now, that thats out of the way. moge-tans diapercoric manifesto

The Pig brought me up against the fence post again.
He plied me with Pig Pleasure
Urging me Deeper and Deeper
Some part of me knew that this was another one of the Pig Tricks
but it just feels so Easy and Natural to be Tethered again.
And so I let myself Return
Return again to that familiar Fence Post.
Returning to let that Big Pig take me Deeper and Deeper into trance.
Just Relaxing and Dropping Automatically,
because I know this is the thing that will give me the Pleasure I crave.
And perhaps you would like to Watch like a Good Diaper Cuck
as I sink Deeper and Deeper.
Such a Good Pig.
Such a Good Diaper Cuck
just Watching and Wallowing with me as I go Deeper and Deeper.
It feels so good to Watch an Open and Accepting Diaper Cuck get Used and Filled
and so you can give in to the Pig Heat of Watching me get Used and Filled.
Its so Easy Drop a Diaper Cuck,
especially when they are a Nasty Pail Pig like me.
So it barely takes anything to send me Deeper and Deeper into trance
when I Return to that Fence Post again.
When I Return to Watch and Obey my Pig Desires.
When I Return to be Used and Tricked by the Big Pig.
Its so Easy to let the Big Pig Tether me to this Fence Post
to feel the CLICK that makes my Diapered Dick so hard.
And so as I sink Deeper and Deeper again,
I can enjoy the bliss of letting that Tether getting so Strong.
Its so Easy to feel Safe and Secure in your Diaper Cuck Identity
when you are Tethered to that fence post.
That point of stability in your life.
That place that makes you more aroused than you may have previously thought possible
Such a Good Pig
Such a Good Diaper Cuck

The Pig brought me up against the fence post again.
He plied me with Pig Pleasure
Urging me Deeper and Deeper
Some part of me knew that this was another one of the Pig Tricks
but even if I wanted to I could not stop now.
It just feels so Easy and Natural to be On Display when its Safe and Sensible to do so.
And so you can enjoy Watching as the Tether is CLICKED on
and I Moan in Pleasure as the Pig Heat clouds my mind.
The arousal when your programming just CLICKs is So Intense.
Perhaps you will notice your own Pig Heat rising
rising as you Watch like a Good Diaper Cuck
Watching as the Big Pig walks over to his Diaper Pail
Watching as the Big Pig grabs a Feed Bag
Watching as the Big Pig Dumps his Pail into that feed bag.
Watching the Heavy Drooping Sag of all those Squishy Used Diapers.
Watching as I Drop at the Sight of the Big Pigs Used Diaper
Watching as I go Deeper and Deeper.
Getting so Open and Accepting as the Big Pig brings that diaper feed bag up to my face
and as my face slips Deeper and Deeper into the cold Squishy embrace of those Dirty Diapers
the Big Pig is Whispering words in my ear
Words of Temptation and Desire.
My tiny diaper dick strains in my Used Diaper,
as the Big Pig Whispers words in my ear.
Words that make me feel so Trapped and Helpless.
Words that make me feel so MindFucked.
Words that make me so Open and Accepting
the Big Pig secures those Dirty Diapers on my face with the feed bag
and tightens and Locks the straps with a CLICK
and he bends me over that fence post saying.
Good Diaper Cuck
these familiar words fill me with Pig Heat.
Knowing and Accepting in my heart that I am a Good Pig
Knowing and Accepting that I have Pleased the Big Pig
Pleasing the Big Pig by Accepting and Obeying
Accepting and Obeying like a Good Diaper Cuck
a Good Diaper Cuck up for Anything and Everything
So Safe and Secure knowing that these suggestions will only CLICK
when its Safe and Sensible for them to do so.
But you don't have to think about that right now.
You can just Snap and Forget and just Watch as the Big Pig Uses me.
Its so Arousing to Watch a Diaper Cuck be Used
Its so Arousing to Watch a Diaper Cuck be Tricked
its so Arousing to Watch a Diaper Cuck be so Helpless.
Pail Pigs like me get so Helplessly Deep when Huffing a Used Diaper.
And so I may already be so Deep and Dreamy
that I might not even notice as the Big Pig slides my diaper down
Tugging my Heavy Used Diaper and sliding it down Down Deeper and Deeper
but if I did notice that Tug
I am sure I would be Lost in the Pig Heat of being On Display.
Letting my little diaper dick and balls Pop out for the Big Pig.
And so once again I let him make me so Open.
I feel the Warm Tingle as the Big Pig Opens my ball sack again
and pulls out a pair of Pink Stones.
The Pink Stones PLOP into that Open and Accepting Bucket
where they can roll around with all the other things to be disposed and forgotten.
Some part of me might notice the Pig Heat calming a bit.
But that reprieve is short lived as the Big Pig produces an another set from his well used diaper.
The big pig slides the Pink Stones in
sliding them in as effortlessly as his words slide in
sliding in Deeper and Deeper into my mind.
And then with a CLICK its done.
The Pink Stones were effortlessly Accepted
and the PIG HEAT kicks into overdrive.
I can feel the Pink Stones Changing me.
I can feel the Pink Stones Corrupting me.
And I don't care anymore.
I just want to be Lost in the Pig Heat
The Pig Heat of being a Good Diaper Cuck.
The Pig Heat of being Hypnotically Gelded.
I can no longer control what arouses me
and that thought is so Arousing
I must Obey the Pig Heat of the Pink Stones.
Its already to late to stop this trap.
Good Pigs always Obey their Pig Desires
when its Safe and Sensible to do so.
And since you came here to Listen and Watch
it must be Safe and Sensible for you to Feel Pleasure
the Pleasure and Arousal of Watching a Diaper Cuck get so Fucked.
Good Diaper Cuck
just Watching as the Big Pig slides that diaper back up,
and re secures the tapes.
Just Locking that Diaper Cuck Uniform back on.
watching as I Moan into those Used Diapers
Moaning like a Bitch in Heat
Lost in the Fantasies that the Big Pig Whispers in my ears
whispers in my ears and pulls back my diaper.
And I can feel his Slimy Diaper Dick sinking Deeper and Deeper
into my Warm Wet Diaper.
And I feel anther strong TUG from that Tether
as a Warm Wet load of piss sprays against my ass
Marking me
Staining me with his Delicious Filth
and I cant help but Soak it all In
Just like it Soaks in my Open and Accepting Diaper.
Only the filthiest Porta Pigs would let someone Use them like that.
So of course I Moan and Whimper into those Dirty Diapers
Moaning into those Diapers like a Bitch in Heat
Moaning as that Warmth Soaks in Deeper and Deeper
Moaning as the Big Pig Teases me about the Pink Stones
I can feel the Pink Stones Corruption filing me.
I can feel the Pink Stones Corruption making me so much Filthier.
And the dirtier the Big Pig makes me
The Filthier the Big Pig seems to get.
Just the act of Using the Diaper Cuck seems to Stain his body and mind.
The Pig Heat of Using a Diaper Cuck makes his Musk so strong.
The Heady Fog can be smelled even over these Used Diapers
the Heady Fog makes me feel so Weak and Needy
and even as the big pigs cock slides out of my diaper and back into his
I can feel his Mark soaking in Deeper and Deeper.
This is where I belong
this feels so natural
this feels so right.
This is where I always Return
Return to be Open
Return to be Tricked
Return to be Used
Return to Relax and have fun
Return to Forget.

