2 Oct 2023: Hello everyone stegatxins0 here. I still can't believe it has been nearly three years since I wrote this guide. Words can't express how glad I am that my guide is still useful and relevant to this day. Thank you very much to everyone who use my guide. Thank you very much especially to those that use my guide as an inspiration or foundation for their own updated guide. And thank you very much to those in TheMoeWay, which is surprisingly still standing strong today, for creating a memorable and fun experience for me in my early days of Japanese immersion. I am sorry that I have to unlist/private the Youtube videos as I was too tired dealing with the hate comments. And I am sorry for not accepting any DMs or questions too. Unfortunately, I was and am unable to keep this guide updated as I have other priorities in life (*cough* high school). I myself have quit sentence mining and intensive immersion long ago after passing N1, although I still read novels, watch anime and play visual novel when I feel like it. I noticed that a lot of links especially the anon files one are down. I will try to find and upload the files when I have the time.

My Mining Setup

Follow the guide if you want to get identical mining setup to mine.


18 July 2021: Update hotkey for audio guide to use preconfigured region so that recording status is visible in full screen. Add script to replay only the first 5 seconds of recorded audio.
11 June 2021: Add option to play audio after capture for ShareX audio powershell script.
11 June 2021: Add alternative script for ShareX to add clipboard text to sentence field.
6 June 2021: Change float to Long in ShareX powershell script to fix the problem where script sometimes fail to add screenshot/audio to Anki.


  • Language that you are learning: Japanese
  • Platform: Windows 10


Installing Anki Addons

  1. Download the latest version of Anki from here.
  2. Install Anki addons. To install addons go to Tools > Add-ons > Install Add-on and paste the code.

    List below are the addons that I use:

PassFail JP

  1. After downloading, extract it to anywhere.
  2. Install the yumin.ttf Yu Mincho font.
  3. Copy the PassFail (JP) folder to %APPDATA%\Anki2\addons21 (paste this in your file explorer address bar).

Puppy Reinforcement (Completely optional)

  1. This is the image that I use. Download and copy or move it to %APPDATA%\Anki2\addons21\1722658993\user_files
  2. In Anki, go to Tools > Add-ons. Select Puppy Reinforcement. Click Config.
  3. Change disable_default_images": false, to disable_default_images": true,

Anki Settings

  1. Follow this site to setup Anki. (follow the Anki Settings and Straight Reward in The 'ease' problem)
  2. Download your preferred card template. After downloading, double click on the file and import the card template.

    This is my card template, which is a modified version of animecards (also read this). I don't use this but If you need sentence card template that auto color word based on their pitch accent check out this.

How my card is different than the original animecards:

  • different font
  • field for pitch accent position
  • field for meta/source (see Kindle section)
  • pitch accent graph moved to above definition
  • you can edit definition and hint when reviewing (if you have Edit Field During Review installed)
  • add option to change this to this by changing {kana:Reading} to {furigana:Reading}


  1. Download and install yomichan: chrome, firefox
  2. Download your preferred dictionary pack. I use shoui Yomichan Dictionaries. The above pack include monolingual, bilingual, frequency, pitch accent and kanji dictionary. Alternatively, you may also download dictionary from Epistularum's dictionary pack.
  3. Click on the Yomichan extension and click on the settings icon. Enable Advanced option on the bottom left.
  4. Click Configure installed and enabled dictionaries under Dictionaries Import your preferred dictionary. Then, sort the order in priority. The higher the number, the higher the position of dictionary. For more information on recommended dictionary see this.
  5. Enable Enable Anki integration and click on Configure Anki card format under Anki section. Make sure you have Anki opened and AnkiConnect addon installed in Anki or read the Anki section.

