More about Grey !

Hi, my name's Grey but if you know me by other names you can call me by that, I don't really care. Here's some stuff before you int: ★・・・・・・★ I get anxious super easily, so if you're acting mad as a joke but it seems serious please make it clear it's a joke. I overthink pretty easily. I think I'm pretty nice, but if I'm in an obviously bad mood, it's best not to interact. It's obvious if I don't like you, so if you notice hints, it's best to take them.

DNI I just confront so I really don't mind, if I block you it's for a reason though.

INTERESTS (Bold I'm really into) True crime , Pokemon , Backrooms , Inside Job , Horror , Puppet Combo , Moral Orel , My Little Pony , Kubz Scouts , Littlest Pet Shop , Omori

FRIENDS Nat , Tensome trio , Tony , Milo , and Lucien !


That's all

Pub: 25 Apr 2023 22:09 UTC
Edit: 27 Apr 2023 23:53 UTC
Views: 55