I was suddenly wealthy, but with few friends and no living relatives I was quite lonely. I met my wife Valery online and rescued her from death by boredom. She was more than eager to get out of the sleepy little farm town. The exciting news of the year was a boy putting a jacket and winter hat on his dog. There was a picture on the front page of the local newspaper. Los Angeles or Hollywood it surely wasn't!

I also rescued her parents’ church from financial failure. At twenty-three I was five years older, but her parents reluctantly let her date me after I put a big check in the collection bowl one Sunday morning. She was a major cutie about to graduate high school. I liked her pretty face and long dark hair with just a slight touch of red. I lived two hours away, but she was more than worth the long drive.

By our fourth date we were deeply in love. She kept repeating that she wanted to stay a virgin until marriage. She acted like a proper, respectable young lady most of the time, but a horny slut in the back seat of my car. I was overjoyed Valery gave me blowjobs, and used the famous loophole by letting me in her butt on most of our dates. I was more than happy to pet and kiss her kitty, too.

I got a great job a week after finishing my Master’s degree. Between that and my large inheritance, I easily afforded our fancy and expensive wedding and a honeymoon in the Bahamas. Once we reached our hotel room in Nassau we fucked liked bunnies, at least three times daily for a whole week. I was more than pleased she actually was a virgin. Unfortunately, her libido soon faded.

We moved into my late parents' large home in Burbank. She wanted to get a couple of dogs, since she didn't feel ready for kids. I’m allergic and suggested cats, but she’s not a cat person. Instead, we made big donations to a homeless shelter and an animal sanctuary. We both volunteered at the shelter after church on Sundays, and she greatly enjoyed caring for injured animals at the sanctuary while I was working.

Other than sex being a twice monthly rarity, things were great. After only half a year, I’d become quite frustrated with her bedroom frigidity. I started masturbating in the shower several times a week to make up for it, and felt guilty I did.

A month after our second anniversary, at only seven o’clock on a Monday morning, I caught her cheating! When I saw the gardener fucking her from behind on my laptop screen, I ran to the tool shed. I grabbed her wrist and dragged her into the house. She kept squealing, "Hey! Let me go! You can’t do this to me, Ken! You have no right! Let go!"

Her long dark hair fluttered in the breeze, until I walked in the back door with her in tow. I shoved her onto the sofa. For the first time ever, I shouted at her. "Close your damn noise hole and FUCKIN’ SHUT UP a minute!"

There was fear in her dark brown eyes as I took several deep breaths to calm myself. "You know what’s in our prenup and you signed it. There's a security camera in the shed and another in the back yard. They recorded you grabbing the gardener's ass! I have you FUCKING him on video!" I glanced at one of her high heels and noticed a glob of semen on it!

Her eyes widened as I filled my lungs and exhaled slowly. I angrily said, "You should have just told me you wanted a divorce! The prenup would have been a million if you were faithful! You haven’t let me in your butt or given me a blowjob since the honeymoon! I only get pussy a few times a month, but you screwed Emilio! The gardener? How many times?"

"No! I… I… Please! I’m so sorry! It was just today."

"How many other guys did you FUCK! How many times?"

"Besides the party we went to, just this once. I'm so sorry! I never meant to hurt you."

"Since I have proof you’re a cheating SLUT, you only get your car and five grand! If you’re really sorry suck me off and swallow it, like the WHORE you are! Then we’ll watch a hot porno with my cock in your ass!"

I saw a tear at the corner of her eye. "Ken, no! Please! I… I really hate doing those!"

I reminded her, "You liked them just fine when we dated."

"I was so in love! I was desperate to marry you. I still love you. Please don’t make me?"

For a moment we stared at each other silently. She continued, "Unless I agree to it, with all your assets a divorce could take two or three years. Remember the prenup says I get to live in the house until the divorce is final. I… I… if I can stay three months to find a place, and you give me a quarter million, I’ll agree to the divorce and sign. I… I’ll make love to you twice a week, too. Please?"

I took yet another deep breath and thought a minute. I proposed, "How about we divorce but pretend to stay married, and you be a WHORE for me? I'll keep it a secret, so it won't upset your family. Ten grand a month if I can fuck you any way I want, anywhere I want, four days a week? That way I can just kick you out if you cheat again."

Her tears intensified and she tried to answer, "I ah... but uh..."

It was a scummy thing to do, but I threatened, "If you don’t do it, I’ll send your parents a copy of the movie I made at the Joelsen party last summer. Remember eating magic mushrooms with a naked woman, then playing with her pussy while another girl licked you? Or the twins who fucked you and shared a bong with you? What would your preacher mother think of that?"

