- My special interests are Total Drama, Scott Pilgrim, and the ocean. I am very defensive and possessive of these. Don't act like you know more about them than me.

- I am 16, the age range of people I hang around (with exceptions) is 13-18, please don't take it to heart if I block you for being older or younger than this!!

- I often isolate myself for weeks or months at a time, in moments like these I will most likely only talk to my partner. You sure can try to get in contact with me tho!

- I have ODD and suspected ASPD, a lot of people say i come off as dry and aggressive, i don't use tontags and ask they're not used on me. if you think im being mean, ask

- my parts, the introjects specifically, have source memories and may talk about them. if you're uncomfortable with it, say so!

- I am not responsible as a person. I am mean when I get nervous, and I will openly talk about things I don't like. This includes shows, characters, people, books, etc.

- I use a screenreader. Do not talk to me if you have fonts in your name, or plan on using fonts to talk to me.

- I have DID and C-PTSD. I will block people who make me uncomfortable or treat my introjects as their sources. I openly block people, I will not apologize for not liking you. I will also freely walk away from conversations that trigger me.


- If you're associated with, friends with, or even close with Chrys or Maddie. I do not want them, or anyone they know in my life. There are exceptions to this and they know who they are.

- If you're under 13, over 18; and i'm not alr friends with you

- if you're openly hateful about any minority groups

- If you know me from twitter, do NOT talk to me outside of twitter unless I give you my other social media.

- Do not compare my introjects to their sources, force ship media on them, or be weird about them in general. They are not (character) IRL. They do not owe you anything.

Pub: 06 Apr 2024 15:57 UTC
Edit: 10 Aug 2024 04:04 UTC
Views: 336