    Field Value Extra Note
    Word {expression}
    Reading {furigana-plain} {reading} work too but if you're one of those (not me) who use autistic font you can easily set your Anki template to look like this (the default one) by changing {kana:Reading} to {furigana:Reading} in your Anki template
    Glossary {test} {clipboard-text} if you want to manually copy definition by ctrl + c
    Sentence {cloze-prefix}<b>{cloze-body}</b>{cloze-suffix} {sentence} if you don't want to make the main vocab bold
    Picture see ShareX section
    Audio {audio} leave it empty if use anki-forvo-dl to batch generate word audio for those with unstable/poor Internet
    SentenceAudio see ShareX section
    Graph {pitch-accent-graphs}
    Position {pitch-accent-positions}
    Hint manual input
    Meta see Kindle section
  6. Click Configure Anki card templates… under Anki section. Replace all the text with this.
  7. Click Configure custom CSS under Popup Appearance. Use my CSS (modified version of full-nord-theme) or create your own Yomichan CSS here. Paste your CSS in Popup CSS.
  8. To use Yomichan on word such as 懇々, Click Configure custom text replacement patterns under Translation. Click Add and fill in with these values:
    Pattern: (.)々
    Replacement: $1$1
  9. Make sure you have Yomichan Forvo Server addon installed in Anki. If not see Anki section. Click Configure audio playback sources under Audio. Next to Custom audio source, select JSON for type and insert http://localhost:8770/?expression={expression}&reading={reading} in URL. Click Add to add a new row. Order it to look like this: (you can also put Custom at first if you prefer)
  10. Using Yomichan in Yomichan is helpful when reading monolingual definition. Change the following settings:
    • check Allow scanning popup content under Popup.
    • change Maximum number of child popups under Allow scanning popup content under Popup to 9999.
    • check Allow scanning popup source terms under Allow scanning popup content under Popup.
  11. Change some settings
    • uncheck Show the welcome guide on browser startup under General
    • set Scan delay under Scanning to 0
    • disable Search text with non-Japanese characters under Scanning
    • set Scale under Appearance to 150%
    • set Size under Appearance to 712 for Width and 512 for Height
    • check all three styles for Pitch accent display styles under Appearance
    • uncheck Show space between parsed words under Text Parsing
    • set Reading mode under Text Parsing to None
    • check Enable search page clipboard text monitoring under Clipboard


  1. Download and install ShareX from here.
  2. Right click on ShareX icon and click Hotkey Settings

Hotkey for Screenshot

  1. Click add. Close the windows and select None on the right hand side and define key combination for screenshots. Mine is F6
  2. Click on the settings icon on the left hand side.
  3. Select Capture region for Task. You can also select Capture region (Transparent). The difference is Capture region freeze screen while Capture region (Transparent) does not.
  4. Check Override after capture settings. Uncheck all and check the followings: Save image to file, Perform actions.
  5. Check Override screenshot folder. Click Browse and select Anki collection media location (usually something following this format C:\Users\______\AppData\Roaming\Anki2\______\collection.media ).
  6. Insert anki-screenshot or anything you want in description .
  7. Click on Image tab. Check Override image settings. Under Image format select JPEG to save space.
  8. Click on Actions tab. Check Override actions. Click Add. A new window will pop up. Fill in the following values:
    Name: anki-screenshot (or anything you want)
    File path:


    Argument: (if you're not using my card type, replace Picture with your screenshot field name. Use this tool)

    -NoProfile -Command "$medianame = \"%input\" | Split-Path -leaf; $data = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri -Method Post -ContentType 'application/json; charset=UTF-8' -Body '{\"action\": \"findNotes\", \"version\": 6, \"params\": {\"query\":\"added:1\"}}'; $sortedlist = $data.result | Sort-Object -Descending {[Long]$_}; $noteid = $sortedlist[0]; Invoke-RestMethod -Uri -Method Post -ContentType 'application/json; charset=UTF-8' -Body \"{`\"action`\": `\"updateNoteFields`\", `\"version`\": 6, `\"params`\": {`\"note`\":{`\"id`\":$noteid, `\"fields`\":{`\"Picture`\":`\"<img src=$medianame>`\"}}}}\"; "
  9. Check Hidden window and click OK. Close Task settings windows.
Alternative: add clipboard text to sentence field

If you want your card to be as high quality as possible, you might find yourself opening Anki to edit sentence field and meaning field. The script below will automate the process so that you don't have to open Anki at all.

