Rozella parted her lips and ran her tongue slowly across them as she raised her left leg and allowed the hem of her dress to slide up her thigh to hips. Careful to afford Miranda a good view she pulled her dress out of the way. Her mauve knickers had tiny little ribbons on the side and a frivolous bow at the front. Miranda sat on her hands fighting the desperate urge to cross the space between them to stroke those silky legs. Astounded by the audacity of the woman, she watched as Rozella stroked the inside of her thigh and came to rest her hand on her crutch between her outstretched legs. Very deliberately Rozella allowed a little sigh to escape her lips as she began to caress herself there; her fingers rubbing gently at the satin knickers. She closed her eyes slightly and lowered her head onto the seat bank, her spare hand lifting up to cup her breast and fondle it through the material of her dress.
Miranda’s heart was pounding in her chest as she watched Rozella wantonly stroke her sex. She held her breath as Rozella lifted her dress higher and lifted her hand to the sliver of flesh revealed above her knickers. Rozella opened her eyes and stared directly into Miranda’s as she paused teasingly. With a slow smile, she slid her hand down under the waistband of her knickers and shuddered softly as her questing fingers found the damp, warmth below. "Stop it Rozella!" whispered Miranda almost as if fearful that somebody might hear her in the empty carriage.
Rozella gave a little gasp and her fingers quickened at her sex. "Too late Bella!" she breathed hoarsely, the cheeks of her face suffusing with the pink of arousal. "I cannot help myself! You have captured me! You have bewitched me with your eyes on my body and I can no longer help myself. I am yours! I am your plaything. I can only surrender myself for the gratification of your pleasure." With a small moan Rozella slipped her left hand under her dress and eased her breast clear, to grip it tightly as her right hand moved ever more urgently beneath her knickers.
Desperately Miranda leaned out to look along the gangway between the seats to reassure herself that they were indeed alone before wrenching her eyes back to Rozella who was now beginning to squirm alarmingly as she rubbed herself. Miranda felt the quickening throb between her legs as her own arousal mounted and she shifted position awkwardly as she felt the dampness in her groin. Her eyes darted between Rozella’s knickers, the ripe full breast with its pert brown nipple and the lovely face now abandoned to lust as Rozella masturbated uninhibitedly in front of her. It was crazy; it was madness; it was exhibitionist to the point of insanity and it was quite the most erotic thing Miranda had ever cast eyes upon. Rozella was panting now and her soft cries becoming louder by the second. Both in fascination and fear Miranda wondered if Rozella was about to have an orgasm in front of her but she was beyond protesting or trying to restrain her. She decided that Rozella probably would climax. There seemed no outrageousness this girl was incapable of!
Then suddenly Rozella stopped with her chest heaving. She withdrew her hand from her knickers and sat upright. Fixing Miranda with her eyes she raised her right hand to show Miranda her fingers glistening softly with the dampness from her sex still on them. Miranda swallowed sharply as Rozella lifted her hand to her mouth and began to lick her fingers. "You are completely mad!" Miranda breathed exasperatedly.
Rozella grinned at her and, using both hands eased her breasts clear of her dress to fondle them, her eyes watching Miranda carefully. Her breasts were exquisite. Miranda was entranced by them. "Do you like my breasts caro?" Rozella asked seductively.
"Th... they’re very nice!" croaked Miranda with what she instantly decided was the most inane banality she had yet managed in her short acquaintance with this maddening woman.
"Would you like to kiss them?"
"Oh Christ!" Before Miranda could think of anything sensible to say the infuriating chime of the train’s PA system sounded to precede the driver once more announcing their coming arrival at a station. Miranda let out her breath in a gasp. "Oh God we’re in Arth-Goldau!" The time seemed to have flown by since Zug.
Rozella replaced her breasts in her dress with a laugh. "Perhaps later then little one. After Arth-Goldau there are only two little villages between us and the Gotthard tunnel. A lot can happen in the climb up to the pass!"
Miranda wiped a hand across her forehead. "Oh God! This is the maddest thing I’ve ever done in my life!"
"Ah there is time yet!" Rozella glanced out of the window. They were just pulling into the station. Rozella grinned in sudden decision. "I want to give you a present caro."
