all prices are subject to change overtime.
sections may be altered / added in the future!
everything here is listed in USD :]

CURRENT OFFER: Buy an animated commission, get a free sketch on the side!

SECTION 1: Humans / Humanoids / Creatures

(Digital — I will sometimes draw traditionally for the first 2 tiers)

I would like to offer shipping traditional art in the future, so keep your eye on that!

① Messy Sketches (+ Rough Colour)

for $10 • +$3 per additional character

(1) character from needy streamer overload • (2) character by WEISENBACHFELD • (3) character from puella magi madoka magica

② Fully Coloured Clean Sketches (simple background)

for $20 • +$5 per additional character

(1) characters from Battle For Dream Island • (2) character from higurashi • (3) character by nyan_tame

③ Fully Coloured Clean Renders (simple or decorated background)

for $30 • +$5 per additional character

(1) characters by pazztall • (2) character by stereoCheryb • (3) character from higurashi • (4) character by Bladesterz

④ Fully Coloured Clean Renders (scene or detailed background)

for $40 • +$7 per additional character

(1) characters by PiroPito • (2) characters by pacific1144 • (3) character from Vocaloid • (4) characters by an irl + from Naruto

SECTION 2: Object Show Art


① Coloured Sketches (one or multiple objects) (no / minimal background)

for $8 + $3 per additional character

all characters by me

② Fully Rendered Objects (collage / drawn background)

for $20 + $5 per additional character
Maximum of 5 characters

(1) character by fuzyfurball • (2) character by AP3X also old art oops

③ Assortment of Objects (specify how many you want) (any background)

starts at $35, price may increase depending on character amount

(1) characters designed by me and raffled to several people • (2) character credits can be found here


(I would like to practice frame-by-frame animation! I appreciate any and all commissions that go towards helping me practice <3)

① Minimal Rendering

starts at $15 + 3 per additional character

(1) character by canopy • (2) character by Balance The Ball

② Fully Rendered / Scenic

starts at $25 + 4 per additional character

(1) character by jeanamay • (2) character by Kitsune • (3) character by Dani home !
guidelines !

Pub: 06 Jun 2024 04:49 UTC
Edit: 10 Aug 2024 09:07 UTC
Views: 616