we sell url pizza and more!!
contact info :: hfjone_ on twitter & mod428 on discord
url count :: 278 (maybe) - when counting the ones not on here as well
bold :: favorite, not giving away unless youre a specific person
italic :: attached, but open to trading!
mark :: italic, but heavily likely to decline [some may say gambling]
regular :: tradable!
note :: you can try your luck at asking for urls for free idm!! :3
☆ wishlist !!! - carrd urls !!! - resources !!! ☆
[6] object shows :: guaranaoso // silverspoonii // cabbyii // bickloon [lost editcode] // blackholetpot // fannytpot
[38] five nights at freddys :: mcfnaf // lilygearlake // pinwheelcircus // fazbearhills // -moltenfreddy // lefty_ // moltenfreddy_ // m0ltenfreddy // _ lefty // lolbitsbytestore // blacktombyard // leften // hearts4lefty // hearts4molten // leftyfan // moltenfreddyfan // chicaplush // leftyplush // happyfrogplush // moltenplush // fnafmysterymini // fnafmysteryminis // wiredstar // springbonnieplush // famousfilms // lolbitplush // balloraplush // ennardplush // springtrapandmangle // S-A-M // hellohelpy // fuckitupmimic // rockstar-chica // _williamafton // _phoneguy // freddysfanzone // phoneguyfreewarez
[21] roblox :: acidescape // acid-escape // getadivorceat3am // lazysackofshit // hotbeachchick // sonysayso1230 // sparten862 // ozolog1 [lost editcode :( keeping forever i guess,,] // NUMBUH369 // nostalgichangoutgame // theofficeexperiment // residencemassacre // myeyesdeceive // fnafpizzaparty // fnafcoop // iwannatestthegame // parkourreborn // moddednds // spiveregretevator // urbanshadehadaldivision // -pilby [21] a stereotypical obby :: astereotypicalobby // thisisyourobby // replehcounty // experiment0 // experimentroom0 // F-E-A-R // july122003 // july-12-2003 // 7-12-2003 // axiomvrheadset // axiomheadset // juxtaposedtechnologies // constructionwork // experiment-0 // juxtaposed-technologies // experiment-room-0 // repleh-county // construction-work // notimetowaste // notascratch // thejamesending [9] 2007 roblox archives :: dadisgone // talkthisout // whereispwner-mkv // the_moon_is_falling // rockets-mkv // letmeinjonathan // narwhalz6623 // astrobox_house // astroboxhouse [5] piggy :: corruptedgeorgie // forestdoggy // duocara // frostiggy // birthdaypiggy
[21] songs/lyrics/bands :: suntdcc // tonightharborday // harborday // aristotlesdenialdemo // stellabrown // shesariot // iamwhatyouwantmetobe // skintobone // apairoflovers // killertunekillsme // killertune // electricgirl // damnthatoxymoron // daregorillaz // evenasileftflorida // oxygentooboe // whentherhythmisgladthereisnothingtobesad // shestakingallthechildrenandwillburnthematthestake // ilosemybreaththinkingaboutyou // mitskisstar // nextyear // weweredeadbeforetheshipevensank // partingofthesensory // inch-man // electronicosfantasticos [25] the paper chase :: -thepaperchase // thepaperchase- // paperchase // themostimportantpartofyourbody // andallthecandyyoucaneat // itsoutthereanditsgonnagetyou // godwillingimalive // iknowwhatitisthatimustdo // iampreparedtosetmyselfonfireforthis // sodontcrydontscreamgoodlord // dontscreamgoodlord // airconditionedcar // showmewhatyouregoodfor // youalwaysknewwhatyoureinfor // yougrubbylittlething // lifeisdamneddoomedanddismal // yourefatedtobeavictim // andnomatterwhoyouareitsoutthereanditsgonnagetyou // canipouryouanotherdrinklover // lennywhatsgottenintoyou // wherehavethosehandsbeen // iamgonnsspendtherestofmylifelying // dontyouwishyouhadsomemore // sohowgoesthegoodfight // aliveralungakidneyathumb // onedayhewentoutformilkandnevercamehome
[11] youtube :: margaritavili
e // macdoesit // anthpo // poofesure // theurbanrescueranch // givemetheballpapa // thatperson // somewhereinseattle // amei
iawatson // whattheinternetdidtogarfield
[33] misc :: windows98_ // windowsxp_ // apairoffools // myprettyprincess // hydrogenbombvscoughingbaby // garfieldgarfunkel // gatherthegloinks // soapotd // mudconsumer // absolutenutcase162 // raymanrabbids // redguydhmis // simonpetrikov_ // tip-tup // eldersofthecreek // ITSAKIRAKOGAMI [lost editcode GOD.] // whatarestars // lpsvip [lost editcode] // flowfree // papas-freezeria // papasfreezeriadeluxe // azuracers // azutama // osakaayumu // yukarisensei // fuckemupmrsquidward // imsounique // ihatehumans // imspecial // dontscream // keepmeinyourprayers // jumpscare // D-S-A-F // thecolororange // thecolorpurple // thelorddidnotsavetheirsouls // ldstsdsaf // ldsts [10] the walten files :: missing07-14-74 // 5-3-1974 // bannyyoudumbbunny // bons_burgers_promo // charlesbrook // cyberfun-tech-console-system // cyberfuntechinteractive // cybertellytwf // feliexarcherkranken // sha_joint_movement [9] qsmp :: goopandgunk // -cucurucho- // cucurucho_ // qsmp-ironmouse // q-ironmouse // qsmptinakitten // lionmountain // greenninjas // purgatoryqsmp [7] ted :: mytwodads // ejectiledysfunction // subwaysbicyclesandautomobiles // desperatelyseekingsusan // susanbennett // loudnight // tedclubberlang [6] garfield :: relaxjon // telephonesexsurveyresults // sexsurveyresults // imsorryjon // gramfel // janandgram
traded/given urls :: treetpot 4 -thepaperchase // floory 4 keepmeinyourprayers // flooryii 4 thepaperchase- // pricetagtpot 4 -pilby // minecraftfnaf 4 famousfilms // paintyang 4 paperchase // machregretevator 4 jumpscare // nickel-ii // d-s-a-f