​ ୨୧⠀ : ⠀Darling,
​              Happy 6th months! I'm so happy.. You make me happy. I'm so glad I have you as my boyfriend.
​                 I didn't expect you to agree to date me, let alone have our relationship last this long,
​                 but I'm forever grateful nonetheless. Thank you for loving me, even when I feel like I don't deserve it.
​                  I really love you tons.. You're the best partner I've ever had, and I'm really thankful you're mine.
​                   I'm thankful that we're lasting this long too. These past six months went by pretty fast, so I'm sure
​                   we'll be at a whole year in no time. That's honestly pretty scary to think about.. In a good way.
​                   It's not like commitment scares me, I'm a very loyal person. But the fact that you love me back is
​                   scary, if you understand what I mean? Overwhelming is a better word, I think. I feel so loved, and
​                   it's unusual. But I don't dislike it. I love it, actually. You make me feel so warm and content.
​                         Thank you for loving me. I talk about this a lot, but I genuinely do believe that you
​                   saved me. One day, I really hope to return the favor. I owe you that much at least. I know
​                   that you struggle a lot as well, so I want to help you as much as I can. You can talk to me
​                   whenever, okay? Even if you don't want my comfort, if you just want to rant about something.
​ I'll listen. I'll just be there for you and listen. But I know it might take you a lot of time to open up, and I don't mind at all. I'm
​ willing to wait however long it takes for you to be comfortable enough. I'm so sorry if I made you feel bad when I snooped in
​ your priv. I probably shouldn't have, but I was curious, and it got the best of me. Please don't feel pressured to open up to me,
​ okay? I don't want that at all. I want you to feel comfortable when you do. I love you with all my heart and soul. You mean the
​ world to me, and I'm so, so grateful that you're mine. Seriously. I can't stress that enough. I love you. EWWW you're making
​ me have feelings again. Curse you. Only you have the ability to make me feel all warm and bubbly over simple things. Like how
​ you talk about your interests. It's so cute it makes me giggle and blush. Yes darling please tell me more about Fyolai I adore
​ hearing about it. I could listen to you talk forever. You're so wonderful. Oh by the way. Click this heh. It's so cool I stole it from
​ Aya. I love things that keep track of our anniversaries it makes me feel so happy whenever I see notifications from apps like that.
​ "Today is a special day!" Yes it is it's the day I got with the love of my life!! But you know what notifications are better than that?
​ Messages from you. Ue Ue Ue. I love waking up to a bunch of DMs from you it makes me so happy. And waking up after I spent
​ all night talking to you is like waking up after a hangover. I think. I've never been drunk before. I heard hangovers are bad but
​ this is a good hangover cus I got drunk off all the love and now I'm like ow my head. If I receive anymore love it'll explode!!!
​ You're the best boyfriend I could ever ask for, and I hope we have many more anniversaries in the future. MWAH! I love you
​ so much. You're my everything. Ue Ue Ue Ue. I love you. Happy half anni darling there are most definitely many more to come!!

Pub: 24 Nov 2024 03:08 UTC
Edit: 24 Nov 2024 03:08 UTC
Views: 98
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