"What sort of present?" In reply Rozella lifted herself off her seat and reached under her dress to slip her knickers down her legs. "What the hell are you doing?" Miranda protested in a hoarse whisper.
Rozella ignored her and pulled her knickers down to her ankles. For a second they became entangled in the high heels on her sandals but she freed them and held them out to Miranda. "There caro! They are yours!"
"What the hell do I want your knickers for?"
"A souvenir my sweet! A souvenir to remember me by and our little encounter on a train one wet Monday night. When you are alone in your bed and thinking amorous thoughts you can take them out and think of me as you stroke yourself. Perhaps you can put them on while you play with yourself and remember how they were next to my most private part as I masturbated for your entertainment. Here! Take them!"
"I can’t take your damn knickers!"
"If you do not I will hold them up to the window and show the world what little game we have been playing!"
"You blackmailing.... Oh Hell give them here then!" Miranda snatched the offending item. They were damp to her touch and she could scent the female aroma of Rozella still on them.
Rozella smoothed her dress down and sat back in satisfaction. There now! See what advantage you have taken of a poor innocent girl travelling alone at your mercy! You have me completely naked now under this dress. My reputation is ruined!"
"You... you..." Miranda could think of nothing to express her outraged indignation.
"All tickets from Arth-Goldau please!" Miranda leapt with a start. The conductor seemed to have jumped up out of the floor boards beside her. He was looking at her quizzically. In horror Miranda realised she was still clutching Rozella’s knickers. Hastily she pushed them behind her out of sight, blushing furiously. Rozella stifled a little giggle. "Anybody else get in this carriage ladies?" the conductor asked conversationally, peering down the aisle.
Miranda shook her head vigorously. "No! No... nobody." she told him breathlessly.
The man nodded in acknowledgment. "Well I can’t see many more people getting on the train tonight." he observed casually. "So I guess you’re in for a quiet journey."
Rozella smiled at him wickedly. "Molto buono! We are enjoying the privacy of our company!" Miranda glared at her.
The conductor nodded once more, his face unreadable. "Well I shall leave you two ladies in peace then." he left the carriage. The train pulled out once more. It was five minutes to eleven.
"Now then caro, where were we?" asked Rozella with a mischievous grin.
"I think we were at the point of fully confirming that you should be taken away and locked up in a nunnery!"
Rozella’s eyes lit up. "Hmmm! I like this idea!"
Miranda laughed suddenly. "Oh God no! No... forget that! Bad idea! Let you loose in a nunnery? God there’d be carnage!"
Rozella grinned at her. "You should laugh more often caro. You are too serious. Laughter becomes you."
"I don’t often meet people as crazy as you Rozella."
"Then you should. Life is too precious to waste in being serious all the time. It is good to see you smile."
And smile Miranda did; acknowledging the justice in Rozella’s words. She had been sad for too long. She had known this woman for only an hour but she had made her feel more alive than she had felt for years. She was maddening, infuriating and outraged every sense of decency in Miranda but she was beginning to like her. Trying to push aside such strange thoughts Miranda gazed out of the window. It was pitch black but the rain hammered at the glass. "God it’s raining harder than ever!" she remarked.
"So are you wet?"
Miranda glanced at her, puzzled. "It’s raining outside, not in here." she said foolishly.
"Ah Miranda that is not what I meant and you know it."
Miranda smiled ruefully. "You have a one tracked mind Rozella!"
"And we have less than twenty minutes before Erstfeld caro. Time flies so answer my question. Have I excited you? Are you wet between your legs?"
"I...I might be." ventured Miranda austerely.
"So I must try harder!" Rozella said with a smile. "I am wet!" she added by way of an afterthought.
"I did notice! Your knickers were sopping!"
Rozella laughed and then with another of the sudden fluid motions that always caught Miranda by surprise she turned around to kneel on the seat with her back to Miranda. She leaned forward and parted her legs. Slowly she raised her dress until it was above her waist, displaying her nakedness. Her vulva was dilated and glistening with moisture. She ran a finger into her crevice and looked back over her shoulder at Miranda. "See what you have done to me! I am a ruined woman."