  1. Follow the steps above for Hotkey for Screenshot but use this code instead.
    -NoProfile -Command "$clipboard = (Get-Clipboard | where{$_ -ne \"\"}) -join \"<br>\"; $medianame = \"%input\" | Split-Path -leaf; $data = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri -Method Post -ContentType 'application/json; charset=UTF-8' -Body '{\"action\": \"findNotes\", \"version\": 6, \"params\": {\"query\":\"added:1\"}}'; $sortedlist = $data.result | Sort-Object -Descending {[Long]$_}; $noteid = $sortedlist[0]; Invoke-RestMethod -Uri -Method Post -ContentType 'application/json; charset=UTF-8' -Body \"{`\"action`\": `\"updateNoteFields`\", `\"version`\": 6, `\"params`\": {`\"note`\":{`\"id`\":$noteid, `\"fields`\":{`\"Sentence`\":`\"$clipboard`\", `\"Picture`\":`\"<img src=$medianame>`\"}}}}\"; "
  2. If you're not using my card type, replace Picture with your screenshot field name and Sentence with your sentence field name. Use this tool).
  3. In Yomichan settings, click on Configure Anki card format under Anki. Change value for Glossary (or your definition/meaning field) to {clipboard-text}.
  4. If you find yourself switching between two different script frequentl , instead of copypasting the code every time you switch, you can create a new action by clicking Add and check/uncheck the one that you want/don't want to use.
  1. Manually copy definition from Yomichan with ctrl + c or right click and click copy.
  2. Add card to Anki using Yomichan.
  3. Copy the sentence with ctrl + c or right click and click copy. You can also copy multiple lines.
  4. Add screenshot by clicking the hotkey for Hotkey for Picture script that you setup earlier. The script will add screenshot to picture field and clipboard text to sentence field.
  5. You can also add sentence audio by clicking the hotkey for Hotkey for Audio (continue reading for more details).

Sentence field is empty: make sure you have copy file to clipboard disabled in Override after capture settings. If you want to copy image to clipboard create a separate hotkey for that.
AnkiConnect: UnboundLocalError: don't copy sentence that contains weird symbol such as " or \. (I might fix this in the future)

Hotkey for Audio

  1. Click add. Close the windows and select None on the right hand side and define key combination for screenshots. Mine is F7
  2. Click on the settings icon on the left hand side.
  3. Select Start/Stop screen recording using pre configured region or Start/Stop screen recording using active window region for Task. I recommend using pre configured region so that you can see the recording status in full screen. ShareX have a few seconds of delay before it start recording, when it start recording the dotted line will change from red to green. You cannot see this in full screen, that's why I recommend preconfigured region. The region you select later won't matter if you record audio only without video, because ShareX record audio from all application in your desktop instead of audio from a specific application.
  4. Check Override after capture settings. Uncheck all and check the followings: Save image to file, Perform actions.
  5. Check Override screenshot folder. Click Browse and select Anki collection media location (usually something following this format C:\Users\______\AppData\Roaming\Anki2\______\collection.media ).
  6. Insert anki-audio or anything you want in description .
  7. Click on Capture tab. Check Override capture settings.
  8. Click Select region under Capture tab. Select anywhere in the screen, it doesn't really matter (see explanation above). If you select active region in Task, you can skip this step.
  9. Click on Screen Recorder tab. Click on Screen recording options and click on Download to download FFMPEG.
  10. After finish downloading, Click Install recorder devices
  11. Under Sources select none for video source and virtual-audio-capturer for audio source.
  12. Change Audio codec to MP3
  13. At Command line preview, check Use custom commands and replace everything in text with the command below to trim silence and reduce the volume a bit. (Source)
    -y -rtbufsize 100M -f dshow -i audio="virtual-audio-capturer" -c:a libmp3lame -filter:a "volume=0.9" -af silenceremove=1:0:-50dB -qscale:a 4 "$output$"
  14. Close the window. Click on Actions tab. Check Override actions. Click Add. A new window will pop up. Fill in the following values:
    Name: anki-audio (or anything you want)
    File path:


