List of bots from MrNobody99:

Not sure if I'll be putting any here but for now, simply hosting on chub: Chub shit

Bot Request Form If you have an idea that's interesting, let me know and I'll see if it's something I'm down to make.


DS R1 v2 - Updated 2-15-25 - Finally feel like it's becoming fun to use. I added a statbox option and made it simulate a sonnet chat. Seems to help reign it in for whatever reason. The statbox is only good for singular character cards, obviously, and should be toggled off on other bots. Will probably clash with existing statboxes. I also added a prefill for models that support it, so only End or Prefill should be selected. Honestly, I feel like maybe it's smarter if End is toggled on, but using your own Prefill is much faster. I find that the output is really feeling smooth and sexy if you toggle the assistant <think> on, keep the normal END off, and use JB9.

Still has a lot of styles (which can be seen here: Deepseek examples) and I added a slimmer JB that feels more natural. It really does help if you can find a source that supports a lower temp (.4 to .5 is perfect.) The generic novelist style works as a nice all around writer, and only one style should be chosen at a time within the <format> tags (other than 3rd person.) Choose the basic assistant style if you want that, or are doing something like a rpg. You can still do RPG style cards with styles, but you might want to remove the paragraph limitation. The <request> tag holds all your odds and ends, like NSFW shit, themes etc. NSFW is more about guiding the scene than any sort of jailbreak.

Things you might want to toggle:
Any NSFW section - top works the best for me, I was testing things with the others.
Thoughts - shows internal thoughts in bold.
Author/narrative style - for obvious reasons.
Scene focus/random events - choose neither or one or the other, never both.
Dark or comedy themes - R1 really goes nuts with these.

Chorbo/Latest JB - Been fucking around a bit with chorbo (GPT Latest) and I feel like I have it behaving better than most. This JB is somewhat frankenteined, but its working - I'll likely update/change this as I refine it a bit further. You still have to swipe on hardcore shit, but if you don't mind a few swipes, usually 2-3 are all you need most of the time. Including a lorebook that helps encourage pro-activity, along with a regex and logit bias to clean things up. It has a few author styles I like - only one should be activated at a time.

Opus JB - I'm not claiming this is the best Opus jb, but it works pretty well for me. There's an anti-NSFW section that tones down the over-the-top sexuality that Claude likes to run rampant with. Updated Anti NSFW to be smaller and more effective.

Opus JB Without internal dialogue/thoughts - Same jb as above except with internal thoughts and dialogue stripped out.

Furbo 2025 - Playing with this again due to lack of other models, and I think I improved on it. Getting a 10% fail rate on super hardcore shit, but the prose is much better so it feels worth it. Some author styles included. Furbo struggles with group context, so with this preset, if you do group chats but don't want to be present, just insert some sort of line like <OOC: keep going> so the model knows where to pick up.

My current furbo JB - there are some options to toggle for random stuff and it's best to only toggle these on for one round, then turn back off. I left a CoT section at the bottom for people who wanna play with it. This is designed to be a balanced JB for anything, not leaning in one direction or another too hard or far. For some reason ST refuses to save 1106 as the default, so you have to set that manually.

My current claude 2.1 JB - I honestly haven't tested this a lot, but it works well for the testing I've done. Optional NSFW section and a small anti NSFW section.

RPG Game Bots

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Scenario Bots

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Female Bots

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Male Bots

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Misc bots

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Pub: 01 Mar 2023 18:48 UTC
Edit: 16 Feb 2025 06:47 UTC
Views: 29306