Miraç - My name! I go By this regularly Both IRL and Online
Arianna - Another name I'm called IRL and very Occasionally online (it throws me Off hearing it half the time though, I'm Much more adjusted to Miraç and prefer it)

Wagyu - A part of My Username that I don't mind Being called! It is Japanese though and I would Not consider It a name I genuinely go By (I do have some form of Ethnic relation to Japan, though I don't consider it Significant and Don't identify with It either.)
Moth - The second Part of my username!! I adore Being called This. Feel free.

Jelly/Gelatin - Can you tell I thought I was Nonbinary when I chose this? Anyways, I still occasionally am Called Jelly IRL, and I don't Really mind it, so If you Want to call me It, go right ahead!

Pub: 02 Sep 2022 13:56 UTC
Edit: 26 Jun 2024 23:44 UTC
Views: 1121