NOTE: tweets i make may contain mentions of these subjects, as they are written into these character's backstories and lives. i am adding a list of these darker subjects in advanced so you know what sort of subjects my stories deal with. i will try to be as specific and exact as possible in it. please know that my trigger warnings will be added to any tweet containing this stuff.

  • suicidal ideation
  • brief, implied mentions of self harm + details of self harm scars on body
  • death
  • abandonment
  • grooming, manipulation, and emotional abuse in romantic, paternal, and platonic relationships
  • implied physical abuse of a character involving blood and scarring
  • characters being slut shamed
  • sexual abuse and assault with adult and teenage victims, some cases being between family members
  • coping from sexual abuse through unhealthy exploration of sexuality
  • brief, implied mentions of sex in an artistic way
  • PTSD, anxiety, depression, panic attacks
  • alcoholism -- of a parent
  • bullying
  • racism via two characters of color moving into a predominately white town
  • transphobia and the exploration of gender
  • religious trauma
  • mentions of cults, forced abortion, fat shaming, and eating disorders

"why write about darker topics?" all these characters are written based on different experiences of mine -- or somewhat warped versions of it. i enjoy writing realistic characters with realistic life stories and troubles. writing is my way of exploring my mind and other people around me. please take into account that a lot of these characters have indured things that have happened to me or people that i know.

Pub: 15 Dec 2023 03:09 UTC
Edit: 15 Dec 2023 03:11 UTC
Views: 87