Miranda shook her head fondly. "I think you were that long before I ever met you Rozella! Look at you! Showing me your pussy without a shred of shame!"
Rozella pouted at her. "What is wrong with my pussy? Don’t you like it? Is it not pretty?"
Tickled by the absurdity of it, Miranda laughed aloud. "I don’t really know Rozella! I mean it’s not something I’ve had much experience of, examining another girl’s parts! I wouldn’t really know how to compare it."
Rozella looked at her curiously. "You have never looked at another girl there before?"
"Well no! I mean it’s not exactly something you do is it. You can’t exactly say to someone "Excuse me do you mind if I conduct an examination of your pussy... purely in a spirit of aesthetic, academic interest you understand!"
"Well then look at mine. Go ahead! Take a close look. Here I will make it easy for you." Rozella leaned further forward and parted her legs even more. With her hands she pulled her buttocks apart to display herself more clearly.
Miranda could think of nothing appropriate to say and she found becoming interested in spite of herself. She leaned forward to peer closer. She had never really thought of the attractiveness of a woman’s sex before but as she looked she thought dispassionately that the dark folds of the outer lips contrasting with the bright pink, moist inner sanctum were actually quite appealing. There was a trickle of fluid from the vaginal opening and she could see the nub of Rozella’s engorged clitoris quite plainly. The skin looked velvety and slick with dampness. She was so smooth there. She noticed that Rozella evidently waxed herself for there was no pubic hair visible. She wanted to reach out and touch her; feel the softness of her sex and knew that if she did she would bring gasps and moans of pleasure to Rozella’s lips. It seemed as if she hardly needed to for Rozella was becoming visibly aroused just by her displaying herself for Miranda’s perusal. "She’s an exhibitionist." thought Miranda to herself. "She loves doing this! She loves exposing herself and having other people watch her perform." Even as she thought it, Rozella’s arousal got the better of her and she ran a hand between her legs and began to stroke herself again. She buried her face in the seat and her breath quickened and deepened. Soon she was emitting soft cries and little sobs. Miranda began to hope that she would orgasm; wanted to see her in the throes of climax. Miranda’s own excitement started to grip hold of her. Her nipples were so hard that they hurt and she felt the slick wetness inside her knickers. With Rozella’s eyes off her she succumbed to the temptation to lift her skirt and run her hand through to her own sex; squeezing the front of her knickers and feeling the heat within the silk. She groped away inside her knickers and touched herself. She shivered at the contact and a small gasp escaped her throat.
Rozella heard the sound and turned to look. Miranda snatched her hand away but Rozella had seen her. Slowly she smiled. "So caro! I have you excited!"
Miranda pulled her dress down in embarrassment. "Oh God! I don’t believe this!"
"Don’t be shy amore mio! It is good that you become excited."
"Oh God you’re impossible! What would you have done with your journey if I wasn’t there to tickle your libido? Don’t tell me that you’d have whiled the hours away working on the crossword puzzle!"
Rozella grinned and turned to face her, seating herself once more. "Oh no my lovely! If I don’t meet you it is sad but I find something to do with myself."
"I’ll bet you do!"
Rozella shrugged with a smile. "I always have my toys in case I need them."
Miranda stared at her dumbfounded. "Please don’t tell me that you carry around your sex toys with you just to pass the time on train journeys when there’s no skirt available!"
Rozella smiled hugely. "But of course! Here let me show you!" Miranda stared blankly, her head swimming as Rozella fumbled in her handbag. "Here we are!" Triumphantly Rozella held up a large pink dildo of some flexible plastic material. The shaft of the object was corrugated with raised ridges and there was an extension on top clearly designed to stimulate the clitoris while the main shaft penetrated the vagina. Evidently it was battery operated too for there was a switch and a pitch control on the base.
Miranda stared at the thing in disbelief. "You use that on yourself?"
"Yes of course. You would like to see perhaps."
"I...I....oh for God’s sake we’re pulling into Erstfeld! But that bloody thing away for Christ’s sake!"
Rozella pulled her dress down and concealed the dildo under her dress. "There now! Out of sight!" she placed her tongue in her cheek slyly. "But not out of mind! You want to see me use it don’t you?"
