me and them <3 Mio, where do i even start i love them so much they mean the whole world to me, when we met in mgc you were the light to my life, the jokes you made were always funny i swear, i just love way you text (gelp does thag sound weird?-) i love your jokes, i love your laugh, just everything about you makes you YOU!, i will always love you my universe. don't let anyone tell you otherwise and shall always be by your side, i will never get angry at you if we have a difference, i'll never yell at you in argument, you should always tell me what wrong and i'll listen, even if i'm not the best at writing and making a whole essay but i'll always and always try my best to comfort you my love, when you talk about you hyperfix i just get so joyus knowing that you talk to me, i love your art and edits, i love your personally, i love you for you, i'm just so happy we got together and i want relationship to last forever <3 you will always be my till to my ivan, my akito to my tsukasa, my mio to my shun, my langa to my reki, If i ever get a chance to see you irl it's hugs and kisses all day! but if mio sees this then


Pub: 07 Nov 2024 16:37 UTC
Edit: 01 Feb 2025 03:44 UTC
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