Goddess Faithful


Holy Ghost Morta

Nationality: Deadbeat
Born: 1030-1040 VTE
Home: [EXPUNGED], Moriji
Race: Enhanced Human, Chuubanite Exposure
Ethnicity: Deadbeat
Former Occupation: Goddess Faithful Priestess
Role: Command, Tank, Crowd Control.
Skill: Deadbeatification (Stage 3), CQC, Active-Reinforcing Chuubanite Scrimshaw, Surgery.
Mental Analysis: Motherly (to allies), Ruthless (to enemies), Schizophobic, Driven, Reliable.
Item of Note: AP Diamond-Tipped Heavy Naginata, Proofed Plate Armor, Heavy Low-Profile Crossbow, Mont Mori Diamond Fake Eye, Death Mask.


The Shrine of Memento's seventeenth borough has been thriving under the careful supervision of Holy Ghost Morta for the last twenty years. To most of her friends and colleagues, Morta is known as a gentle, supportive presence able to show firmness when needed. However, those who have accompanied in her numerous operations know she has concealed side more suited to a life of violence. Her eye was slashed out 67 years ago in a duel against a rare instance of a fellow Goddess Faithful going schizo, possibly as a side effect of Lucification. The scar and fake eye are grim reminders to her that darkness can grow in anyone who isn't given the care they need. The diamond also provides a powerful buffer storage of chuubanite to her body.

Priest Rushiko

Nationality: Deadbeat
Born: 1102 VTE
Home: Memento, Moriji
Race: Enhanced Human, Chuubanite Exposure
Ethnicity: Deadbeat
Former Occupation: Goddess Faithful Priest
Role: Assassin, Range.
Skill: Deadbeatification (Stage 1), CQC, Sharpshooter, Stealth.
Mental Analysis: Formal, Friendly, Well Organized, Orderly, Creative.
Item of Note: Dual Katanas, Plate Armor, Hand-Made Rifle, Kusarigama, Death Mask.


Born and raised in Memento, Rushiko made his name in operations under Holy Ghost Morta's command, most of them involving the termination of local schizo cell leaders. Besides being a dangerous fighter, he's also decent administrator.


Nationality: Vinäg
Born: 1108 VTE
Home: Palhalla, Vinäg-ï Hanhöm
Race: Palkyrie, Chuubanite Exposure
Ethnicity: Palkyrie
Former Occupation: Monster Hunter, Student
Role: Frontal Assault, Poisoner, Assassin.
Skill: Deadbeatification (Stage 1), Bitterbug Boosts, CQC, Stealth.
Mental Analysis: Teasing, Curious, Excitable, Wild, Unrefined.
Item of Note: Bitterbug Pet, Sword-Staff, Chain Armor, Death Mask.


Tosklo was born to a loving Palkyrie family, like many others in her hometown of Palhalla. But somehow, she always hungered for something more. She quickly made a name for herself as a skilled hunter, but one night, while enjoying a tavern near the harbor district, Tosklo heard a group of Deadbeat sailors chatting over their pints of pine ale. She heard stories that awoke something in her, tales of monsters with scales of iron, accounts of witches with bones of steel who could work magicks she'd never heard of. She knew she absolutely had to see this strange place for herself.

A few months later, the trader she'd bought her passage on dropped her off at Acheron, and she began her Moriji adventure, equipped with a carefully selected bitterbug species that wouldn't be crippled by the Deadbeatification process. She began plying her trade as a monster hunter in the Deadbeat rainforest, and was successful enough to attract the attention of a Goddess Faithful priestess. A collaboration began with Tosklo explaining the chuubanitic process through which her bitterbugs could create refined complexes from the blood of creature, and Tosklo soon began her studies at Memento Semina. In 1132 VTE, she's been alternating terms in the institution and months of hunting contracts for a few years now, absorbing all knowledge she can.

At this point in time, Tosklo is one of few Palkyries showing advanced Deadbeatification, with densified tissues, a less heavy fur coat, and white coloration, with some pink spots on the fur. Her Deadbeatification was likely accelerated by frequent ventures in the Underworld as part of her education at the Semina.



Shishov Fyodorovitch


Ex-military engineer from /shishilamy/ in his 50's, who moved to the private sector twenty years ago, getting poached by the Ka-ti Instute's talent headhunters. Currently Senior Chuubanite Engineer at Chirinkov. Massive, robust bear of a man, still physically able after decades of hard work. Largely unkempt hair-wise, smells like ether (for machine cleaning) and whale oil (for machine lubrication), likes to wear durable and reliable clothing. A particularly practical man.

Broad technical knowledge and expertise. Extremely stubborn. Cool under pressure. Surprisingly entrepreneurial, likes to bounce off ideas with other experts. Gregarious, especially if alcohol is in play. Takes his job seriously, and takes extensive care of expensive research equipment, even under field conditions. Has a small team of technicians ("Shishov's Boys") under him he treats like his sons.

Eccentricities: Loves a particular share of light blue, to the point of developing a pigment with its colour. Wears at least one accessory (tie, handkerchief) painted with it, loaded his company-given experimental fountain pen with ink in that colour.

Massive smoker. Carries a bundle of cigarettes he pre-rolled with him, before tackling a technical job he has a habit of estimating how long it will take, setting an approximate amount of tobacco products neatly on a handkerchief beforehand. As such, his coworkers sometimes jokingly refer to a 'cig' as an amount of time, roughly four minutes.



Usam is a young rising star of Chirinkov's latest round of headhunting. A Pekoran engineer, he graduated from his country's finest university with top honors. He's extremely knowledgeable and reliable in his domains, but is prone to bouts of self-doubt when he meets any hint of failure, a true perfectionist. Specializes in material engineering, chuubanitics, bio-chuubanitics, field work.




Nationality: Deadbeat
Born: 1099 VTE
Home: Oppia, Moriji
Race: Enhanced Human, Chuubanite Exposure
Ethnicity: Deadbeat
Former Occupation: Monster Hunter, Mercenary
Role: Frontal Assault.
Skill: Deadbeatification (Stage 1), CQC.
Mental Analysis: Foul-mouthed,.
Item of Note: Heavy Nodachi, Plate Armor, Flashbang Pellets, Death Mask.


Hokus is your quintessential Deadbeat merc. Deadly and experienced, he's your guy if you need to face any threat you might find on the island... In normal circumstances. He can be a bit rigid when faced with new situations, however.





Pub: 06 Nov 2022 19:08 UTC
Views: 142