"Come along now! Don’t be shy caro. You do don’t you?"
Miranda took a deep breath. "Well...." she cleared her throat, "I... I suppose it might be quite diverting."
Rozella laughed happily. "Well then we shall take a diversion on our way into the mountains!" She raised a finger. "But I warn you caro. I shall want payment for your entertainment!"
"What kind of payment?"
"Just a little something from you. A little gift for my pleasure."
"Oh Christ! Now what?"
"Ah be patient caro. You will see!"
The station at Erstfeld was bleak and hostile with gusting wind and teeming rain. There were no passengers waiting. At a quarter past eleven the train began its long climb into the dark of the mountains. This was the last ascent to the Gotthard tunnel at over eleven hundred metres above sea level. The train’s note changed as it powered up to take the gradient, ascending through a series of spiralled loops cut into the mountainside and plunging in and out of tunnels as it climbed; labouring its way towards the northern portal of the great tunnel that passed it through the mountains into the southern lands beyond. And as they climbed towards the apex of their journey they climbed too towards the climax of the night.
No sooner were they clear of Erstfeld than Rozella took out her dildo once more. She stroked it in her hand, teasing Miranda with her eyes. "So now my lovely. I will hold you to the bargain you agreed upon!"
"I haven’t agreed to anything!"
"Ah now you lie again! I thought we were past this."
"I’m not lying! I haven’t said anything about agreeing!" Rozella lifted an ironic eyebrow. Miranda held up her hand. "Alright, alright! I know what you’re going to say! You’re going to tell me that my body said everything for me!"
Rozella chuckled softly. "Ah caro you begin to learn I see!"
Miranda glared at her. "What blasted bargain is this anyway?"
"I want a present from you."
"What sort of damn present?"
"I want your knickers!"
"No need to shout caro! You heard me. I want your knickers. You have mine now I want yours in return."
"Oh for heaven’s sake!"
"Come along now my sweet. It is a fair exchange."
"What is this for you? Some kind of trophy hunt or something?"
"Please caro. It is just a little token for my pleasure. Please give them to me."
"Oh for God’s sake!"
"Just to please me caro."
Oh alright for heaven’s sake!" Miranda raised her bottom to slip her knickers off. "I just can’t believe I’m doing this!" she grumbled as she eased them off her feet. Begrudgingly she handed them over. "There now! Are you satisfied?"
Rozella took the item with visible pleasure. "Oh I am never satisfied!" she purred as she held Miranda’s knickers to her face, rubbing them on her cheek and smelling them in great enjoyment. Delicately she touched her tongue to the inside. "You taste nice." She told Miranda. Miranda just gaped at her unable to speak. "Now lift your skirt." Rozella commanded.
"What? Are you crazy?"
"Lift your skirt and open your legs." Rozella told her insistently. "I want to see you."
"Oh hell!" but Miranda complied shyly.
Rozella inclined her head to see the better and smiled in satisfaction. "Now stay like that!" she ordered. "Now I give you your reward!" With that she began to lick the dildo and drawing it into her mouth; lubricating it with her saliva; her eyes never wavering from Miranda’s exposed sex. She adjusted the switch at the base of the dildo. The low hum was audible even over the clatter of the rails beneath their feet. She passed it to her sex and stroked it against the mound of her clitoris, her breath coming in pants as the vibrations stimulated her to greater arousal. Miranda held her breath as Rozella turned the tip of the dildo to opening of her vagina. It was so thick and long Miranda couldn’t believe that Rozella could take the thing inside her. She was wrong. With an insistent pressure, Rozella eased the dildo in, gasping loudly as she penetrated herself. She drove it home relentlessly until she had taken its full length inside her. Miranda felt perspiration break out on her forehead. Rozella was crying aloud with what could be pain or what could be pleasure; it was impossible to tell. She pulled her breasts from her dress with her free hand and began to knead them urgently. Then she began to thrust with the dildo, driving it harder and harder into her sex.
