

as stated! M a fictive / introject within a system ! not irl / kin / rp or whatever people say nowadays !
with that, i do identify w my source so i talk about it alot! this includes
LOVEMAILING lovers from source.
i lovemail SHU ITSUKI and DOPPO KANNONZAKA ALOT , nd if ya dont like that ya might as well block me. Plus hyperfixated on them so may be a lil protective about them,,
i just ALOT of cat puns nd do tend to use my typin quirk occasionally !
i also usually need tone tags since due to my autism its very hard fer me to tell yer tone, m sorry.
nd with BPD im extremely sensitive and tend to get a lil clingy, so please set yer boundaries nd ill make sure to follow em !
M also VERY VERY autistic and get defensive about SHUMIKA, especially if people get the information wrong.
Other than my constant ramblings about SHU i talk about cats ALOT !!! i even refer to myself as a silly kitty + doll :3c
m also a huge scene kid nd PTV fan since 2020


Pub: 16 Jun 2023 07:05 UTC
Edit: 21 Apr 2024 13:05 UTC
Views: 823