I Did Some Market Research

Hikari: As expected of Mito-chan! I hadn't even thought about the weather for next week!
Hikari: You can definitely capture great dance footage dancing in the snow! Kuu~! I get excited just hearing about snow!
Hikari: That’s right! Since we're at it, why not think about other plans besides dance covers?! Kamakura, snowmen, snowball fights!
Hikari: It would be so much fun!
Hikari: I'm sure everyone watching would also—
Hikari: Enjoy…
Hikari: …
Hikari: …Really?
Hikari: …
Hikari: ...Not everyone has the same opinion. I get it
Hikari: Surely, there are many people who will enjoy it. There's no point in overthinking it.
Hikari: …I get it.

Kamira: Well, to put it simply, let's make videos for ourselves, not just to go viral!

Hikari: I get it… But…
Hikari: Is it okay for me to stay like this…
Hikari: ... What does everyone think? It's okay to ask, right? It's like market research. Yeah, market research.
Hikari: …deep breath
Hikari: Hi there! Before going to bed, let's have a little chat stream! Anyone still awake and wants to chat with me?
Comment: "Surprise stream!" "Hey there! Hikari-chan! It surprised me since it was so sudden~"
Hikari: Ehehe, sorry for the suddenness! It might be short, but please stay with me until you get sleepy!
Comment: "I’m glad! I'll listen while going to sleep!" "What are we going to talk about~?"
Hikari: Uhmm…
Hikari: Ahaha, I didn't think about what to say! How is everyone? How have you been lately?
Comment: "Keeping it casual, huh~" "I'm doing well~" "I gained weight from late-night snacks"
Comment: "What about Hikari-chan? What did you do today?"
Hikari: Today? Well, I went to school, had practice at Gingaza, and... I was thinking about the plan for the next video!
Comment: "Video?" "Not a stream, but a video... does that mean..."
Comment: "No way, is it a second dance video with Camila-chan and the others!?" "I want to see a new one! The three of you dancing!"
Hikari: Haha, everyone is so sharp—. But, the details are still a secret!
Comment: "I'm curious!" "Looking forward to it~" "Even though it's a sleep stream, I’m having trouble falling asleep because I'm excited!"
Hikari: (Thank goodness... Everyone said they were looking forward to it.)
Hikari: (It's okay, it's okay—)
Comment: "Huh? Hikari-chan, is something wrong?"
Hikari: Huh?
Comment: "I see. Are you not feeling well?" "It seems like something’s different than usual..."
Hikari: …
Hikari: (...Do I move so much that it looks like I'm trying to stand out?)
Hikari: (—There's no way I could ask that. Everyone is so kind.)
Hikari: (They would probably say, “That’s not true.” ...But I probably... Wouldn't be able to believe those words.)
Comment: “Hikari-chan?”
Hikari: Ah! Sorry, sorry. I feel like… I'm about to sneeze!
Hikari: I've been having a lot of trouble lately too. Between practicing at Gingaza and the classes at school getting more and more difficult, every day is quite tough~.
Hikari: (...It’s not a lie.)
Comment: "Gingaza practice sounds intense" "Classes! I'm having trouble keeping up too!"
Hikari: (In the first place, even if someone asks me that, it'll just be troublesome.)
Comment: “Everyone has problems!” “Be confident! Hikari-chan is Hikari-chan after all!”
Comment: “Hikari-chan’s smile always saves me!" "If you're in trouble, feel free to talk to us anytime! We'll support you together!"
Hikari: Everyone…
Hikari: Thank you! Your comments cheered me up—!
Hikari: Ah, now that I feel better, I'm starting to get hungry.
Comment: "What's with that lol"
Hikari: Hehe, but if I eat at this hour, I might really gain weight, so I'll be patient, patient…
Comment: "I'm glad you're feeling better!" "Resisting a late-night snack is impressive!"
Hikari: Well then, I'll end it here for today! Don't forget to subscribe to the channel and feed! Goodnight, everyone. Sweet dreams!
Hikari: …
Hikari: I can’t believe it, doing market research and all…
Hikari: I… I wonder what I was trying to achieve?

Hikari: “Well then, I'll end it here for today! Don't forget to subscribe to the channel and feed! Goodnight, everyone. Sweet dreams!”
Kamira: Hikarin…

Pub: 08 Mar 2024 17:06 UTC
Views: 72