They plunged into a tunnel and the roar of the train inside the tunnel was a blessing for it masked the sobbing cries of Rozella as she writhed on the dildo impaling her. She threw her head back and closed her eyes, almost insane with the pleasure of it. Miranda sat transfixed by the spectacle before her. Hardly without knowing what she was doing she found her hand back at her own sex. She parted her legs more to facilitate herself and them she was stroking herself urgently, inflamed by Rozella’s wanton lust. Feverishly she found herself pulling her blouse out of her skirt and hefting it above her breasts. She pulled them from her bra to grip them as she abandoned caution in the rising heat of her passion. She was close to orgasm but she compelled herself to ease off. For some reason she was at a loss to explain she wanted to come as Rozella did; share the climax with her.
The train plunged on into the night climbing higher and higher carrying the little tableau toward some point of no return high in the mountains. Miranda was almost whimpering in frustration as she waited for Rozella to climax. At the same time she was beginning to fear that climax. Rozella’s passion was becoming almost violent now as she convulsed on the seat before Miranda. Miranda began to fear that Rozella’s cries could now be heard back in second class and they threatened to be only the heralds of the titanic hurricane that would surely be unleashed when her body finally released her in orgasm. She was very close now Miranda could see; nearly at the edge.
The PA system chimed merrily. "Ladies and gentlemen we are arriving at Goschenen. Goschenen your next stop." Miranda jumped up in panic. Goschenen was the last stop this side of the mountains right at the mouth of the Gotthard tunnel.
Miranda pulled her blouse and skirt down desperately trying to repair her appearance. "Rozella! Stop! For the love of God stop! We’re coming into Goshenen! For God’s sake stop!" But it was too late. Rozella at the very height of her need could not stop. Even as the train slowed toward the station her climax exploded. In panic Miranda leapt across the gap between the seats and grasped her, covering her mouth with her hand to stifle the piercing wail screeching from her throat. Rozella buried her head in Miranda’s shoulder, jerking spasmodically as wave after wave of her orgasm swept through her leaving her bereft of reason. Miranda thought the scalding convulsions would never end.
Just as the lights of the station appeared at the window Miranda felt Rozella fall limp in her arms. Hurriedly she pulled Rozella’s dress back into place, covering her breasts and dragged the hem down to cover her loins. Rozella relinquished her grip on the dildo between her legs and wrapped her arms around Miranda, nuzzling at her kittenishly and whimpering softly. Miranda glanced out of the window fearful that someone might see them in such close embrace. She told herself to relax. They were just two girls hugging each other. It was perfectly natural. There was nothing wrong with that was there. The train had halted. Blessedly the platform was empty.
Rozella lifted her head and opened her eyes to look at Miranda. "Ah amore mio! It has taken nearly two hours to get you in my arms but here you are and I am content."
"Please Rozella! Get rid of that damn dildo quickly."
"Relax caro." But Rozella eased it from between her legs and pushed it into her handbag. She lifted a hand to caress the side of Miranda’s face. The fingers were wet from her sex. "But you my lovely: what of you?"
"What about me?"
"You have not had your pleasure yet my little darling."
"For heaven’s sake don’t worry about me!"
"Oh but I do! I want you to come as well!"
Miranda bit her lip. In truth her body was crying out for release. Suddenly she started. Rozella had slipped a hand beneath her skirt, the tips of her fingers exploring her damp crevice. "Stop that!" she hissed.
Rozella didn’t listen to her. "Be patient caro." she whispered. "When we enter the tunnel I will give you that which you desire." She chuckled softly and kissed Miranda softly on the lips. "Oh yes caro! In the tunnel I will make you mine!"
The train lurched heavily and, with a squeal from the wheels as they gathered traction, began to move. "Any minute now amore mio." Rozella whispered in her ear. "Are you ready?"
"Oh God!" Miranda murmured and shivered in anticipation. The train gathered speed and a few seconds later the feeble lights from the station disappeared altogether as, with a roar the train dove into the long Gotthard tunnel.
"Now my lovely! Now! Open your legs!"
With a tiny whimper, Miranda complied. Rozella laughed and stood suddenly. In a quick movement she lifted her dress above her head and pulled it off, tossing it onto the seat beside Miranda. Miranda’s eyes flew open in shock. "What are you doing?" she squeaked at the naked girl in front of her, "What if somebody comes?"