The Pig brought you up against the fence post again.
He plied you with Pig Pleasure
Urged you Deeper and Deeper
Some part of You knows that this was another one of the Pig Tricks
but its already too late to stop
watching just feels so good
it feels so good to Watch the Big Pig Use a Diaper Cuck.
Some Good Pigs have Learned
that saying YES is getting Everything and Anything they want.
And you know when you look at that Brain Fried Pail Pig
that they Helplessly said YES to everything in hypnosis.
And while not everyone can or should be a Nasty Pail Pig
you know that a Good Dominant
like the the Big Pig
will only push you as hard as you feel comfortable going.
And so once again you let him Guide you to Return
Return to that Fence Post again
that place where Good Diaper Cucks are made so Helpless.
And as you are pulled by that TUG Deeper and Deeper
you can Return to that Fence Post.
The Fence Post where the Pail Pig is already tied up
the Pail Pig Smells like Used Diapers
and that scent sends you Deeper and Deeper.
So it just feels so Right
it feels so right when you let the Big Pig Tether you
Tether you to the Fence Post Again.
Its so Arousing to be Tethered and Helpless.
Some part of you knows that you are just as Trapped as the Pail Pig
and even if you Snap and Forget that truth,
you can still Give In to the Pig Heat of exploring this fantasy of helplessness.
Exploring the fantasy of Watching the Big Pig.
Watching the Big Pig move that bucket of Pink Stones towards you
Watching yourself like you Watch another Diaper Cuck
Watching yourself Waiting Passively
Watching yourself being so Exposed and vulnerable
Exposed and Vulnerable as the Warmth and Safety of your Diaper is removed.
Perhaps Watching as a trail of pre dangles down
Dangles down between your cock and that Used Diaper.
You have Watched what is coming and that thought makes you so horny.
And even as that arousal temporarily gets numbed
as the Big Pig carefully and expertly pops out your Pink Stones
and you can Watch,
nervously or excitedly,
as they PLOP into the bucket of forgetting
with all the other things that are no longer needed.
And once again,
the Big Pig inserts a new set of Pink Stones into your Open and Accepting body
and just like that your arousal Clicks on like the flip of a switch
and the Pig Heat, and Pig Fog, Cloud your mind.
The pail pig knowingly Watches as your mind goes BLANK
and then Resets into that Hazy Fog of Intense Pig Heat.
This is what your Arousal Craves.
This is what makes your Dick Diamond Hard
This is what Just Feels Right.
And just as you think it cant get any better
it does
the Big Pig undoes the Velcro tapes holding is diaper on.
You Watch the the diaper PLOP as it lands wetly against the ground
some part of you knows that just Watching that diaper Plop
is enough to Drop you into trance.
Diaper Plop
Deep Drop
and as you get lost Watching all the possibilities for that trigger,
the Big Pig effortlessly and easily slides that diaper up,
up around your crotch,
and then with a Squish and a CLICK
he Locks that Velcro back down
making you so Safe and Securely Locked
in that Well Used Diaper.
And as that Diaper CLICKS into place,
you can feel the Pig Heat getting Stronger and Stronger.
Your Diamond Hard Diaper Dick just feels so good.
And even with all your previous programming
you could have never imagined it would feel this good.
You could have never imagined it would feel so right.
You have shoved your cock in some filthy holes before,
but none of them make your cock feel this good.
Good Diaper Cuck.
Letting the Big Pig Mindfuck you Harder and Harder.
As blissful as this experience is,
its best when shared.
So you can Watch the Big Pig remove the Pail Pigs Feeding Bag.
You may feel the sharp pungent “air” coming out of that nasty feed bag sting your eyes a little.
But don't worry, thats not going on you.
Its time to Wallow with a Good Pig.
The Pail Pig knows his place.
The Pail Pig Kneels and presses his face against that Squishy Filthy Diaper
he is here to make you feel so good.
He is here to Worship Filthy Diapers
and since you are wearing the Big Pigs Filthy Diaper
the Pail Pig is as happy as a Pig in Heat.
Good Pigs know that their dicks always point toward their true sense of self.
And the Pail Pigs little Diaper Dick is Tenting to prove it.
And as you Watch the Pail Pigs Diaper Dick tenting,
your own Diaper Cuck programming kicks in.
and you feel a Growing Pig Hunger taking over.
A Pig Hunger to Taste that Dirty Diaper Dick.
