。 ゚

hexepaw ៸៸ genderfluid ★ masc leaning bisexual polyam demisexual taken #O1 denji fictive & yoshiden shipper ?! byidni ﹒ ˚ interests 。゚・ ᶻz

BYI :: im the main host ,, i flirt with my friends sometimes jokingly ,, i NEVER shut up about my boyfriends ,, i hate fireworks , loud alarms/sirens , & tasers

DNI :: basic dni ,, proship/comship ,, fujoshis ,, endo "systems" ,, this should be incredibly fucking obvious but makima and makiden shippers (this is INCREDIBLY directed please go kys literally no one loves you and if they say otherwise theyre lying to you) ,, illumi, hisoka, c!dream, merle or negan, jschlatt & his fans (kill yourself ^_−)

Pub: 21 Apr 2023 02:28 UTC
Edit: 25 Apr 2023 15:45 UTC
Views: 103