Pasadena. Prima di andare via pero', sporcano il tappeto all'ingresso. Deciso ad ottenerne la sostituzione, Drugo va a casa del suo omonimo. Sottrae un tappeto e, in seguito, viene richiamato ed incaricato dal riccone di consegnare il riscatto per liberare la propria giovane moglie Bunny, attricetta porno presa prigioniera da un gruppo di nichilisti tedeschi. La consegna fallisce, causa la goffaggine di Walter, amico di Drugo e veterano del Vietnam. I commenti sono aperti!
2023.09.08 17:07 Inevitable-Net-4598 filme porno mature
2023.09.08 11:14 Thin-Friendship5691 Getting a birthday sex tape
Hey Reddit, my (m33) fiancée (31) is gifting me a sex tape for my birthday. I have some questions about the camera work. She is really selfconsious about her belly, giving birth to our 2 boys so she wants the camera not to focus on that part. The scenario we had in mind was like starting with oral,2 positions and than giving her a facial for visual effects. Which sex positions are great for filming and where should I place the camera with ring light? She has beautiful big boobies, and a gorgeous booty with the cutest butthole. Also a tattoo on her higher back, and a girl next door face with long brown reddish hair. All features I clearly am crazy about and getting hard just typing about her. I don't mind her belly at all, but she wouldn't be able to enjoy the tape if she didn't find herself sexy. Thx in advance, keep the suggestions simple because clearly I'm an amateur when it comes to making a porno 😅
submitted by Thin-Friendship5691 to sex [link] [comments]
2023.09.07 15:53 rajacuanselalu 3 Tips Listening Bahasa Inggris, Jago IELTS dan TOEFL!
Tips listening bahasa Inggris biar jago IELTS dan TOEFL itu susah gak sih? Gak sebenarnya kalo kamu niat belajar dan terus latihan guys. Ingin tahu gimana 3 tips latihan listening bahasa Inggris untuk pemula? Baca artikel ini sampai habis!

3 Tips Belajar Listening Bahasa Inggris Online Gratis dan Cara Meningkatkan Listening Skill dengan Cepat!

Ini 3 tips listening bahasa Inggris yang wajib kamu coba!

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submitted by rajacuanselalu to u/rajacuanselalu [link] [comments]
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Pub: 13 Sep 2023 16:09 UTC
Views: 14