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byf extended

this is the one that you can skim cuz itz not rlly supersuper important but id still like to have this info like. somewhere accessible bcuz its important to me and probably other ppl lol

(1) lmk if u need smthn tagged and ill try to remember but i cant tag my main interests / hyperfixations (rlly just mfen / niigo and prsk as a whole tbh) (2) a lot of the time im just trying to be a bit silly and goofy when i say stuff so don't take most stuff i say super seriously lol (3) may share or talk abt prsk leaks w/o tagging (4) i sometimes go ia for short periods of time w/o warning or explanation. i just get tired and overwhelmed easily sorry i swear im ok. if i do this im likely more active on discord, so feel free to talk to me there i dont bite i swear (5) may interact a lot if were not mutuals or not interact at all even if we are so sorry if that bothers you (6) my typing style fluctuates a lot and i tend to pick up on the typing styles of ppl i interact w / see on the timeline a lot (7) i curse and use all caps a lot and i cannot tag either (8) if i act younger then my age it is not intentional nor an age regression thing i'm just very mentally silly lol (9) i hc some "canon" men as transfem and "canon" women as transmasc and may occasionally use my pronoun hcs for them however ill try to stick to canon (10) im horrible at picking up on tone so if u dont use tonetags sorry if i interpret a joke or sarcasm as srs (11) i ship like 1 mlw vbs and 1 mlw niigo ship, i try to never get into discourse or talk abt liking them publicly but if that bothers u im sorry (12) i do see mizuki as they them and nonbinary, but may occasionally group them in w the females in prsk as well as fem terms for them (girlfriend, etc.) (13) i headcanon mafuyu asahina as nonbinary and use they/them for them (just incase that gets confusing lol) (14) ill probably poke fun at cross unit mlw ships sometimes, i dont believe theres an issue w them and am totally fine w ppl shipping them and will try not to do it around ppl who gen like them but im just a lil hater so if u like cross unit mlw and this will genuinely bother u im sorry

dni extended

this isnt a dni i just didnt know what to call it lol. basically just if u do these things i prob wont fb sorry. ppl ik outside of twt are mostly exempt from this.

(1) no carrd rentry txti pinned info tweet or smthn similar (2) no basic info on ur profile (pronouns, age / age range) unless its on a carrd rentry txti etc (3) no similar mutuals (4) dont post at least somewhat often abt project sekai and / or post mainly abt any other fandom but esp genshin honkai or danganronpa. even if u do post a lot abt prsk but also post a lot abt a diff fandom i prob wont follow sorry im just mentally ill (5) get into prsk discourse a lot, specifically vbs and niigo ship discourse. i stg if i see ONE more person say that kanamafu / mafuena is problematic i will explode (6) unironically and constantly / openly hate on mafuyu asahina or ena shinonome (7) think u like ena shinonome or mafuena more then me /hj sorry im just ill

italics = current moots / i follow first ok but again i may mute you lmao

i probably just wont interact if i dont want to im just extremely selective w who i choose to follow so im very sorry if i dont follow you back for a while or at all

Pub: 04 Oct 2022 16:25 UTC
Edit: 20 Nov 2022 03:23 UTC
Views: 275