Fuck my interests dude I have too many
These are all my real obsessions im their n1 fan lelz
Please never ask me to compare getween these all I LVOE THEM
imlove shah rukh khan hes my father
CSM, KNY, CoD, Vocaloids, Dexter Morgan, Gilmore Girls, Squid Game, Supernatural, RE, A lot more
Generally I enjoy : Violin / Piano, Classical Music, Music Theory, Forensic Sciences,
(Meta)Philosophy, History of science, Neurology / Neuroscience, Psychology, Medicine,
Art, Writing / Literature, Theism, Culture &. History, Geography, Civil Engineering
Weaponry (Demolitions and Firearms + More), FPS games, Animals, Biology, Chemistry
Mathematics / Physics, Debate, Law, Political Sciences ++ Literally any form of science.