    Argument: (if you're not using my card type, replace SentenceAudio with your sentence audio field name. Use this tool)

    -NoProfile -Command "$medianame = \"%input\" | Split-Path -leaf; $data = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri -Method Post -ContentType 'application/json; charset=UTF-8' -Body '{\"action\": \"findNotes\", \"version\": 6, \"params\": {\"query\":\"added:1\"}}'; $sortedlist = $data.result | Sort-Object -Descending {[Long]$_}; $noteid = $sortedlist[0]; Invoke-RestMethod -Uri -Method Post -ContentType 'application/json; charset=UTF-8' -Body \"{`\"action`\": `\"updateNoteFields`\", `\"version`\": 6, `\"params`\": {`\"note`\":{`\"id`\":$noteid, `\"fields`\":{`\"SentenceAudio`\":`\"[sound:$medianame]`\"}}}}\"; "
  15. Check Hidden window and click OK.
  16. Click Add. A new window will pop up. Fill in the following values:
    Name: play-audio (or anything you want)
    File path:

    C:\Program Files\Anki\mpv.exe


    --force-window=no --loop-file=no --load-scripts=no %input
  17. Check Hidden window and click OK.
  18. Uncheck play-audio if you don't want to play audio after capture. Check (default) if you want to play audio after capture to confirm the audio is correct
  19. If you find yourself recording long audio regularly, here's a script to play only the first five seconds of the audio. Replace the script above with this
    File path:



    -NoProfile -Command "$job = Start-Job -ScriptBlock {mpv --force-window=no --loop-file=no --load-scripts=no \"%input\"}; $job | Wait-Job -Timeout 5; $job | Where-Object {$_.State -ne \"Completed\"} | Stop-Job"


  1. Script won't work if you have Anki browser opened and your newest card focused in your Anki browser.
  2. If script is not working, update the code with the latest one.


  1. Download Capture2Text from here and extract it to somewhere permanent such as C:\Capture2Text.
  2. Download better tessdata (OCR data) for horizontal and vertical Japanese. I use and recommend tessdata_best (jpn jpn_vert) which have the best accuracy but slower (I can't notice the difference though). You can also try tessdata or tessdata_fast or just use the default tessdata.
  3. After you download, go to Capture2Text directory (location where you extract your Capture2Text). Paste the jpn.traineddata and jpn_vert.traineddata you downloaded in tessdata folder. When prompted do you want to replace, select yes.
  4. Download this option file) to Capture2Text directory. (Source: AJATT Discord Server)
  5. Copy Capture2Text.exe from Capture2Text directory. Open the Run dialog box by pressing Win + r. Type shell:startup and press Enter. An explorer window will pop up. Right click and click Paste shortcut. A message will pop-up if this is your first time running it. Click OK.
  6. Double click on the shortcut of Capture2Text.exe. Right click on the Capture2Text icon in taskbar tray. Deselect Show Popup Window. Right click again and click Settings.
  7. Define your preferred hotkey for Start OCR Capture in Hotkeys. Mine is F5. I also set Bubble Capture to F4 for reading Manga. You can change all other options to <Unmapped> because we are not going to use them.
  8. Click OCR 1 tab. Change Current OCR Language to Japanese.
  9. Under Miscellaneous, set Text Orientation to auto (default). If auto is selected, horizontal will be used when the capture width is more than twice the height, otherwise vertical will be used.
  10. Select the option file you downloaded in step 4 in Tesseract Config File under Miscellaneous
  11. The Quick-Access Languages doesn't matter if you do not use other language. If you are using OCR for language such as Japanese, you would want to replace space with nothing for easier Yomichan lookup. Go to Replace tab, insert "" (space) at first column at any empty row, and do not edit the second column.
  12. Click OK after you're done.


