cherry ctrophyduo they/he/neos 18 italian american(sicilian aka the best kind of italian) white nonbinary

transmasc father of 1 incel sigma male manipulator e-clown mumbojumbo akgae piranha orbit certified silly guy full of joyous whim. gods strongest dm and defense lawyer for mark hoffman (he is going to jail)(I am not winning the case)

my big interests as of this moment are ULTRAKILL, SAW... metal gear solid, Kpop (Loona ult, LOONAVERSE !! RV, Stayc, Lightsum, and I listen / enjoy many ggs casually), DND, JRWI (BITB, Apotheosis and I am chipping away at riptide / prime defenders) guilty gear strive, jerma985, Hades, Purpled, WomboComboWumboMumboJumbo(but just his red stone videos), Joshi (Maki Itoh, Hikaru shida, Mei Suruga), CSM but only on weekends, Hannibal, PMMM, revue starlight, hololive(5th gen especially), stranger things whenever Im reminded about it, idolmaster (cgss and million live), anime(yes every single one ever made.)(especially the one you like), and various other medias thumbs up

Pub: 21 May 2023 19:56 UTC
Edit: 26 Aug 2023 01:20 UTC
Views: 3129