bold underlined clickeable

This is a extended version of my rentry

I'm called azazel or enzo, if we're close enough also emil / emir. If you've known me as Azazel, don't call me enzo until we're close. I have many names, seriously, I don't care if you call me by any of them (matteo, seven, hikaru, biney, e'teanne, breixo, isaac.) this doesn't affect what was previously specified.
My pronouns are masculine, but you can use neutral pronouns with me only in English. Please don't use feminine pronouns on me.
I am gay, transguy and demisexual (although my gender sometimes varies between neutral and masculine).
My body is 16 years old, although I am a person of no defined age. So don't address me with an age. I don't have one.

I don't consider myself human, at least not entirely. I'm a fallen angel mentioned in the book of Enoch; Azazel. As a coping mechanism my identity is related to Saint Michael. Please don't separate me from my identities, thank you.
I have depression, anxiety, and diagnosed autism, this is going to affect our interactions; how I perceive and understand them. I get irritated easily at times and can interact in a harsh or distant way. If I ever offend you it's probably not on purpose, so let me know if I say/do something that you thought was wrong. I tend to take a while to respond to mentions or dms. It's nothing personal, I just forget.

I have several fictionkins, such as emil and kaworu (if you want to know more here.) I appreciate you again not separating me from them. I don't care about the "doubles" and stuff, feel free to interact with me.


Pub: 25 Jun 2024 19:30 UTC
Edit: 31 Aug 2024 20:19 UTC
Views: 227