' i chose her over your pride . '

JAMIE literally i love u so fucking much ur the funniest person ever ur like actually genuinely me. literally me. ur so funny and goofy literally no one as silly as u has walked this earth. thank u for indulging my insanity #jamiejax 🔛🔝
JAX HIHIHIH MY PATROCLUS I LVOE YOU SOMCUH. patrooooooo patroclus patroclussy i hate you. ur like the light of my life i love u a lot but ur evil and gaybitch. faggot. kys. die. i hope u are cursed to play only against josephs and night watches in idv rank. fuck u and ur little briseis burn.
JAY UR SO SILLY ur weird. jk i love u ur the bestest irl ever id be dead without u. ur so sos os sososoosssos sos sos silly. come over pls i wanna watch shane
OTHERS yoshi ur so funny ur literally insane ily light aka the sniffer. jamies bf ur cool I GUESS. rolls eyes. luca ur so wild bro I MISS PLAYING OW2 W U xy i miss u. even tho u are gay. ata I LOVE U i love coming to ur house let me over.
ummm if i forgot u oops.

Pub: 26 Jun 2023 15:05 UTC
Edit: 28 Jun 2023 14:17 UTC
Views: 35