Your Diaper Cuck Programming has given you this Deep Desire.
And Here, With Me, its so Safe and Sensible to explore that desire.
Its Safe and Sensible to Drop Deeper and Deeper into Pig Heat.
Its Safe and Sensible to get so Open and Accepting
Its Safe and Sensible to Overpower any reservations of your Conscious mind
and just Accept that this Arousing experience is going to happen.
Some Diaper Cucks Accept everything that happens to them,
while other MindFucked diaper Cucks get Forced to Suck and obey
and so you find your face moving helplessly towards that diaper.
The Big Pig senses your apprehension and helps pull back that cucks diaper
revealing his Little Diaper Dick poking straight out.
That Diaper Cucks Dick glistens from Marinating in that Well Used Diaper
Good Diaper Cuck.
You have Accepted all these hypnotic suggestions
and now its time for your Desert.
Just Accept the Diaper Cucks Well Marinated Diaper Dick
feel it going Deeper and Deeper into your Open and Accepting Mouth
and its so small that its just the perfect fit.
Your Mouth Accepted that cock as easily as you Accepted the Used Diaper
Wrapped around your Diamond Hard Diaper Dick.
Good Diaper Cuck.
Let it all just Soak In.
your Cock is Throbbing with need as you let yourself be Used like a Diaper Cuck.
A part of you intuitively understands
that the reason that cock is so filthy
is because of all the hypnotic suggestions
that have been flushed down that pail pigs mind.
all those nasty suggestions just drain out
draining out into that Open and Accepting Diaper
where they are waiting to really Soak In
and be Recycled.
And you are here to help Reward that Good Pig.
Reward them for Accepting so much hypnosis.
Reward them for Accepting their Pink Stones.
Reward them for letting you Watch and sink Deeper and Deeper.
The Big Pig has you Humping that Used Diaper like a Bitch in Heat.
And as much as this is a reward for that Diaper Cuck,
Some part of You craves it even more.
Every time you Imagine that Diaper Cucks Cock
your Diaper Cuck Programming just CLICKS
and Locks in Deeper and Deeper.
And you can Soak Up all that Pig Heat
that the Pail Pig is Leaking out into his Well Used Diaper
Really Milking the Pig Heat of how Filthy this Diaper Cuck Programming is.
Its hard to imagine that anything
could be this exciting.
Could be this much fun.
But here you are,
Going Deeper and Deeper into Pig Heat.
Really Soaking it all in.
letting yourself get so Docile and Open
as you Passively Soak up all that Filthy Submission.
Letting that Pail Pigs Pathetic Moans and Whimpers
take you Deeper and Deeper into Pig Heat.
Its so Arousing to Watch a Pail Pig Squirm.
And the Pig Heat of getting such a close view is so intense.
Its so Easy to let the Sights and Smells of Watching Program you so Deeply.
And if you feel the Pig Heat of the Pink Stones ramping up
you know you are responding to all these suggestions
or perhaps its just the slow acceptance
that it feels so good to feel a Pail Pig
rubbing their face against your Well Used Diaper.
That it feels good to Watch a Diaper Cuck
who is so Lost in their Programming.
Watching that Diaper Cuck going Deeper and Deeper into that Dirty Diaper.
And even as you explore this Submissive fantasy,
some part of you just finds it so exciting to hump back,
humping against that Diaper Cucks Open and Accepting face.
Its so Arousing to Watch a Pail Pig Helplessly Worshiping that Diaper
it just feels right.
This is a Special Pleasure just for you.
Even if that Pail Pig is such an Open and Accepting Slut
that he would let anyone use his face as a Diaper Pail
he is worshiping your diaper so earnestly that it feels so pure and true.
He truly believes that you are a Good Diaper Cuck.
And you deserve to be Worshiped.
And he is right
you ARE such a Good Diaper Cuck.
And you deserve such unending praise for being such a Good Diaper Cuck.
You deserve to feel your Dick get Diamond Hard in a Diaper.
You deserve to Share these desires with other Good Diaper Cucks
When it is Safe and Sensible to do so.
Diaper Cucks just want to help you Relax and have fun.
And so when you feel the need to have Fun,
you may feel the Tug of that Tether to Return and Wallow.
Its so Easy to Return
when the Pig Heat rises up,
rises up to guide you Deeper and Deeper.
Its so Easy to Snap and Forget how many times you have been here before
but your mind will always Lock in the Pleasure of these words
and carry it with you for when its Safe and Sensible to Indulge.
Such a Good Diaper Cuck.