Installing MPV

  1. Download mpv from here. Don't download the bootstrapper.zip. Download the latest 7z version.
  2. Create a folder at C:\Program Files (x86)\mpv and extract the contents of the file you just downloaded to C:\Program Files (x86)\mpv
  3. Go to C:\Program Files (x86)\mpv\installer and right click on mpv-install.bat. Click Run as administrator
  4. Right click on any mkv file, click Properties, a window will pop up. Click Change next to Opens with, and select mpv. Repeat the step above but for mp4
    Alternatively use package manager such as chocolatey to install mpv. That's what I use but it is overkill for those who are not technical person.

Configure MPV

  1. Download ヒラギノ丸ゴ ProN W4 font from here (Source). Font like this are known as maru gothic and are largely used in Japanse blu-ray subtitle. Double click on HiraMaruProN-W4 and install it.
  2. Open notepad. Copy and paste the following code in notepad. You can also learn how to write your own configuration file here. There are also some easier guide on how to write configuration file. Just search it on the Internet.
    alang=jpn, jp
    slang=jpn, jp
    sub-font="ヒラギノ丸ゴ ProN W4"
  3. Save it to %APPDATA%\mpv with the File name as mpv.conf and All files (*.*) as Save as type. Close the window.
  4. Open notepad. Copy and paste the following code in notepad. You can also learn how to write your own configuration file here. There are also some easier guide on how to write configuration file. Just search it on the Internet.
    LEFT   no-osd sub-seek -1
    RIGHT  no-osd sub-seek  1
    UP script-binding fastforward
    DOWN seek -5
    , add sub-delay -1
    . add sub-delay +1
    p add sub-delay -0.1
    n add sub-delay +0.1
  5. Save it to %APPDATA%\mpv with the File name as input.conf and All files (*.*) as Save as type. Close the window.

MPV Scripts

  1. The scripts I used are animecards for mining card and tempvis to reveal current subtitle line only. Not strictly for language learning but I use autoload which load all video file in the same directory to playlist which is incredibly useful for binging anime. I also use fastforward for seeking which speed up the playback for a few seconds instead of skipping forward in media files.
  2. Download animecards (guide), tempvis (Backup Link), fastforward (modified by me) (Source) and autoload (Source). You can also find more scripts here.
  3. Go to %APPDATA%\mpv. If doesn't exist create a folder named scripts. Copy or move the scripts you downloaded to the scripts folder.
  4. Open animecards_vXX.lua with your preferred text editor. Edit the config. More details here. If you are using my note type and didn't edit the fields you can copy this to get the correct field information:
    local FRONT_FIELD = "Word"
    local SENTENCE_AUDIO_FIELD = "SentenceAudio"
    local SENTENCE_FIELD = "Sentence"
    local IMAGE_FIELD = "Picture"
  5. Don't forget to adjust the path information [[Anki2\User 1\collection.media]]) so it matches your Anki user name and links to a valid media folder. The script will not work if this folder is not correctly set. - You need to have separate fields for word audio and sentence audio in the script settings and on your card format.
  6. Set your preferred options for the other settings as well. There's an option to autoplay audio after capture to confirm the audio is correct: AUTOPLAY_AUDIO = true.


