
STARR ( O8.2O.22 ) <3 They're not just along for the ride, they're my biggest fan!

It’s wild, but I love you with everything in me. I wish u could love yourself as much as I love you. every bit of excellence and kindness I see in you is so beautiful; if you were a star, I’d look at you forever, even if you were the sun. I’d go blind just to have the chance to stare upon your everlasting beauty. if I truly were a poet, you’d be the only one I’d write about. if I were as good an artist as Picasso or Gogh, names which everyone knows, you’d be the only muse I’d have an interest in painting. the look in your eyes when I tell you I love you is the most precious thing I’ve ever seen. you are the very perfect example of my perfect human being. the only reason I wake up in the morning is you. how beautiful you are. how selfless you’re willing to be just to make people who hurt you happy. I’m glad you’re alive. I’m so happy that you’re in my life. I don’t know what I would do without you in my life. every time I think of you, my subconscious mind tells me that you and you alone are the one for me. you are the person I care most about, the only person I want to care about. I could never be selfless if I weren’t in love with you. i would be horrible and mean and grumpy. you make me want to be a better person, a happier person, all because i want to be my best self when we finally meet. i know that i talk a lot of nonsense and make myself known as someone who tries to be silly and fun. I know I bully you a lot and make myself seem so much better than I really am, but deep down, all I can ever really think about is you. you’re my whole world and everything on it. if I could teleport, you'd be the first person I would go to, and I would never want to leave. and I know that I'm super addictive to be around, and I'm so awesome, but. I'm also really annoying, and sometimes I'm super dumb, and I never stop yapping. but you still love me. you still love me even though I'm insane and a little unhinged, and sometimes I get really, really sad, and my mental illness gets the better of me. but despite that, you love me for me as a person. not for a singular one of my parts, my body, or what I look like; you love me for me. and I love you for you. I love you even though you think you're annoying and loud and whatever else. it doesn't matter what you think you are. you are the love of my life, and I love you for every single part of you. honestly, I have no idea what I'm even saying at this point. I just love the fucking shit out of you. and I will always love you so much. no matter who you turn out to be. we are still growing, but we will grow together, and I am ever grateful for that. I'm grateful for you and your kindness, and I always will be.

Never, not once in all my years, have I loved someone as much as I love you. I will Always love you, benim kayan yıldızım. Forever and ever. You can't get rid of me.


JUNE ( O4.22.21 ) ^_^ Pink skies, blue eyes, sees right through mine.

June, I know we totally hated each other for what felt like, forever LMGAO. but you are still genuinely one of my best friends. I care about you so much, and it's so awesome to see how you've grown as a person. I promise that I will always be here for you, you're stuck with me dude. Hang in there <333


SAGE ( O6.26.20 ) O_o My best friend, best of all best friends!

SAGE!! you're so dumb and a little insane, but thats why I love you. you've been my best friend for years (forgetting that we hated each other for like... three of them) and I couldn't ask for a better bff than you. You're going places! Probably to jail, or the ward, but places! But seriously, get ur shit together bff, but keep being urself. ilysm martha <33


SETH ( JUNE 2022 PROBABLY ) :D Friendly and thoughtful, and quite awfully pretty!

SETH!!! OHHH SETH i hate you seth. you are genuonely so kind and stupid and i love u so so much. i love talking to u even if.. all of ur friends besides me are REALLY insane. even sage... sage is insane too seth... seth all u need is me seth.... anywys... i LOVEEEE playing robloc with u and sitting on vc, even if its not always for very long. u r the light of my days and im so glad we're talking sm more lately I LOVE U SETHY POO


LINDSAY ( O3.17.24 ) C: I'm not your only friend, but I'm your little glowing friend

UR AN IDIOT!!! A DUMB IDIOT!! thank u for listening to me sing and give u a little concert on vc. will happen again when i get tired enough next, trust! i loveeeeee ur ponies theyre literally so pretty. EVEN if i always make fun of u for being british, and living somewhere with SEX in the name, and i think ur GAY. ur still amazing :)


SMILEY ( O3.17.24 ) >_< Where is my friend, the Smiley?

UR MY LITTLE BROTHER ! ! stop saying dumb stupid things SIGGHHHHHHH. i love you smiley :) you always make me so so happy and ur absolute joy to be around. u will always be my friend even if ur a BABY. i loveee being around u :3


SHROOMS ( O3.25.24 ) ;>; Why can't I be like you?

SHHHRRROOOMIEE!!! mamun and carlos save me. u r my favorite buddy to brainrot and hang with :3 i loveee loveee talking about carlos and mamun and playing pokemon wheile we're on the phone together. watching alrawabi with you was SO fun, even if we didn't finish it. we should watch another show next time ! i love ur accent and ur so so cute :3 HUGGGGSS !!!!!!


ANDREW ( O1.O8.23 ) x3 Why don't you sit right down and stay awhile?

our first conversation was NOT ideal. but from that very day, i knew u would understand me more than most people ever had bothered. i love love talking to u about ur little gay crushes and the stuff u do outside of talking to me (which is ur best hobby, duh) but i love calling with you and playing that one word game even more. i WILL beat u at it again someday. hang in there andrew, okay??????? like srsly hang in there. not UP there. <3


LEON ( I HAVE NO IDEA! ) !_! You're a flashlight in a dark room, for the lonliest blackout!

LEON BUDDY! yOU'RE TOTALLY GREAT. I mean, we haven't been super close super long, but you and mia have been my rock man! even if ur ALSO totally ancient... and u ARE ancient. you're still cool. being around you reminded me that i could be myself when i'm around others, even if they might not like it so much! i can't be a hater forever. stay cool!!! you AND the seal.


MIA ( SOMETIME IN MARCH! ) ^3^ You've gotta see the artistry in tearing the place apart with me!

MIA!! Despite the fact you're LITERALLY ancient. ur probably like the coolest old person i know. your art literally makes me froth at the mouth and jump around. its so addicting to look at and so emtertaining to wait for. i absolutely adore talking to u, even if i probably worry u sometimes with the stories of my crazy endeavors. ur awesome, i care about you so so so so so much <3 (also, hi leon!)


SASHA (O7.12.24) >_O Lucky number nine, hooray!

SASHA!! I LOVE PLAYING RBLX WITH U! I know that while I'm writing this I've litch only known u for like...a few days, but i think yr really awesome! plaqyiong roblox is always so fun, and ur funny, too! talking to you always makes me feel better if im having a bad day, and playing trd makes things like.. 10x better i think. i'm so so so glad i met u, and ur soooo amazing. ur so cool!!!


NOAH (O7.15.24) o.O Used to be one of the rotten ones, and I like you for that.

Hi Noah :) I know we talked a lot more when we first met, mostly me bothering you, but I like to bother you. I think that you're really cool, honestly. It's nice to have a friend who can somewhat relate to what I deal with currently, and I like playing roblox with you. I don't think I'll ever forget our first conversation, it's one of my favorites so far. I love the little reactive emotes you use, and I love the Noah emotes even more. UR AWESOME!!

Pub: 03 Apr 2024 00:20 UTC
Edit: 02 Sep 2024 21:37 UTC
Views: 403