Taken from Mutsumi's wiki page as I wanted a seperate thing for Mortis

Mortis (モーティス) - Ave Mujica

"Mortis" is an alter of Mutsumi's who serves as an opposite to the host. Mortis describes herself specifically as Mutsumi's protector, as whom Mutsumi calls Mortis appears to be much more extroverted, articulate, and overall, much happier when compared to Mutsumi herself. This Mortis identity, although not named that initially, claims to have been by Mutsumi's side ever since she was young. She appears to take over when Mutsumi is completely overwhelmed and feels the need to fix things herself, especially shown in Quid faciam? where she completely takes over and switches places with Mutsumi in the end.

Mortis is shown to be quite naive, seemingly going through episodes akin to throwing a tantrum when things don't go her way. Mortis, like Mutsumi, does not do well under pressure, as she's seen very easily breaking down at the thought of Ave Mujica disbanding. Mortis, unlike Mutsumi, shows blatant disdain towards Sakiko, full-on saying that she hates her, as she feels that she only thought about herself, which caused Mutsumi to be under so much stress, and is what eventually caused Mortis to take over.

It is revealed in Belua multorum es capitums. that because she held onto the role of being Mutsumi's protector, she didn't end up going dormant, unlike the dozens alongside her.

Pub: 17 Feb 2025 22:38 UTC
Edit: 01 Mar 2025 00:37 UTC
Views: 42