decorating this && making it cute LATER !

♡ romantic yumes
michiko ame (guchiry)
ririka (#compass)
nurse robot type t (utau)
hiro shinosawa (idolmaster)
kurumi komori (hookah haze)
anya beletskaya (parties are for losers)

♡ platonic yumes
nanase rena (chinozo)
reml (denonbu)
chattachan (natsuyama yotsugi)
hattachan (natsuyama yotsugi)
aoharu alice (#compass)
yura beletsky (parties are for losers) (sharing OK idgaf)

♡ familial yumes
coquelicot blanche (#compass) (little sister, sharing OK as long as it's also familial / platonic since she is a little kid ?)
sanya kazarina (parties are for losers) (big sister, sharing selective but youre probably fine)
nadya sobenina (parties are for losers) (mother, sharing OK)

No sharing 4 any of these or I will shoot myself instantly sorry (unless specified otherwise) ! Though I am a little more normal about my platonic yumes. Please do not claim to like any of them more than me even as a joke (aside from Sanya, Yura, && Coquelicot, then it'sfine, probably Nadya too), it makes me tremendously uncomfortable ! Additionally I might block random fans of them even if we haven't interacted ; it's nothing personal, it's purely for my own comfort !

I really don't like ships with any of my romantic yumes that aren't with my selfinsert or characters I fictionkin. Please don't mention them while talking to me unless I do first ! Also, if you actively / frequently post about any, please do not follow me !

I refer to my romantic yumes as my girlfriends / wives && my platonic yumes as my best friends. There is one more that would go here but I am gatekeeping her && the media she's from until the day I die u can ask if we are friends ^_^

[ I know my edit code && do not need it fixed ! Any rentry url requests claiming to be me are not me ! ]

Pub: 13 Nov 2022 06:34 UTC
Edit: 26 Dec 2024 20:17 UTC
Views: 1300