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note i typically do not care who follows / interacts w me as long as they arent super weird / open abt it so take this as more of a "if you do this around me or openly talk abt it i may or may not instate block" list

(1) basic dni criteria (discriminatory, pedo / "map" or other gross shit, terf, proshipper, etc) (2) have a srs problem w typing quirksasterisk (3) anti neopronouns or xenogenders (4) anti he him or nonbinary lesbians or think pronouns / presentation = gender (5) have a srs problem w ppl who kin in the way of relating to a character or ppl who do that and make "im character irl" jokesasterisk (6) fetishize ppl who use he him and are fem / use she her and are masc or call them weird things (fb, trap, futa, etc) (7) openly and srsly hate on ppls interests / comforts / hyperfixations around them on purpose / for fun, mention how u like another thing better or how another thing is better , tell ppl they shouldn't be / can't / aren't hyperfixated on smthn, or generally are neg abt ppls hyperfixations around them (unless it is being critical). even if u have no ill intention please leave me the fuck alone if u do this im soo tired of yall (8) shtwt / edtwt (9) nsfwtwt or constantly post / rt nsfw (jokes r fine for the most part as long as theyre not super explicit / often and arent abt minors (glances at the prsk fandom)

asterisk = i mean no hate to ppl who have srs reasons for having problems w these things, yall are completely valid and i have nothing against you, its just that i wouldnt recommend interacting for your own comfort bcuz i do those things myself!!


(1) i may say things that make no sense or overshare a lot, i just tend to post w/o thinking a lot (2) im hyperfixated on mafuena so if u have any problem w that ship at all literally just block me ok (3) i like literally wtv comes up on my feed sometimes w/o reading or looking at it completely it so if i like smthn problematic i likely just didnt realize (4) i ramble and complain a lot and may vent on main (will tag it tho) (5) i jokingly make jokes such as "im mentally ill" "sign of mentally illness" "im insane". it is not me trying to make fun of or glorify mental illness, it is me poking fun at the fact that im actually mentally unwell (6) i have a typing quirk (not using it on this) where i replace s with z. i also shorten words a lot and overall talk in a way that could be kind of incoherent so plz lmk if u need me to type something in a more coherent way (7) i tone indicators a lot for personal reasons so please please lmk if you dont want me to use them / a specific one for you (8) i kin for fun and make jokes such as "im character irl" but i do not mean it. i mainly do this w claire elford. ena shinonome, and minori hanasato.


stuff that doesnt rlly fit in the dni or byf but is important to me

(1) sb to unfollow but plz dont tell me that you are sbing or why /srs (2) if pqrting plz tell me if pos or neg (telling me what u said isnt necessary unless u want to) (3) if u knew / somehow figure out my danganronpa ship hyperfixation plzplzplz do not bring it up around me or anyone else even jokingly im soo srs abt this it genuinely makes me so fucking uncomfortable if you bring it up publicly around me or anyone else im literally blocking you /srs (4) if u read this far plzplz comment ur fav type of turtle on this post so ik u've read this

Pub: 03 Sep 2022 23:13 UTC
Edit: 22 Nov 2022 04:39 UTC
Views: 496