i am so lazy so i will make this pretty later but here is the current freq frotners + system twitter
kat she/her host
signoff 🐱 my account
amelia she/it host #2
signoff 💜
leon or on, he/him co host + anger holder
signoff 🔥 his account
mimi or aya, she/he co host + FUN ALTER!!
signoff 👽
aria or evie, she/her unknown role
signoff 🌊
emi she/star moodbooster + paranoia holder
signoff 🍬 her account
byf no collective dni we will just block as necessary, dont always sign off but whos fronting is always logged on simply plural @sillykitty, some alters tend to be more interactive than others, friends can ask for certain alters to front :D, singlets please ask us any system questions you have srsly we love answering them alrighty thats all for now !!