  1. Install extensions. The extensions I use are
    • yomichan (see Yomichan section)
    • clipboard inserter (chrome, firefox) for insert clipboard text to texthooker page
    • quick image search (chrome) for adding option to search google image on right click
    • Content Edit & Blur (chrome) to blur character count because I found it distracting
  2. If you are using chrome, you have to allow extensions to access local file. For all extensions that listed above, go to chrome://extensions/, select extension , then check allow access to file urls.
  3. Download preferred texthooker page. I use Anacreon's Clipboard Inserter Page.
  4. Copy and move the texthooker page to somewhere permanent like C:\.
  5. Double click on the texthooker page and bookmark it.
  6. Add "Yu Mincho", after font-family: in CSS in Settings in top right corner.
  7. Enable Insert copies made on this page for Anacreon MPV script, disable Always select entire line and enable Don't count special chars
  8. I disable Show line delete Xs too because I found it distracting.
  9. I also bookmark itazuraneko grammar reference and ッツ Ebook Reader which should work offline after you first load it.


  1. Download ActivityWatch windows installer from here.
  2. Launch ActivityWatch if not launched.
  3. Right click on activitywatch icon in taskbar and click Open Dashboard.
  4. Click on Settings at the top right corner.
  5. Change the Categorization to however you like. You have to update this everytime you play a new visual novel or read a new book. Here's mine.
  6. Note that sometimes when you can't click on save you have to refresh the page.
  7. You might also want to install browser extensions (chrome, firefox) to track website domain.

Virtual Desktop

  1. You can use ctrl + win + left/right to switch between virtual desktop, but I found it annoying because ctrl skip text in visual novel. It's also too much finger movement compared to mine which is alt + x (I actually use alt + q but I use DVORAK keyboard layout so the equivalent would be alt + x).
  2. Install AutoHotkey v1.1 or later
  3. Download my modified version of windows-desktop-switcher for QWERTY (the keyboard that everyone use). (original).
  4. Extract and copy or move the folder to somewhere permanent such as C:\
  5. Run the following commands in an Administrator powershell prompt. Be sure to specify the correct path to your desktop_switcher.ahk file.
    $A = New-ScheduledTaskAction -Execute "PATH\TO\desktop_switcher.ahk"
    $T = New-ScheduledTaskTrigger -AtLogon
    $P = New-ScheduledTaskPrincipal -GroupId "BUILTIN\Administrators" -RunLevel Highest
    $S = New-ScheduledTaskSettingsSet -AllowStartIfOnBatteries -DontStopIfGoingOnBatteries -ExecutionTimeLimit 0
    $D = New-ScheduledTask -Action $A -Principal $P -Trigger $T -Settings $S
    Register-ScheduledTask WindowsDesktopSwitcher -InputObject $D
  6. You can disable the switching animation by pressing the Win + R keys to open Run, type SystemPropertiesPerformance.exe into Run, and click on OK to directly open to the Visual Effects tab in Performance Options
  7. Uncheck Animate windows when minimizing and maximizing, and click/tap on OK.
  8. Restart your computer.
  9. If you use my modified version of windows-desktop-switcher, here's a cheatlist:
    • alt + x switch back to last desktop used
    • alt + a switch to the desktop on the left
    • alt + s switch to the desktop on the right
    • alt + 1-9 switch to specific desktop
    • alt + shift + 1-9 move focused windows to specific desktop
    • alt + c create desktop
    • alt + d delete desktop
    • win + tab gui interface for adding/deleting desktop, move desktop, and move windows across dekstop

Visual Novel

  1. Follow this guide to setup textractor.
  2. Follow this guide to learn how to install visual novel.


Kindle Dictionary

  1. Download preferred dictionaries from Epistularum's dictionary pack. I use 明鏡, 大辞林 and jmdict-kindle. jmdict-kindle is not from epis pack. You have to download it from here.
  2. Plug your kindle device into your computer and copy the dictionaries to the documents\Downloads\Items01 folder of your kindle device. The dictionaries should appear automatically in the dictionary settings of your kindle. Deconjugation should work too.

Install Anki Addons

  1. Install the following addons. To install addons go to Tools > Add-ons > Install Add-on and paste the code. After installing, restart Anki.
  2. Choose one.