Rozella knelt on the carriage floor before her and prised her legs open with her hands. "Hush now caro and do not waste time to argue. We have only ten minutes in the tunnel! We must be quick!" With that she bent her head and buried her face in Miranda’s sex. Miranda gasped aloud as Rozella’s tongue found her clitoris and began to lick it so very expertly. Rozella thrust three fingers into her vagina and she was open and accommodating for them. The tunnels walls flashed past in the reflected glow of the carriage lights as Rozella worked on her, driving her into frenzy. Her fear of discovery waned as her arousal mounted. Soon she cared not if they emerged into a crowded station full of people so imperative was her need for release. She grasped Rozella’s dark hair and ground against her face her other hand squeezing her breast and panted frantically as she climbed towards ecstasy.
Miranda had lost her virginity when she was sixteen; some boy or other from school; she could scarcely recall his face anymore. She had been drunk and the experience unsatisfactory. She could hardly remember anything about it. But she would always consider that she lost her virginity for the second, and truest time, on a Monday night not long before midnight somewhere in the Gotthard tunnel. For it was somewhere in that long tunnel that her orgasm overwhelmed her at last. She was barely aware of the howling shrieks she gave vent to as the spasms overtook her or of the gasp of pain from Rozella as she grasped her hair tight in her fist. She was only aware of that raging torment that blazed through her body carrying her into realms she had never encountered before and then releasing her to drift down into some cocoon of sheer happiness.
Afterwards she thought she must have fainted for she had no recollection of Rozella putting her dress back on and joining her on the seat. She only knew, that as the train pulled into Airolo at the far end of the tunnel, Rozella was holding her gently, kissing her face softly and crooning nonsense to her. And Miranda cared not. She cared not who saw her now. She wrapped her arms around her impossible lover and rocked gently in bliss. She felt as if she had passed through some great desolate void in her life only to arrive at the place she should have been all along. She felt a great warmth and a contentment that was beyond any word she had to describe. It was another fifty one minutes according to the timetable before the train pulled into Bellinzona where she was obliged to change but the minutes scarcely registered in her mind for she passed them in some enchanted dream world.
Just before Bellinzona the conductor visited their carriage. Miranda didn’t relinquish her hold on Rozella however and he smiled indulgently. "Just here to remind you ladies that the next stop is Bellinzona." he told them. "I don’t want you to miss your connection."
Rozella shook Miranda gently. "Don’t fall asleep caro. We have to get off here."
Miranda’s eyes swum back into focus. "Oh God yes! We have to catch the Locarno train!"
"I am not catching the train to Locarno caro."
Miranda sat bolt upright. "You’re not? We’re parting here?" Miranda felt a wave of sudden desperate loss overtake her. Tears pricked at her eyes.
"No caro my car is parked in Bellinzona. I drive to Locarno."
"Oh!" Miranda knew she should say something but words eluded her.
"Yes amore mio and you will drive with me!"
The relief and happiness were almost more than Miranda could bear. "Oh Christ!" she gasped. "I...I have to phone Alex!"
"Alex your friend?"
Miranda nodded. "Yes. He’s supposed to pick me up in Locarno."
"He is expecting you this Alex?"
"Yes... well sort of. I didn’t know if I was coming or not. I told him I would phone him when I got to Bellizona if I was coming."
"Then you can phone him tomorrow caro. Tonight you come to my apartment. Tonight you stay with me. Tonight I will teach you who you are. Tonight I will teach you to love a woman!"
Miranda stared at her in joy. "Oh yes!"
Miranda did see Alex the next day. She introduced Rozella to him. She even shyly told him that she was her girlfriend. He must have known her secret for he looked pleased for her. To the south of the Alps the sun shone in glory every day and graced her new found joy with light and warmth. In the end she spent eight days with Rozella before her work recalled her to Zurich. They were eight days of a bliss she had never imagined before. They were eight days that changed her life forever.

This story was taken from one these sites, check them out to find more sex stories:

Pub: 16 Aug 2024 04:24 UTC
Views: 40