
BYF: ✧ i can't read tone too well, and may need some clarification as i also get confused easily. i do use tone tags and do prefer them used for me too. oh and please don't make fun of tone tags or joke with them unless it's obvious it's a joke.

✧ please keep discourse away from me unless we're friends, and political stuff away unless we're REALLY close. this doesn't include LGBT stuff but i'm not about to listen to you spout bigoted stuff around me and i may likely call you out on it.

✧ likewise if i end up saying anything bad or offensive please let me know, i'd rather be informed when i do wrong rather than yelled at and shunned. i'm genuinely a clueless bastard at times.

✧ i post potentially triggering stuff at times but try to keep things tagged. if you need a trigger tagged just ask me.

✧ i am physically an adult but i'm not mentally. i also don't wanna get into detail but i am neurodivergent and it affects how i interact with people. i'm basically not gonna act and behave like a reasonable adult cause i'm just not, just basically treat me like someone younger but not in the patronizing way.

✧ i am fictionkin and my IDs are a big part of who i am, so just keep that in mind if you have issues with kinning. also no i'm not KFF (kin for fun), but i don't mind y'all interacting as long as you respect my identity (and don't try to claim you're me when you're just doing it for fun, mostly in regards to the main IDs, just makes me uncomfortable.) also on the flipside; don't call me an IRL or a D/A. i don't use those terms, i'm kin.

✧ i'm aware some of my interests are from problematic creators and i do not support them in any way. i can't help the things i enjoy unfortunately, but i'm not about to defend my interests cause of bad creators when i don't even like them either.

✧ i have a typing quirk ig ?? also i keysmash a lot, but all in all i'd prefer if people don't point it out or try to correct my grammar.

Boundaries / Blacklist:

✧ i have severe arachnophobia and images of irl spiders trigger my paranoia and panic, so please avoid showing those kinds of images. cartoon spiders are okay, it's just realistic ones + things with similar legs (the latter you can specify if it's not a spider, but please give some warning still). along with that irl bug images are iffy so may just be avoided altogether, mostly ones with a lot of legs. butterflies, moths, and mantises are fine.

✧ i'm sex repulsed so any sexual topics beyond dick jokes are a hard no, ESPECIALLY anything mentioning bodily fluids.

✧ suicide jokes are iffy if we're not close or i can't tell the tone. i can't stop people but if there's no tone tag don't be surprised if i don't react well.

✧ do not use kys jokes around me, even the wording itself is iffy with me. die threats are fine it's specifically kys, i'm going to react harshly to it no matter what.

✧ be careful saying intentionally paranoia inducing stuff around me, along with yandere / obsessive topics outside of the fictional sense.

✧ i have specific boundaries when it comes to my kins, mostly in the sense of be mindful when you make fun of or insult them if we're not close. be aware i do take whatever said about mickey mouse personally, that goes for if you criticize him or tack disney's problems onto him. likewise i do get triggered by these topics: mickey and oswald having a negative relationship or oswald hating mickey, most of the events of epic mickey (especially blaming mickey for the events in there), comparing mickey to walt, comparing him to the company and blaming him for its misdeeds, or protraying mickey as a villain. oh also do not reality check me, i am both a spiritual and psychological kin and i'm not about to have a debate on my identity.

✧ ask me before using any slurs on me, even if you can reclaim them. also please don't call me stupid or dumb if the tone isn't clear or if we're not close.

✧ yelling and arguing can trigger me, especially in calls. sometimes it can't be helped, but don't be surprised if i go silent or dip.


basic DNI criteria., proshippers (will be blocked on the spot), anti-kin, anti-neopronouns and xenogenders, think age regression is sexual, NSFW blogs, and pretty much anyone trying to start discourse cause i'm not about to deal with that.


Edit Report
Pub: 09 Aug 2023 22:44 UTC
Edit: 10 Aug 2023 00:19 UTC
Views: 154