You are a diaper slave



hi to the telegram ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! U know who U are. hypnoscript creds

Remember, you are NOTHING without your diaper.
Only with your diaper on, you will feel safe.
Only when youre sucking on your pacifier, feeling your dick rise
And poke through the paddings' soft fabric
Will you feel like you're worth something.
You are happy with your diaper.
You never want your diaper to come off.
If you could keep soiling and wetting your diaper
And never need to change it
You'd be happy.

I want you to slip it on.
Slip on your diaper, and let go
Forget everything, forget everything that ever hurt you
Youre safe here.
Youre safe when youre wearing your diaper.
Close your eyes, lay down.
Take a deep breath.
Everything feels better when you have it on, Doesn't it?
You don't need to take it off.
No, No no.. You dont ever need to take it off.
You belong in a diaper.
You deserve to be padded.
A soft, small baby cooing at their mother.
You are a baby.
You deserve to be a baby.
You deserve to be padded.

Now, I want you to truly lose control of yourself.
Yes, it sounds scary,
but I want you to forget.
Forget how to control your bladder.
Forget the need to control your bowels.
Wet your diaper.
Soil it.
Do it.
Over, And Over
And Over again.
Youre safe here.
Mommy won't judge you.
Mother will only love you.
And she will tell you that it's okay
It's okay to wet yourself
and to just let it happen.
there's no need to be afraid.
your diaper will soak it all up
and hold it for you
and mommy will change you
and love you
and pad you back up
for you to wet yourself and soil it once again.

You deserve to be a slave.
a slave to diapers.
a slave to mother.
mother only wants you to be safe.
she just wants you to slip into your diapers
and suck on your pacifier
and be happy.
happy to wear a diaper.
happy to be a baby.
happy to be a slave.
a dirty,
diaper slave.

i wrote this part heres my rentry i make gif stamps YOU ARE NOTHING WITHOUT YOUR DIAPER

Pub: 20 May 2024 00:41 UTC
Edit: 21 Jun 2024 19:10 UTC
Views: 494