MORPHINE or MORPHIA C17H19NO3 [ maybe not correct ]
<SKIP>Solubility stuff</SKIP>
Occurs in opium, being known in an impure state as Magisterium opii in the seventeenth century, and was first isolated in 1816 by Serturner (Gilb. Ann. 55, 61 ; 57, 192 ; 59, 50). Dott (Pr. E. 12, 189) found in a sample of opium that half the morphine was present as meconate and half as sulphate. It also occurs in Eschscholtzia californica (Baudet a. Adrian, C.C. 1889, 197), and in hops. [ Hmmm, I wonder about that .. this is OLD stuff. ] Preperation.--1. Opium is macerated with water at 38 degrees, the extract evaporated with CaCO3 to a small bulk, and then mixed with CaCl2. The liquid is filtered from ppd. calcium meconate, and evaporated. It first deposits calcium meconate, and afterwards a mixture of the hydrochlorides of morphine and codeine. These crystals are dissolved in water and treated with ammonia, which ppts. morphine, leaving codeine in solution (Robiquet a. Gregory, A. 5, 87 ; 7, 261).--2. The aqueous extract of opium is boiled with lime, and the filtrate boiled with NH4Cl, which ppts. morphine (Mohr, A. 35, 120). <SKIP>Pages of neato stuff.</SKIP>
APOMORHINE C17H17NO2. Formed by heating ....

Pub: 05 Jan 2023 12:53 UTC
Views: 61