if you found this, know that mspec lesbians do exist! i love you all. im one and i know its hard being one. its hard having others invalidate you. we arent treated in the same way other lesbians are, or if youre trans, trans mspec lesbians arent treated in the same way other trans people are.
dont let any harassment get to you. if you think you're alone, you're not. i understand you even if i dont know you. keep fighting for your right to have a sexual/romantic identity. explain calmly. or dont. you can handle things with grace and help others understand, or you can tell them to fuck off that you dont tolerate anyone treating you wrong. any response is just fine, just by existing you're doing great.
anyone who mistreats you for being lgbtqia+ is evil. they are nasty and horrible and not worth a second to even think about. dont tolerate it. not with strangers, not with friends. you always come first. if youre an mspec lesbian you are loved and all your love for the community, and all your anger at being mistreated is understood. even if im anonymous, we are still familiar at heart. show your lesbian love, show your lesbian anger, and embrace every emotion you feel- it is all beautiful because it is you. never put a damper on who you are
- On that note, here are some links of why people in history have called themselves mspec lesbians, and why it is still relevant to the community today! ⬇
I suggest going into this with an open mind and patience toward women and nonbinary people with contradicting labels.
- Video: what are 'BI-LESBIANS'? (and why does the internet hate them?)