nori's gender and pronoun hoard !

strangers can use: he / none
friends can use: he / him
partners can use: he / him

I am a Cis-Trans Male, and I am bigender, meaning I identify with both Male and Non-Binary Identities. This means I am also transneutral. I however extremely loathe having neutral terms used on me, as it feels like it is being done to avoid calling me the correct pronouns which irks my soul. Please don't do that or I'll pop Bankai on you. I am also only primarily attracted to men. This is in part due to trauma. Because of this, I identify as both Homo-Romantic and Bi-Sexual. Please understand I am not a "bi gay" or anything of that sort. If anything, I am bicurious.

Please Avoid any feminine terms. I am (and have been for most / the entirety of my life) a male and so I prefer to be referred to as such. I dislike neutral terms as well, for reasons stated above. Do not use words like girl unless you're joking (ex. "Girl Please") because... I dont like it :shrug: Please also do not call me by any old names. If you find my old rentries for the LOVE OF GOD LOOK AT MY NEW ONES AND DONT USE THOSE NAMES OR PRONOUNS. Okay

hey guys if you're seeing this im not cis... i pass very well... im trans masc... did i scare u...

Pub: 11 May 2023 22:58 UTC
Edit: 20 Aug 2024 14:42 UTC
Views: 175