> agender genderfluid stargender xenogender hoarder cupioromantic aroace lesbian autistic adhd he/they/it/sun/star/moon (all pronouns) collector (collector clawthorne-noceda)
> biromantic nebularomantic aroace transfem nonbinary catgender autistic they/he/she + neos hunter (hunter clawthorne-noceda-deamonne-porter) (they are very particular about the order of their last names)
trans nebularomantic bi genderfluid sparklegender aroace autistic adhd he/xe/they/star + any neos gus
bigender xenogender hoarder autistic adhd he/she + neos luz (luz noceda-clawthorne-whispers)
she/they/he + any neos autistic adhd eda (eda clawthorne-whispers)
bi enby king (king clawthorne-whispers)
ace lesbian autistic raine (raine clawthorne-whispers)
ace autistic she/they willow
transfem catgender autistic adhd she/he/mew amity
trans demi bi autistic adhd he/xe edric
gay mattholomule
pangender ace bisexual he/they/it + neos darius
agender beastgender it/they + neos or no pronouns eberwolf

> nonbinary transmasc lesbian autistic adhd they/them (any pronouns) shiver
transfem demigirl ace lesbian autistic adhd frye
nonbinary aroace lesbian autistic big man (the man stands for manta)
...or nonbinary aroace gay autistic big man. depends on the day tbh
genderfluid ace lesbian autistic adhd she/he/xe + neos pearl
nonbinary ace lesbian autistic she/they + neos marina
demigirl ace pan autistic adhd she/xe/they + neos callie
transfem ace lesbian autistic adhd she/her + neos marie
nonbinary lesbian canon!agent 3
lesbian canon!agent 4
transfem lesbian canon!agent 8
nonbinary pan canon!neo agent 3
my agent ocs aren't canon characters but yeah

> aroace autistic he/it scratch
xenogender hoarder nebularomantic lesbian autistic adhd any pronouns + neos molly
aroace nonbinary autistic adhd any pronouns darryl
nonbinary lesbian autistic she/they libby
aroace pan adhd andrea
trans mlm autistic geoff

nonbinary transfem gay autistic adhd any pronouns rise!leo
nonbinary aroace autistic he/they rise!donnie
transfem bi autistic adhd he/she rise!raph
unlabeled autistic adhd any pronouns rise!mikey
transfem lesbian autistic adhd rise!april
lesbian rise!casey
lesbian sunita

> biromantic ace trans autistic dipper
lesbian adhd she/xe mabel
nonbinary she/they wendy
demi autistic stanford

trans lesbian autistic adhd anne
autistic he/she sasha
nonbinary lesbian autistic adhd they/she marcy
bi autistic adhd he/they sprig
trans bi autistic adhd ivy
nonbinary pan autistic any pronouns maddie

greyaroace nonbinary bi he/she (botw) link
transfem bi she/they/glow/moon (botw) zelda

nonbinary lesbian adhd autistic she/xe/they sunny
trans xenogender hoarder lesbian adhd autistic she/her + any neos (SHE LOVES NEOS) izzy
genderfluid bi he/she zip
gay autistic hitch
aroace pan adhd pip

lesbian autistic she/they tulip
transmasc nonbinary bi autistic they/he lake
transmasc gay autistic he/they jesse

nonbinary bi she/they naomi
aroace lesbian she/he/they bobbie
agender aroace hypersexual romance repulsed amos
aromantic heterosexual alex
pan she/he camira
bi holden
gay they/he cortear

> pearlina
huntlow/winter (sapphic)
friver (frye x shiver)
deep cut polycule (big man x frye/shiver queerplatonic)
divorce trio
sprig x ivy x maddie
naomi x camina

pet headcanons marked with >
(autistic/adhd he/they/it collector, pretty much everything listed next to hunter or the collector tbh, they/them shiver, aroace scratch, autistic dipper)
if a character has more pronouns in parenthesis ("prn/prns (any/all pronouns)") that's probably bc the ones outside of parenthesis are the ones i think they like most but also they like all the pronouns. idk its complicated don't worry about it
if anyone says anything about the number of autistic characters i am coming for your spine

Pub: 19 Jul 2022 22:44 UTC
Edit: 17 Mar 2024 19:12 UTC
Views: 356