must remake... sigh... maybe put the info on .co/fun but idkkkkkkkkkkkkkk

art by dewberdrop
a gif of wilbur and tommy by dewberdrop. it shows them sitting together as wilbur eats sand and as tommy happily eats muddly, both of them messy with piles of said soils next to them. wilbur is in his yellow sweater, black jeans, and black shoes while tommy is in his red hoodie, blue jeans, and white sneakers. it's a simple and small gif with few details, and has been edited and cropped to only show them from the animation and have a transparent background.
“mmm, my favourite brand.”

  • never call me sibling or sib
  • i make kys, kms, death, killing, & sickness jokes, and i’m jokingly aggressive only with friends
    • i also make jokes about racism & queerphobia that i face
  • i have school, i’m in australia, and i have a life out of discord, so i will reply late, forget to reply, etc. no hard feelings
  • i don’t use tone tags much (not used to them) nor do i generally need them, so please tell me if you need them!
    • i’m very sarcastic a lot of the time
  • be upfront with me if you need to tell me something. do not be vague and beat around the bush with me because i cannot tell people’s undertones (funny, i know)
  • when my status is Do Not Disturb it's because i'm active but doing something (typically calling & playing games with friends). feel free to message me but i'll possibly not reply for a while. i'm typically on idle when online and free

  • basic dni
  • dream team fans
  • poppy, fruity, clem, & leak losers. boundary breakers are sent to the black hole
  • irl shippers stank
  • ure gonna joke about and stereotype my ethnicity & culture. there's only a select few people i'm ok with doing that to me
    • call or treat me like a dog and it's joever for you
  • if you don't credit artists i'll explode you with my mind
  • all in all, if i don’t like you i’ll probably just not talk to you 🤷

interestsa gif with art by dewberdrop. it shows tommy and wilbur hugging and is from the same animation as the last gif. it has been extremely cropped and resized to where it's 20x20socials

Pub: 28 Sep 2023 01:21 UTC
Edit: 06 Feb 2024 02:27 UTC
Views: 1379