Do Not Friend / Interact With Me If:
- Racist, homophobic, transphobic, transandrophobic, transmed, terf, bodyshamer, ableist, etc.
- LGBT discoursers, exclusionists
- Zoophiles, defend zoophiles, defend feral NSFW, etc.
- whatever the spacehey version of edtwt, shtwt, goretwt, 988twt, etc. is (Includes if you are friends with people on these, support, or are OK with them.)
- Proshippers, comshippers, anti-antis, "Neutral"shippers, whatever.
- DSMP fans
- Blueycapsules fans
- Joscarl shippers
- Cashdummy shippers
- Scollace & Mobillace shippers
- Jeremike shippers
- Mikevictim, Miketrap believers
- Michael Afton hater
- Toddallace hater
- Entire humor / personality is just being mean
- Believe in cringe culture
- Anti self-diagnosis