KanjiEater's Smart Japanese Kindle Highlights

  1. Turn on Vocabulary Builder on your Kindle device. In Kindle, go to Settings > Reading Options > Language Learning and turn on Vocabulary Builder.
  2. Make sure you Kindle is in Japanese or else the addon won't work. In Kindle, go to Settings > Language & Dictionaries > Language and change language to 日本語. Click OK.
  3. Delete documents\My Clippings.txt of your kindle device
  4. Plug in your Kindle device. In Anki, go to Tools > Add-ons. Select KanjiEater's Smart Japanese Kindle Highlights. Click Config. Edit the settings: Please change your path

        "deck_name": "日本語::kindle",
        "last_added": null,
        "model_name": "Mining",
        "path": "E:/",
        "sentence_field": "Sentence",
        "source_field": "Meta",
        "word_field": "Word"
    • deck_name is the "root" deck where sub decks will be created. Every highlight imported will be placed in a subdeck named after the book it was read from. Mine is 日本語::kindle
    • last_added is when the last Kindle Highlight was added. Don't change this unless you want it to rescan & readd cards from that time. If you set it to null it will start at the beginning of all of your highlights.
    • model_name is the model to use for the cards. This model must have fields in it named whatever the word_field, sentence_field, and source_field are. Mine is Mining.
    • path the root path of your Kindle device. It expects F:\documents\clippings and a hidden folder & file F:\system\vocabulary\vocab.db to exist. Everyone's path is different. Plug in your kindle and with file explorer check what is your Kindle device location.
    • sentence_field is where the sentence where the word was used will be put in the card. Mine is Sentence.
      -source_field is where the meta data of what page and what time you highlighted the word. It looks something like this: ページ78 2021年2月3日水曜日 8:50:57 食べて. Unfortunately there's currently no option to disable this. Mine is Meta.
    • word_field is where the deconjugated word will be put in the card. Mine is Word.

Japanese Support

  1. In Anki, go to Tools > Add-ons. Select Japanese Support. Click Config. Edit the settings:
        "dstFields": [
        "furiganaSuffix": " (furigana)",
        "noteTypes": [
        "srcFields": [
    • dstFields is where the reading should be generated to. Mine is Reading.
    • furiganaSuffix you don't need to edit this. leave it as default.
    • noteTypes is your note type you want to generate readings. For some reason Mining does not work but mining work.
    • srcFields is where your word field is. Mine is Word.


  1. In Anki, Click Add
  2. Select Mining for type. Choose any deck you want because it won't matter. We won't add a new card and we are only using anki-forvo-dl setup feature.
  3. Click forvo logo on top right or press ctrl + f
  4. Select Word for Select the field whose text should be used to search on Forvo. Click Continue
  5. Select Audio for Select the field where the audio should be put in. Click Continue
  6. Select Japanese for Language Select. Click Continue
  7. Close the window. Doesn't matter if you get No results found :( or Please select the audio you want to add.
  8. Discard new card.

Japanese Definition Scraper from weblio Dictionary

  1. In Anki, go to Tools > Add-ons. Select Japanese Definition Scraper from weblio Dictionary. Click Config. Edit the settings:
        "definitionField": "Glossary",
        "expressionField": "Word",
        "force_update": "no",
        "keybinding": "",
        "max_threads": 15,
        "update_separator": "<br>"
    • definitionField is where you want to generate your definition to. Mine is Glossary.
    • expressionField is where your word field is. Mine is Word
    • I leave everything else at default.

Other tools I used

  • calibre for converting book from different format such as awz3 to htmlz or epub for ッツ Ebook Reader. .
  • condenser to condense audio for passive listening and foobar2000 for listening to condensed audio


Pub: 17 May 2021 05:54 UTC
Edit: 02 Oct 2023 12:34 UTC
Views: 62179