welcome to /my-url! this hoard is ran by
william wisp. they can be contacted on:
discord (williamwisp), twitter & neospring.
the person running this no longer hoards
urls & hasn't in over a year. be kind! <3
picky⠀uft⠀in use⠀decorated
all urls that aren't deco'd are uft.
this includes urls i'm “picky” about!
sonic/jayvik-related urls!
i accept urls & art as
trading “payments”.
in use forever: treatable ewgross chaoticsightings williamwisp end sonicprime sonicriders
words: heavenbound friendz h20 freeroaming rancher laconic kinetic kineticenergy godshospital faceclaim vicepresident leidenfreude bayous loudness peacefulmorning transitioning domesticity moai missioncleared lostmedias expansionpass hauntedchip ivmachine cringefailures cottagez pursuits researches berrysundae nightlounge kitchen friendies slivered factually kiwisweets loverpoet runtothehills disassemble intermission risen admirations flintandsteel frostkissed deathtolls superfluous
ordem paranormal quarentena: luismkennedy superprizza carolopq teamwarehouse teamelevator t-66 nidere infecticide maconhaduo
video games: enadreambbq pony-town fazcam bluebubblerodeo highonlife ez2 dmc5 mgs3 mgs4 msm2 fnsm floweringnights kosuzumotoori shuakeshu thornling blazeborn elytrian mothling floran shadowcrawler fireemblemthreehouses greenherb whenyouseeit assemblyrequired accessdenied jesskas
sonic: sonicmania unleashed thesonicmovie liveandlearn
music: lefthandfree honeypies deadweights six60 angelfire crimsoncloud
ㅤ> half alive: tiptoes halfalives summerland makeofit time2 didimakeyouup whatswrong thenotion everythingmachine conditionsofapunk illstop badthoughts neverbeenbetter givemeyourshoulders hottea backaround aawakeatnight nownotyet nightswims liveinchicago
just roll with it: justrollingwithit grandberrypirates angelstones stonesong eldritchstrings thesuckening rolan galloway
ㅤ> convergence: flynngustwind kroewyse tobiasavenforge alastyr
ㅤ> pd: ghostknifes ghostkicks williamwisps primedefender jrwiprimedefenders blueraspberries wisperer willcent tidalwaved wavelengths polypd vyncentsol davidbell
tv shows: doyoucopy tloushow jugheadjones boymeetsboy heartstoppertv sarahnelson sneegscap
youtube: youtoozes pyrolive ranboovods legaleagle thedriftking friendlockes tbhpodcast lythero sourbraix
object shows: rhetoricalmold oneliam astrobiology
new zealand: auckland tauranga wellington christchurch queenstown dunedin rotorua maunganui northisland southisland
qsmp: quggets slimespider guapoduoz spidermyst etoloier miopeduo insaneduo teamballs slimebit
traffic smp: solidaritygaming fwhip doublelives homewreckers ahasbands
lifesteal smp: friendshipdiamond trustdiamond lifestealsmps branzypierce peopleofgallantry pirateempire purpletrio royaltyduo
ㅤ> members: theterrain vortexdragon mrcube6 planetlord minecraftcurios 4cvits minutetech_ pentar_
pokemon: tinkatuffs pechaberry squishys diodeshipping pokemonorigins pkmnreds
splatoon: stringer tri-stringer splatbrella splatanastamper reeflux450 octocanyon smallfry salmonids flyfish mothership profreshional kingsalmonid octarians djhyperfresh h2woah
ㅤ> sub weapons: splashwall splatbomb burstbomb suctionbomb autobomb squidbeacon inkmine toxicmist torpedo fizzybomb pointsensor disruptor
ㅤ> special weapons: bomblauncher inkstrike bubbleblower inkjet ultrastamp inkstorm tentamissiles inkarmor splashdown booyahbomb zipcaster crabtank trizooka inkvac
marvel: infinitystones tenrings avengerz chavez shangchi loveandthunder
unsorted: ptq ptq-dex intlist ptq-wiki platonicmail ponytownqueers sillycord mandelatwt hermbi thatcherdavis cleon mysterium
urls i have traded away can be found here.