
17:33] Tall, with wiry, white hair flowing across their back- the entity looms. Riddick's presence seems not to be noticed, as the demon is suspended in a long lull of attention. The hollow eyes of their peer aimlessly across the cavern.

[17:33] Rahl Folhammar says, "You'll be an fucking idiot."
[17:35] Riddick readies his blade, glancing between Ramie and the demon. "It's either of yours choice of who you feel like fighting. I'm down to take on whoever."
(Riddick C. Sparrow)

[17:37] An array of emotions filling the woman upon entering the cave, her gaze resting onto that of the red haired Altan. "Tell me... Brother.. Is it true... Did you really join those that took away Zoh from us."

The question a rather simple one but held a serious weight for the young woman, no movements of hostility were made in the direction of the man yet. Her sapphire hues rested upon him as she awaited an answer, her facial expression blank as her hands came to rest folded in one another hidden under the sleeves of her robes as she floated idly in the cavern.
(Phoenix Altan)

[17:39] In a sudden lunge, the demon seemingly 'snaps' too attention and lunges for the exit of the cave. If either of the party wants to hunt after the Giga-Class demon, they have a split-second decision to make as Esidha quickly lunges for the exit.

Light seems to be pulled after the retreating entity as they're enshrouded in an aura of anti-mana.

[17:40] Riddick attempts to make pursuit!
(Riddick C. Sparrow)

[17:40] Yikes.

[17:40] "I decided to trust you even when Angelo treated you as a traitor. I thought you were doing it to strike at the Empire.

But you don't even have a modicum of empathy for your sister." He threw Ramie in Ramie's face, the anger and contempt on the Giant's face were in force. The only reason he had protected him from the Demons one day, as a teenager, was because of the girl he had on the side.

"If she wasn't your sister you should be dead."
(Rahl Folhammar)

[17:41] Ramie looked through the eyes... of shame. Yet, he can't reveal his intentions- YET. He cannot fight his sister right now... as darkness has taken over Ramie's hearth, no... not yet, the moment has not come, as Ramie's injuries still lurk within him...

WAIT- JUST WAIT. Until that day comes, for now... he shall-


And so metal chains covered Ramie's body, this chains started to rapidly move, carrying Ramie away. Yet, it appears Riddick started pursuing him...

May Ramie be faster?
(Ramie Altan)

[17:41] Chain beyblade
(Ramie Altan)

[17:43] Blocks Ramies path?
(Phoenix Altan)

[17:49] The girl would hear her brother's cry for them to be gone. She then would notice him aiming to make an attempt to flee. Her flight magic coming in to save the day as she would cut him off at the entrance of the cave. A heavy sigh coming from the woman now as she would glare at the boy. "You will answer me now Ramie, I am tired of this silent treatment you have given me the past few years. Why did you join Deephold, why did you betray our home, how can you stomach being with the same people that mom fought against her whole life and our sister. Who took her from us, Look me in the eye and tell me Ramie! What is your connection to the girl named Lina!"

The kitsune screaming now at the man, her hands breaking free from her robes and reaching to her back. A serine calm coming over her now as she let out a deep breath "Why would you betray our family?"

Her final question asked as her small feet would touch down to the ground and her left hand gripping the hilt of her rapier.
(Phoenix Altan)

[17:53] Ramie looked at Phoenix eyes, gazing through her holy light. Small words came from his mouth, nothing but a sentence, yet, impactful. And so Ramie took his staff and pointed it at his sister.

"Me' never did."

He never did?
He never did what?
Is it that he implies, he never left his family side. May he be lying, may he be not? One thing's for sure... a battle- has- STARTED. And so the winds sing his song, of dread, hatred, and pain... SO MUCH PAIN-

And so, Ramie attacked with metal chains, gravity forcing Phoenix to go down THE DRAIN~! And yet, he waits.... he wants his sister to be okay. But no, he cannot, reveal his intentions... just- YET.
(Ramie Altan)

[17:59] Ramie Altan says, "Darkness falls across the land... the' midnight hour is close t' hand."
[18:00] Ramie Altan says, "Creatures crawl across the blood, t' terrorize ye' neighborhood."
[18:00] Ramie Altan says, "What the' Thriller."
[18:00] Phoenix Altan says, "-"
[18:01] {Won Dangerous RPB against Ramie Altan}
[18:01] Phoenix Altan has inflicted an injury upon Ramie Altan. ("Temporary Injury", "Temporary Injury", "Temporary", "Duration: Medium (2 days)")
[18:14] The fight was nothing like the practice match's the two had once upon a time. intense waves of gravity and ice collided the frozen material shattering under it's pressure. Waves of holy light and whisps of metaphysical darkness and illusion's danced across the battlefield. Slash's from her sword at illusions that constantly assaulted her mind. "You left us! You never said anything! I find you with a Demon speaking in riddle!"

Her heart beat quickened as the shards of crystal imbedded in her heart began to activate. The will of Aschea having a sway on the action's of the priestess. "You are a blemish on the balance of the life stream brother! Know this that you wont find any rest after this day!"

Her approach being hindered time and time again from his magics, making it hard for her to close the gap. A pillar of ice erupting forth from the ground causing him to loose his footing for just a moment creating a chance for her to close the gap. Rushing in as fast as she could, using her animal like instincts to their fullest and picking up the scent of the man through the illusion's. Her right hand collection motes of light, her left holding her rapier ready to stab into Ramie.

A quick trust sent through the darkness as it would scratch off of his armor but still knocking him astray.

"From this day forth, you shall be judged not by me but of those above. Aschea and Athelios will judge thy actions and carry out a swift punishment for your transgressions. If myself does not bring you home brother, another will... Your crimes are to be tried by that of the church of Apsera as this is the only mercy left I can grant you. Should you continue to resist and seek refuge with those of the Deep you will die."

Perhaps it was the last shred of hope the man she once knew was still in there, a hope that some part of his action's would be able to let the end justify the means. Though as it was now the priestess knew nothing and wanted answers.
(Phoenix Altan)

[18:16] With light in hand she thrusted it forward, the motes of light converging into the man's chest and coming to merge with his circuits.
(Phoenix Altan)

[18:18] Riddick jogs into the area, looking between Phoenix and Ramie. He could only hope that Phoenix managed to win.
(Riddick C. Sparrow)

[18:28] And so, like Goliath and David.... Goliath felt. What has Ramie turned to?
Not something he can tell, he only knows, that... whatever he does, whenever he ends up.

He still loves his sister.

And for that, he cannot give up. He needs to continue with this. He felt to the floor. Yet, this is the path he has chosen, and he shall do this... for a better future-

For his family.

"The wild nature of the' people... will lead them into their inevitable oblivion. And so, the planet will only b' saved, If me' lie to them... with the' greatest trick of history. A necessary crime."

He snaps his fingers, his body distortions, almost like if he was disappearing from the area. One final message is given to his sister.

"Me' love you."

And so he got away from the place, hoping, that deep inside... his sisterstill has hope for him. He needs to do this for the security of his family, for the security of the world.
(Ramie Altan)

[18:29] "I-I hate you..."
(Phoenix Altan)

Pub: 17 Jun 2023 05:43 UTC
Views: 159