My wife shook her head. "No! Please!" She took a deep breath and submitted. " I… I’ll do it. Be nice to me and keep it a secret, and.. and I... I'll be your whore ex-wife." She swallowed hard. "Four times a week."

I replied, "If I catch you with anybody else the deal’s off, and you leave immediately!"

She mumbled through her tears, "Okay! Just don’t tell anyone or hurt me! Please?"

She was the one in the wrong, but guilt still nagged at me. I played with her thick dark hair and assured her, "You know me. I don’t like pain, and I’d never hurt anybody on purpose."

She sputtered between sobs, "Thank you."

I turned away, grumpily saying, "Go take a shower, there's cum on your leg. Stay home and don’t let anybody in the house. I’ll be back later. Probably." I drove a few blocks, then parked to send a message that I was sick and taking a few days off work.


I went to a strip club hoping for what my wife rarely gave me. After six or seven beers, many tips, and an extra wad of money to visit the Champagne Room, a flat-chested Asian girl gave me a sexy lap dance. I debated paying her for a blowjob or sex, but she was only average looking and I didn’t have much cash left in my wallet. I didn’t want to be a cheater like my wife, either.

I left the club, bought a small bottle of bourbon, then drank and jerked myself to sleep in a cheap motel room. I woke in the middle of the night and watched a porno while I finished off the bottle. I finally woke up around noon. I got aspirin, coffee, and a burger on the way home; which eased my hangover a bit.


I was quite surprised as I approached the house. A gorgeous young woman with long blonde hair was sitting on the grass in the front yard. My jaw dropped open at the size of her huge breasts, easily three times the size of my wife's! I also liked the smile on her pretty face and the camel toe in her bikini bottoms. The light blue fabric matched her eyes, and I hoped the head of my cock would match her…

I stomped the brake pedal a split second too late, distracted by her arousing form. After crashing into the garage door, I climbed from my car. There were a couple of large dents but no major damage. I turned and gathered up the courage to approach the exquisite blonde beauty. As I walked toward her she took a cigarette from her small black purse. I felt a stirring in my boxers when she lit and sucked on it. I awkwardly said to her, "Uh, hi, I’m Ken. Hi."

She smiled at me and took a long slow drag from the cigarette, then exhaled a cloud. "Hello. My little sister gets out of school at three o’clock. What time is it?"

I glanced at my phone. "One fifteen."

"I like to watch the birds while I wait." She pointed to the trees across the street, then used her plump pink lips and blushing cheeks to suck in more smoke. She blew a thin stream of white toward my waist, then continued, "You don’t need to call the cops or anything. I’ll leave if you ask nicely." I stared at her shapely body, spellbound by her magnificence, until she suggested, "But I think you’ll be happier if I stay."

I swallowed hard as a solitary thought blared in my brain, ‘I’d love if she stayed in my bed!’ I croaked out, "Urrrmm…"

"It’s hot out and I’m thirsty. Could I get something to drink?" She wiped a bead of sweat from her brow and I noticed her long, light blue fingernails. I stared into her eyes a moment seeing exactly the same color.

"Guh… uh… Follow me! Please!"

She reached and held my hand as she stood. "My name is Emma, nice to meet you."

"Uh… Great! Hi! I’m Ken."

I thought her giggle was terribly cute. "Hehehe! You said that already. Let’s go inside." She crushed out her cigarette with a sandaled foot, and I noticed her toenails matched her eyes too.

"Uh, yeah." I led her to the kitchen and said, "Please have a seat. Would you like water, diet cola, milk, orange juice, wine, beer?"

"I never drink before dinner. Orange juice, please?"

"Sure." I noticed when she glanced toward the staircase and smiled briefly. I turned my head and saw Valery walking upstairs in a bath robe.

The gorgeous blonde asked, "Who is she?"

I stammered a moment as I answered, "My uh… wife Valery. Uh… ex-wife. She’ll be my ex-wife soon."

"That’s a shame, she’s very pretty." She licked her lips as I handed her a glass of juice. "Were you two at the Joelsen’s place last week? The nudist party?"

"No, but we know the Joelsens." I'd been in London for business. I wondered if my wife…

"I swear I met her there, or somebody who looks just like her. She did amazing things with her mouth! And watching the guys three-hole her, that was so hot! Does she have a little cross tattoo under one of her boobs?"

An intense surge of jealousy struck me and I screamed, "VALERY!"


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Pub: 25 Sep 2024 12:13 UTC
Views: 151