Vice Admiral Kamus Hyouka

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Aliases: Admiral, Kam
Sex: Male
Race or Species: Human Deadbeat
Lifespan: 1090 VTE
Location(s): Moriji, Ailivian Ocean, Heavenly Ocean, Indiea

Native Culture: Moriji
Secondary Culture(s): Infinitum
Main Religion: Just Mori
Native Language(s): Moriji
Known Languages: Infinitum (fluent), Holodhennet (fluent), Anykarian (passable) Risuner (barely conversational)

Primary Spouse(s): Fellia Hyouka
Children: Jilla Hyouka (daughter), Shindo Hyouka (son)

Friendly Factions: Black Fleet, Infinitum, Tripoint, /Risu/
Friends: Fleet Admiral Jichadi
Followers: Captain Wexlus

Occupation: Admiral of the Black Fleet

Great fencer in personal combat, and a solid strategist and tactician. Often susses out the stratagems being employed by his opponents and turns them on their head to his advantage. Has a blind spot regarding the politics and social dynamics of the Black Fleet, which has impeded his progress in the hierarchy.

193 centimeters tall, 97 kilograms, but has the appearance of someone weighing ~60 kilograms.
Pale white skin with grey freckles.
Pale grey-blue eyes.

Notable personality traits:
Prone to anger when faced with incompetence. Slow to forgive. Cautious.

Optimist with regards to foreign people, believes in a world where all major nations work hand-in-hand.

Dreams and Goals:
Succeed within the framework established by the Black Fleet.

Creeped out by bodily chuubanite usage such as that exercised by the Matiyotl or Moriji priestesses.

Has a sizeable aquarium in his residence in Infinitum. Loves observing animals, especially bird-watching.

Loves Infinitum cuisine, and especially priestess products, to the despair of his wife.

Hates eating most seafood, especially cephalopods. "The texture is gross".

Under his direct command: M-12 Battleship MMS Abyss, comparable to a 74 in terms of size. Has some Vitaiho chuubanite artillery pieces, but mostly conventional cannons.


Writing notes:
He tends to be extremely formal upon first meetings, but his walls quickly break down, and he becomes overly familiar within minutes of friendly interaction.

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Pub: 22 Sep 2022 18:00 UTC
Views: 153